Remember when...

Oct 17, 2007 11:30

Fun little meme from zorazen. I took a little time to think about each of these, and maybe it was even good for me.

20 years ago, I... was three. I don’t remember it well. We lived in Portland, I think. My parents were together. We had a golden lab and a red Saab. I was blond and liked dinosaurs and King Arthur stories and fairy outfits. I remember loving my red and blue mismatched converse.

15 years ago, I... was eight. Lived with mom and Seiza and Jasper and Gavi in the purple house on Blaine street in Port Townsend. Homeschooled. Celebrated Shabbat every Friday and Hanukah every winter and studied Hebrew when Howard wasn't on the road. Watched Star Trek and Quantum Leap, the first regular TV of my life. I was cat-obsessed, listened to the Beatles a lot, and read all the time. Beth the librarian knew she had to stop me from checking out more books than I could carry. My hair was bright henna red and I didn’t brush it often. I was scared I was going to look like a boy when I grew up.

10 years ago, I... was 13. I was a month into freshman year of high school. I had my first boyfriend, no math or social skills and brand new C cups. I wore Hawaiian shirts a lot and had a terrible haircut. I was into swing dancing and taking pictures of everything. Discovered rock music and the radio. Started having migraines. Started reading international news.

5 years ago, I... was eighteen. Sophomore year of college. I was passionate and angry and political. An 'intellectual.' I roomed with Bonnie and mostly lived with Mark. Started watching Buffy on Tuesdays with Heather and Christina and Rac. Spent hours in Volker’s office writing papers and debating things and talking. Organized teach-ins and went to protests. I had long purple-red hair. Hated my body most of the time.

2 years ago, I... was just 21. Temping in the blackberry job, living in my cousin’s basement. Looking for a real job and place on my own. Hanging out with Caroline and perk folk, but not Rudes yet. Started dating Max. Rode my bike a lot. Cut my hair very short and stopped dying it. Realized I’m kind of a babe.

1 year ago, I... was 22. Dating Max and studying for the LSAT. Had this job. Started making up five and ten year plans. Went to too many frat parties and too few shows.

This year so far, I... turned 23. Rocked the LSAT. Turned into a bundle of social drama. Saw some good music.


Today, I... woke up with a boy who calls himself mine. Came to work. Ate a bagel.

Tomorrow, I... Will start my weekend.


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