The Sims Game

Apr 12, 2006 12:29

I bought The Sims.

More to the point, I bought THE COMPLETE SIMS, which has the game itself and all the additional software...whatever those are.. EXPANSION PACKS! yes. those.

SO.. here, my loyal readers, is what I'd like you to do:

I want YOU to be in my Sims game.

That's right, YOU TOO can be a virtual person, controlled by the Almighty Donald.

To play, please reply to this with your name, who you would want to live with, and what your career track would be, in real life. I'll try and make the Sims apply as much as possible.

Oh, right, I also need your astrological sign.

How big a world do you think I can create with all my friends and family?

Let's see.


Some people don't have LJ accounts or just wanted to IM me the Stats so:

JonnyFire Cancer, Jet Test Pilot (although I think he's gonna be a professional slacker)
Angel: Leo, ... career up to Donald
Maddy: Gemini, social work
Heather N: scorpio and writer
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