Madison versus "Stella"

Jun 21, 2024 09:34

My main therapy for fighting myalgia has been: antacids, and, eating sat-fat. Eating mostly protein, like meat, fish, cheese, and also good oils, I have really restricted sugar and fast carbs extremely. As you may have learnt, sugar increases uric acid (of course, there's the acid problem again), which leads to cytokine storms, every illness you can imagine, and more fat, like the bad fat, in the bellies from helly, command centrals for many diseases.

Well, despite my limitation of fast carbs, my sat-fat therapy is making me gain weight. (More weight, even not in the belly, can increase cytokine storms, etc). But I was trying to LOSE weight! So, I am going to pull back, and let Mr. Spike fuck with my muscles and neurons, I guess. Idk. Anyway, the extra fat, plus post exertional days, leave me with deeper fatigue. The kind you get after a nights sleep, when you were drinking the evening before. Same difference. Calories nobody in your body asked for. Drunk is a delusion.

When I lived in Madison - not for a, "brief time," (as per my creepy, jealous sister), but for a frick'n decade - I found that the natives were very proud of their beer, their cheese, their brats, etc. I'd say, geometrically, their bodies tended less towards angular and more towards roundness, especially around the fire-down-below areas. So, I didn't stay there long enough to find out what they all were eventually, consequently dying of. I remember telling off two older waitresses who would just sit at a table, every morning, reading the obituaries, remarking to each other, "Ah! Now SHE's dead!" and, "Ohhh - now HE's dead!" I was like, get off your gangrene asses and start accomplishing things! But, I loved them as people though, and, after me putting my foot down, the younger one started loving on me a little too much. They did take my advice, though.

Despite this, Madison was a very accomplishment-oriented city, and I loved that. I went on to accomplish 4 years at the University, with triple majors. Despite all the parties and beer. A really great time. And, Madison was a somewhat live-and-let live place back then. There was an element of, "let only in-groupers live, and dog the outliers!" Because Madison has always been a liberal or progressive city. Being in-group, in a place like that, was very comfortable. But, still, academic, protestant and scientific free-thinking kept this social, PC laziness in check or on its toes. So, I guess this was why there was also a celebration of bizarreness, which I also loved.

Also, there WAS the Germanic element which tended to keep everyone a bit on edge. But, I learned to live with that. It came with the package. It would burn up calories and so then you'd replace those calories with a binge night with buddies. Possibly, this protestant ethic, of sorts, was little more than smouldering, or contained, alcoholism.

Nothing like that in Northern Illinois. No peer pressure to achieve or transcend. But, in some ways, it is nice to walk through Yee Olde City and meet people who are genuine, and free, and just living their lives, no questions asked. That city is more libertarian or conservative. Main influence was Swedish, and the Catholic assortment living West of the river, including a lot of crazy Irish.

Here in Iowa, in this very boring town, I find it is nice similarly not to have the achievement ethic burdening one's shoulders - that is reserved only for the academic elites at the college. Well, the attitude is, the reality of achievement is something of a self-delusion. Not entirely, or course. And, one can run around town not worrying about big city crime, scams, lies, or cons. (Which is were achievement goes when it runs out of money). It's a kind of nice just to be back in an Americana past, running around without a care of the world, with all the white people smiling and being polite.

But the underbelly of this is that there is this pathological need for everyone to live in a social bubble of codependency. Everyone seems to be keyed into some kind of morality needing to keep people in their place, and it does so primarilly by resorting to a lot of wildfire and back-stabbing gossip. For no real reason, actually. Mainly just for its own sake. So, it's a big waste. These people seem incapable of imagining anything changing, or being different, in their delightful little, myopic town. Similarly, in this somewhat perversely liberal town, almost most everyone is some kind of narcissist, full of him or herself, without the slightest accreditation, just ready to jump into gossip, to put such and such in their place. There is no substance to any of this narcissism. Just, as I said, some kind of codependent need, for its own sake. Like the idiot upstairs who assumes I, like him, have grown up on the same manure-rich soil, and so give some kind of credibility to the retarded game he continues to basically play with himself. It really does make for the creation of a seriously funny, satirical novel. "A Conspiracy of Dunces," sort of thing.

Madison, and this city, both "progressive" college "towns", yet so very different. I would prefer Madison, if it weren't for my illness/es. This town is very averse to bizarreness, and can't even conceive that there is a serious lettuce problem, among other things. I guess the lettuce got out while the getting was good. Just like the music. In Madison, music was everywhere - as it should be!

hypocrisy - left-wing hypocrisy, cities - madison wisconsin, food - beer and wine, health - sugar / and illness, my past, states - iowa

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