Apr 12, 2010 11:34
Missed a week of this, so this will cover two sessions.
Been pushing back start time later and later. Things have been getting out of hand, so I've started pushing back, trying to make sure we start when we're meant to be starting. With people being sick or out, it's led to a few miss weeks lately, but that's not the end of the world.
The session before last I did a fairly short bit of exploration through the ruins beneath the capital city, as the group tried to get to a location in which they would find a certain art object that they had been asked to retrieve. A bit of a conversation with a guardian statue later, they went in.
I felt that session was underwhelming, though I've been told it was enjoyable all the same. Maybe it's that my personal expectations for how it would play out were higher than the way the players perceived it--I wanted something a bit more than what they got out of it, but they don't see what's in my head for the intent of these things, only what I provide, so it may well be that my disappointment stems entirely from the fact that I knew what I wanted and they didn't.
This week's session picked up from there, and had them exploring the repository of treasures. Obvious defacements to conceal important details, broken or rusted weapons of legend--stuff that I really wish I'd been able to plant seeds of earlier, actually, for the weapons. If I had it to do over, had I thought up the idea of legendary weapons for the party sooner in the campaign, I might have had some mention of them prior to this to add to the sense of awe when they find them. Still, it seemed well received, though an unforeseeable event still ended up cutting the session short.
The game's still going fairly well, and I'm pretty well covered for the immediate future of what to do with it. I have a vague sense of what's up after that, too, but the full scope of what will happen with the game is still too far ahead for me to see it very clearly. I'm confident that by the time it's needed I'll have it figured out, though...