THE END OF AMERICA - (Use It Or Lose It!)

May 26, 2024 07:43

The End of America - Naomi Klein, et al (2007/2008)

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Based on her book of the same name, Naomi Wolf presents controversial evidence that America has begun a frightening descent into dictatorship and fascism. American democracy, as we know it, is under attack. By examining the chilling parallels between the current state of our nation and the ascent of dictators and fascism in other once-free societies, Wolf urges viewers to open their eyes to the horrors that lie ahead. From the increased use of paramilitary groups to the construction of secret prisons and the targeted suspension of the rule of law, the warning signs are all there for people to wake up and finally take notice.

This movie was hard to find on any/ safe site. Then I found it on YouTube, having only 196 views since 2009. WATCH IT SOON BEFORE IT GETS PULLED! I guarantee you, it will be pulled.

Notice the statement, (para): "There is a plan to replace every attorney general in the United States"? Well, that turned out to actually HAPPEN, paid for by GEORGE SOROS. Naomi Klein was a feminist hero of the left. But as soon as this book and movie came out, her Wikipedia page was altered to describe her a a Conspiracy Theorist.

The rise of fascism in America overtly began under the the Bush Administration. You might be surprised to know that Alex Jones was railing against Bush, in those days, as much as he has railed against Obama and all the rest of today's conspiracy, which has moved to the LEFT. So, anyone who supported bans on Alex Jones - or Donald Trump - have been assisting this conspiratorial RISE OF FASCISM IN AMERICA. This conspiracy has been using bioweapons to try and depopulate the planet, beginning with the people of this country. Many WILL NOT SEE THIS, as they fall from diseases caused BECAUSE THOSE BIOWEAPONS DESTROY THE IMMUNE SYSTEM.

I don't usually link to Amazon, but it will tell you more about Wolf's book / movie.

Here is a complementary talk by Naomi Wolf.

Here is a 2007 article by Wolf: Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

Here is a great, recent interview of Wolf by Alex Jones: Dr. Naomi Wolf Joins Alex Jones And Exposes The Globalist Blueprint To End Humanity

Watch on YouTube: The Deep State Explained

Here is the prophetic 2007 documentary by Alex Jones: End-Game: Blueprint For Global Enslavement

Naomi Wolf has been involved in the O_C_C_U_P_Y movement, as well in fighting for the rights of whistleblowers Julian Assange and Edward Snowden wiki_truth, as well as in women and children's rights and health issues. Today, among other things, she documents the dramatic, devastating statistical rise of miscarriages caused by bioweapon clot shots. anti_viral

If you can download the resources above, all the better, because some of them will be pulled, but the internet, a US Army creation, will probably go down some day soon. And there is also the threat of EMPs or nukes. What is certain is that this long-running coup is intent on destroying this country.

And, now, some more links about Big Brother. If some links have been broken, you can do a search for the titles, as on Rumble, BitChute, Greg Reese, etc.


CDC Adds COVID-19 Vaccine to Immunization Schedule for Children, RFK Says this Will Give Immunity to Vax Manufacturers

Uncensored: LUCIFERASE to go Into the FOREHEAD or RIGHT HAND! Injected People Emit EMF - Zeee Media

COVID-19 Masks Are a Crime Against Humanity and Child Abuse - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated - LewRockwell

Honest Doctor’s License Revoked: Pediatrician PUNISHED For Linking Child Vaccines To Adult Diseases

Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI

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NEW LAWSUIT for NYC Educators Fired for Declining Covid Shot

Australian Health Authorities Call For More COVID Boosters… But The Public Says No - Summit News

SHOCKING: GLOBALISTS TO ROUND UP UNVAXXED? - 'WHO' Reveals New Tracking System Targeting Unvaxxed!

FAA - Steve Kirsch: ‘If They Think They Can Get Away With This… They’re Badly Mistaken!”

Unvaccinated children as community parasites in National Qualitative Study from Turkey - PMC

No Shot No Food? Grocery Store Chain App Brings Concern


The United Nations concentration camps program in America, "Coup d'État and war preparations in America", book 1, Presse libre nord-américaine, 1994. - Qwant Search

Covid-19 portal to global tyranny and enforced starvation | The Wall Will Fall

Brazilians Are Now Being Rounded Up, Forced Injected And Even Killed For Peacefully Protesting

WHO: Anti-Vaxxers Are TERRORISTS! - Governments Want You To REPORT "Conspiracy Theorists" To Police!

Anti-Lockdown COVID 'Conspiracy Theorists' Being Targeted by Australian Law Enforcement

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klein - naomi, +++

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