Okay, I’ll brag.

Jul 16, 2009 10:43

I was pretty upset when I went into scrimmage last night. No one had even confirmed I was going to get to play in the bout, and when I asked during the day yesterday they indicated draft decisions still hadn't been made. MIA-POW, the Mods captain, sat me down and apologized for the long wait. She was really sincere and really honest in understanding how frustrated I was. Apparently the reason it took so long to get an answer on this draft pick was that the team captains were fighting. Over me.

I’m pretty shocked, honestly. I’m a decent player, but still not top flight, definitely a beginner. The other girl in the draft is veteran and I think a better skater than I am. I guess they see potential in me. I mean, of course there's a certain 'any warm body' element, to it, but... More than one captain told me it got drawn out because up until right before practice yesterday no one was willing to budge. They’re telling me even the Junkyard Dolls, the team with both the deepest bench and the most all-stars (and so really not in line to get a player) got into it, made a pretty strong bid to get me. I guess that’s when people started calling up injured and on-leave players and getting specifics on when they plan to start playing again, to make the case that other teams weren’t as short as they were saying.

Speed Regime was my first choice team, in large part because their captain, Bambi, has been yelling at me to get draftable for a couple months now. Of course I want to be on the team that wants me. Then in a sueprise twist, the other girl I assessed with was a former Speed Regime player who moved away and came back just in time for this draft. I assumed there was no way they’d try to take me over her, so I’d kind of given up the idea of getting on Regime. Bambi came over after scrimmage and gave me a big hug and said she was really sad she couldn’t make it happen. I told her it was fine, I understood, the other girl kind of had an automatic in what with having already been on the team and all. She was like ‘Nah, it wasn’t that. I fought for you, I just lost.’ I was so touched. I am glad there is hugging in derby.

MIA took me aside and said ‘Look, I know you wanted Regime, but girl, we fought like hell for you, we wanted you. That’s gotta mean something.’ Which. Wow. Yes, of course. Hearing that from my new team is so overwhelmingly flattering. My preference for Regime wasn’t some big heartbreaking thing, I wasn’t stuck on it, I knew I would be glad just to have a team. It makes all the difference in derby, to have people who see you as one of them. And I’m so glad, so more than glad to have a team that’s glad to have me.

I scrimmaged with my team. Not as an ad-on, as a team member. It’s pretty great. I like them lots.

And, since I’m bragging: Last jam of the night they put me in as jammer. We came out 11-0.

derby, you don't care, bragging

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