Apr 29, 2009 20:35
Friggin' finally! My all time favorite book series, 'Warriors' by Erin Hunter, is being made into a movie!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *fangirl squeal* The only crap part is that they said it'll be in CGI. C'mon, the author said she would have loved it to be animated in an interview I read last year. Good ol' drawings! That would have been fantastic, since computer animated just craps everything.
Oh well, can't complain now that there's a movie coming out that I can eagerly await for like some Twilight foaming fantard.
Hey now, don't act like you never thought it was totally cool when a book series you liked was made into a movie! Though now that I think about it... they just might screw it up. I'll have to check the voice actors if any were announced. They better not be like the casters of 'Cirque Du Freak' and get some really lame people.