I think it's kind of ridiculous to hate Pete. Like anyone on this show is a black-and-white, cut-and-dry character. I think it's pretty obvious that's he's experienced a great deal of emotional abuse from his parents and, in a twisted I-have-the-real-power-in-the-relationship-way, with Trudy too. And yes, he's crass and kind of a dorky frat boy, but even in the Pilot he's wanted to reach out to Don (and he's the one he went straight to after "Flight One"). And then there was his little tear in the finale.
In fact, I think that most of the time, I like Pete more than I like Don. At least he doesn't sit around being emo quite as often as DD, and Pete doesn't smoke.
What I love about the characters on this show is that they're not black and white and I do agree with the article for all of Pete kind of being a liar he truly is the most honest character on the show.
Exactly! That's why I find calling Pete a "villian" so off. What I love abou tthis show is that each character is so complex that they feel like real people and the just "characters". So, I wouldn't seriosuly call a person in real life a "villian", just like I wouldn't characterize Pete as one. Plus, what has he does that is paticularly "villianious"? I mean, I think the worst was trying to blackmail Don, but first of all he failed, and second even in that you could say that he was looking out for the image of the firm (because every cilent with a veteran would drop SC if they found out their creative director was a deserter).
I think he's more of an antagonist Don's supposed to be the "hero" but on MM none of the characters are traditional. And about the blackmail thing I think we've frankly seen Don do more morally corrupt things and let me tell you I like Don but the good looks aren't enough to blind me lol.
“I’ve been on TV shows for years and no one said a word about it. All of a sudden everyone says, ‘Oh, it must be so great to be on a show from the sixties, because now you can be on TV.’ It’s strange how astounded people are that I have breasts."
HAHA. I can't believe people would say that to her.
Somehow it seems like the kind of dresses she wears on MM really show off and accentuate her curves, no less. When I realized I had seen her before on Firefly I kind of thought "Huh...I remember she was hot but I don't remember her looking like that."
Somehow it seems like the kind of dresses she wears on MM really show off and accentuate her curves, no less. When I realized I had seen her before on Firefly I kind of thought "Huh...I remember she was hot but I don't remember her looking like that."
Pete have been my favorite from the start. I loved the article, but on the other hand, I don´t think he needs any defense. He is perfect the way he is:-)
Comments 35
Thanks for the tip off!
In fact, I think that most of the time, I like Pete more than I like Don. At least he doesn't sit around being emo quite as often as DD, and Pete doesn't smoke.
I love your icon, btw!
Pete-fen, unite.
HAHA. I can't believe people would say that to her.
Somehow it seems like the kind of dresses she wears on MM really show off and accentuate her curves, no less. When I realized I had seen her before on Firefly I kind of thought "Huh...I remember she was hot but I don't remember her looking like that."
True. I was like Saffron!
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