Helter Skelter!

Jul 06, 2024 18:13

It's been known that Joe Biden has been significantly cognitively impaired, by anyone who isn't, for well over a year or two. And, you know what? Someone expressed something I seem to hav observed years before, in others, and theorised about... "He brought it on himself, from lying so much!" Can you imagine? I have observed the same correlation before? You know, it takes a lot of thought spaghetti and meatballs to run a lying, self-contradictive brain. Hypothesis returns: LYING PEOPLE MORE LIKELY TO END UP WITH DEMENTIA. Honesty and logic keep the neurons clean and well oiled.

But - Biden could be stricken by Mr. Spike, like a lot of foghorn politicians. As I wrote earlier: Likely: Globalist handlers deliberately shot him (and Clinton) up, so they can manipulate him with helpful therapy - or NOT. This time? They deliberate put him out there WITHOUT ANY THERAPY - no blood transfusion, no ultraviolet, no lack of WiFi, no speed, no cocaine, no Jill... Why? Well, getting back to the beginning of this post...

Biden's impairment has been as obvious as his lies, to us, for years. And, so, we've been discussing, "What's the Dems' plan, here?" for years already. And the general consensensus has been, "Since Biden refuses NOT to run, and his polls never improve, we will hang him out to dry, (or knock him off), one SELECT day. The debates WAS THAT DAY. And the majrity of Dem voters suddenly, weirdly, come to SEE Biden's dementia - a if it is some surprising, sudden revellation to them HAVE I NOT BEEN WRITING ABOUT THIS DENIALISM, ESP. ON THE LEFT, FOR YEARS?!

Their cult, the Woke-Driven Borg, did it with the Plandemic as well as currently, with the bioweapon clot-shots. They mutually don't see some reality, and so it's not there. (They lock people up who try to talk about the truth). Each one of them has been trained to hew to the hive mind. Unless and until the signal is given to wake up. It's called LYING. On the road to Dementia. But, moreso, the Regime media was told to wait until the signal was given The debates became THAT SIGNAL - suddenly all the talking heads are surprised to see Joe Biden is too massed up to run - or to be president. The signal was given by the globalist/handlers, the CIA - the same managers of the Plandemic, etc.

The intelligence operation went through. The kill-switch was pulled.

(Maybe Trump already knew this, for whatever reason).

Who do they plan to run against him? (Please deposit another $20).

So, if you wanted to know what happened, this is what happened. To figure the workings of the DNC left, all you have to keep in mind is: It's ALL ABOUT POWER, with them.

But, now, maybe we can finally backtrack: If Biden is incompetent now - has been for years - then maybe that's why he campaigned from a BASEMENT in 2020? And, if he really sucks now, MAYBE HE NEVER TRULY WON THAT ELECTION? Any of you on the left ready to consider this as possibly being true, now? Anyone ready to see that Jan 6 was a huge set-up and lie? How abut Trump's, "Russian collusion"? Some of you have been carrying on as if it was proven true, when it was proven oppositely - any of you ready to SEE this truth, yet? How about all the irrational, illegal lawfare thrown to disable Trump and his campaign? Any of you ready to see that this has been a danger to our democracy yet?

How about the Plandemic - and the bioweapon shots - ready to SEE those realities yet?! Or do you still believe the boosters are helping you?

And - what about the ONE THING that has been made so completely incomprehensible to your reactionary, hive mind? What about this conspiracy theory saying that a globalist coup has been occurring, trying to DEPOPULATE MOST OF HUMANITY? Do you think you are ready for that one yet?


thx to btripp:

history - 2024, biden - joe biden

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