Welcome: comcast_guest
Status: The analyst is here to help you
Analyst> Should you need a second line for a fax machine or a teenager, it will cost $10.00 per month (with none of the dialling feature found on the main line, such as call waiting or call display), or $20.00 per month (with the dialling features). Do you require a second line?
comcast_guest> No.
Analyst> Very well.
The air chilled, and soon, the Dark Analyst cast his mighty Death Touch spell upon me. Failing my armor save, I crumbled into a pile of ash and bone, losing what precious experience points I had gained from my epic quest for cable Internet.
Damn you Comcast.
From what I can remember:
I busted Fighty open with a headbutt at the last show. I won't lie...it was pretty awesome, but I did feel awful for taking him out of our match so early into it. Also, I apparently busted Ace open as well when I kicked him in the face. Who am I, Tommy Smalls? (Ask AKA about his fake concussion.) Rocks! was a neat venue to wrestle at, but the space provided for our changing area was terrible. We'll see if the situation improves September 30 (MARK YOUR CALENDARS!) at our next show.
The cute waitress at Mojo's apparently has a boyfriend. Blast.
Wrestled a free show for Best Friends Day at a South Side bike park. It was the most fun I've had wrestling in a while. The Velvet Mafia (our requisite gay tag team [Totally Awesome???]) took on me and the Amazon in a comedy match. I kneed myself in the face after a super belly to belly suplex, called Big Bruno a motherfucker, and told Lube I'd fucking kill him (and almost did). I am slowly aspiring to be more like a demon version Ebessan and Satoshi Kojima.
Wrestling at Falling From Grace, the first Grace Street Festival thing, was not nearly as thrilling. The crowd was dead, I crashed and burned into the pavement when I dove to the outside, and only got a reaction when I screamed "it hurts!" while I was in a bow and arrow, courtesy of Adrian Blaze.
A bow and arrow! *pained sigh*
Thunderdome is officially a-go. Pat "HATE" Dean came to my rescue when I had to move out of the frozen tundra of my previous apartment at 2 in the morning. We finished at about 6 a.m. and I hung out at his place for a week while I was homeless. Worst two dudes, ever. Now, I'm closer to campus in a post apoc battleground with Blaze. It's mostly Tekken 5 and We <3 Katamari, with a dash of alcoholism and varying degrees of nakedness.
The new facebook is awful.
I finally got to hang out with my number one fan, Stephanie, for more than an hour a couple of weeks ago. She was back in Virginia for her birthday, so we got food and boba tea, which sucks for her, because now she is addicted and unable to find any such vendors in Tennessee. The next day was her birthday party, at which I dominated at Marco Polo. You don't have to say "polo" if you spend all your time underwater, you know. I also beat That Guy Dave in a swim race and got groceries from Stephanie. Kind of awesome. I may be poor, but she's poorer, so I'll have to buy her lots more boba to compensate. On the other hand, I was deaf in my left ear for about a week after swimming all day. I went to Student Health to get that fixed finally, and my senses were assaulted by a cacaphony of sound (speaking of NOISE...I miss Alchemy at Nation, but hope to check out the new club soon, especially if
djnurseallison is spinning). But back to Stephanie...she's awesome, and it sucks that she lives forever away.
Little Miss Sunshine = best movie in recent memory. Seeing it alone? Even better.
Also, cosmic bowling wins. The amount of dancing that went on last last Friday was immeasurable. I couldn't get Laura to hammer-dance, but that doesn't mean I didn't. Pat Dean and I tied at one a piece, but I schooled him in Tekken Team Battle that same night, making me the victor.
My last semester will probably be a pain in the butt, but I'll get by. Work is also a pain, but hopefully I'll be able to stick it out and work two jobs next year. Or, at the very least, find one job that rules.
Hopefully Blind Guardian tickets are not sold out.