Three Phenomena, Explained...

May 22, 2024 16:48

Myalgia, cramping, flu-like, fatigue... Must be delayed reaction to Saturday's exertions. And, I haven't been able to detox for G.O. for a while. COVID machinery is taking over again.

A few years ago, I discerned a weird phenomenon where many people paradoxically blamed me for being ill and for not being ill. How can this be? It was a difference between their subconscious and their conscious minds. One said, "Morally blame him for only PRETENDING to be ill!" And the other one said, "Attack him and exploit him, because he IS SICK and vulnerable!"

I have come to realise that this is the pattern in the thinking of narcissists. The narcissist is perfectly aware that their victim is ill, ergo vulnerable. And yet they proceed henceforth as if the victim was NOT SICK at all, and therefore could be blamed for everything and anything, instead of, e.g., trying to get away from narcissistic abuse so he can protect his health. Nope. It's all about power to the pathetic worms.

But, it's important to see and remember the connexion between these two social observations, for many reasons.

Phenomenon #3 - It really is true that history does not repeat, but it does rhyme. Not like a cycle - but like a spiral. We repeat the genetic course and instincts of lal the ancestors who lived before us - and we do not often repeat, but we rhyme. And, the planets do the same thing in their spirals through time.

Everything is instinct, fate, preprogramming - all except for the rhyming part. And that is WHERE FREE WILL LIVES.

Our free will chooses how history - and our own lives - rhyme.

my cfs diary (2024), reincarnation, history

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