(no subject)

May 30, 2002 23:14

Today was a pretty good day. But it was hotter than hell! geeez. I've never been so hot in my entire life. weeeelll, we know that's a lie. I've been hotter before. I'm not used to this kind of weather after all of that cold weather.

Wow. I'm still trying to get used to this whole live journal thing. I'm trying to figure out where everything is and how to access everything. Its a learning process I suppose. Thanks Sara for giving me the code to start this journal. =) I am forever in your debt. well, maybe not, but its ok. I definitely owe you.

I need to find some friends for this thing. So I can get some feedback on some of my thoughts and stuff. hmm. I better get looking for some good online friends. I don't have many real friends, like people at school. I have one friend. I guess you could call her my best friend, but I don't trust her. Like I feel as though I could never tell her all of my deepest darkest secrets, for she would laugh at me or make fun of me. Its much safer to make friends on the internet. People aren't so quick to judge you online. So, I'm hoping that I can find a bunch of people that I trust totally. trusting someone completely would be nice.well, I'm off to go do homework. Finals are coming up. Must study now. Bye!
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