Mar 18, 2010 22:03
Loved the premiere of "Justified." It's like Seth Bullock got reincarnated and showed up in Kentucky to get in the way of those who think it's their god-given right to be awful. And I support that. This show's got sound issues: Raylan Givens is so quiet you have to crank up the volume, and then something explodes. There will be a prize for whoever gets him to yell first. He's living his life kind of like that scene in "The Hunt for Red October" where Ramius has them turn into the torpedo. He's too close for missiles, switching to guns, before they can get a bead on him. And somebody had a lot of fun making those tattoos for all the yahoos he's up against. And the haircuts, which are too sad to be inauthentic, and which I have unfortunately seen in Walmarts one state over.
I also saw the first episode of "The Pacific." I realized a few months ago, when publicity for the series started, that I knew a lot about Japanese internment (4th grade curriculum at my California elementary school), and very little about the fighting. My only frame of reference was Captain Cassin Young, who was commander of the repair ship Vestel at Pearl Harbor, saved his ship by beaching it and assisted in the rescue of the crew of Arizona, got himself promoted to captain of San Francisco, and wound up at Guadalcanal, where San Francisco was badly damaged and Young and most of the bridge crew were killed when they took a direct hit. He got a destroyer named after him, and it resides in Boston Harbor next to the USS Constitution. So in an attempt to learn a little more, I read Guadalcanal: Decision at Sea, and I can now map out November 13th-15th, 1942, in the water, but I know crap about what happened on the island with the Marines, because the Army Air Force was holding the airfield by that point. So I really don't know any more about what this episode was about than I did before. All that said, I didn't think this opener was as strong as the "Band of Brothers" premiere. But I was interested to find that "Hoosier" (the cute one), was in this premiere and in "Justified" this week. Get in line.
I'm staying at Liza's for a couple days while she's out of town. Belle's doing worse, but Liza thinks it's her ears and not her central nervous system, so she's hanging on to her for a while. Big Orange and Little Orange and Dottie are hiding, as usual. They like to hang out under the bed until I go to find Belle, then dash past my ankles when I am inches from the edge of the bed and give me a minor heart attack. Larry, on the other hand, follows me around, and when I go into my room, he paws under the door at me. I was working on the door lock yesterday because it's been sticking, and he was snagging my toes and flip flops the whole time. I've also raked all of Liza's leaves and changed some light bulbs. She figured it out the last time I stayed there and changed her porch light, so this time she left me bulbs and a list of rooms that needed fixing.