May 19, 2024 15:44

I made a kind of pretend Philly Steak sandwich, using the remaining beef stew mix, lots of cooked onions/mushrooms, cream cheese, sauce, tomato. It was OK - too much though. Not even enough room for lettuce. Similarly, this post is a sandwich... Its meat is ancient civilisation/s - it's bread is two slices of cosmic catastrophe.

I haven't done a post about moot-think yet, although I've written a lot about closed mindedness. The failure of Americans to wake up to the clot shots and the depopulation agenda closing in on them. China, and the WEF et al conspiracy, depend on this ignorance or inertia, which enables them to bring in their own New World Order, supplanting our own, largely violently, in one way or another. Americans just sit their, making duck eggs.

But, moot think, in brief, is all about, "If I can't see it, it isn't there." Like dangerous WiFi radiation. "If it doesn't affect me, then I can't use it." (Oh, but it does!) "Ha ha ha! Y2K never happened, so that means you were crazy to be concerned about it!" Believe me, contrary to moot think, if we get hit by nukes, you're gonna wish you had been crazy, and stored food and water, and build a bunker." Does not mean we will get hit by nukes. Just means: Plan for the best, but be prepared for the worst. Chances we will get hit by nukes within the next 50 years? About 100%.

I asked a sibling, "Do you want to read something I wrote about the coming major solar changes?" And he said, "Nope. Doesn't affect me." People think they are being smart - thinking like a business - in this way. What affects the bottom line? They forget that our magical corporate food system, e.g., is only set up to last us a few days - and then no more food coming in. THAT is the real bottom line.

Similarly, they think they are being scientific, when they say, "There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that anything is wrong!" When they haven't even looked to find any evidence. This is actually the opposite of being scientific. As I sad, Japanese smell something fishy, and they don't all rush out for sushi - they run out to do investigative studies!

You see, the more a person judges things according to their own self interest, and therefore dismiss all other information, then the more they are basing their lives about the pursuit of POWER - not of transcendentals, like empathy, happiness, spirit, love, etc., (as opposed to politics, wealth, prestige or control).

So, they miss the big picture, and end up failing when things go wrong vis-a-vis their expectations. Ultimately, narcissists completely lose their ethics, empathy and insight into entropy, because these do not suit their selfish agendae. Their moot, tunnel-vision. The bubble of the now.

And, narcissists (/psychopaths) miss the feelings of others. All the effort a CFS person puts into staying alive, they see as irrelevant, because they have enough money, they could buy away all that that person has. So, that person's life is moot. It offers nothing. No extra power or money.

I remember a sister just blithely saying, when I was working through my moving plans, "Hey, why don't you just throw everything into a dumpster!" Which reminded me of other stupid things she said, like, "Hey, why don't you live in a subsidised housing high-rise?!... Ooooh! A high-rise!!!" But, obviously, I didn't WANT these options, because I was working so hard on other options. She just didn't want to be a part of it. She looked upon my wants and needs and efforts as moot.

And, after I asked her what were the results of her checking into those housing prospects for me, as I had asked, and she just said she never (even) looked into them - despite this being a crisis time in my life. I asked why not, and she just said, "Huh! Because NPD Sister has done all that!"

Well, I never WANTED NPD Sister do to ANY of it! I had never asked for any of what had been unfolding since 2021! She had simply moved in to take advantage of my vulnerability. Instead, she took it all over like a cancer, and she took over my siblings like a cancer, and they all just assumed their way was what was best for me. Anything I might have thought or wanted was MOOT to them.

Never be deceived. When people act this way, they ARE TRYING TO SABOTAGE YOUR LIFE. They WANT you to end up worse than you started off. If you differ with this opinion, this control agenda, they act like you are the one who is being unreasonable! Then they run off crying like victims, because you are being a terrorist again.

At the very least, they are trying to use you to boost their own sensation of increased POWER.

The ironic thing is that when a person develops the habit of moot think, and begins to be concerned more with immediate personal power, instead of paying attention to, e.g., solar changes, they are ignoring the only, fundamental power-giver in our planetary lives, which IS the sun!!

It's like, if someone cuts off your water supply. Are you just going to sit there in your own waste? Dying of thirst? Or are you going to do the sane and sensible thing and get that water turned back on? I think any smart landlord understands this. Unless they regard you as moot.

In fact, solar and cosmic and EMF radiation directly affect my illness - as they shall soon be affecting the illnesses of most people who have been "COVID-vaccinated." It will mean something to them then.

And, it will mean something when the sun flips out, and the Earth's actual magnetic poles themselves flip.

Imagine: Solar light, geomagnetic fields and quantum dynamics - they all COMPLETELY SURROUND US, every moment of the day and night. We are swimming in them! How can anyone, not brainwashed, consider them moot?! This is the hubris warned of in the bible. Man thinking he is more important than god. While simultaneously cutting off all avenues to god?!

Well, we experienced a shocker over the past weekend, when several waves of solar storms hit out planet in succession, at the same time our magnetic field, (and ozone), are weakening. This didn't bring down all computer systems, but it did bring down a few. There were a few glitches and blackouts.

But, wow, did people come out of that feeling under the weather?! A tiredness and crumbiness still lasting until today, for some! And it affected people with autism. And it caused an increase of heart attacks, and of crime, and of crazy people on the streets.

There is a known correlation between sunspots and major wars breaking out, going back hundreds of years.

"There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that anything is wrong!"

Well, this is only a bite-sized example of BIGGER THINGS TO COME. And that is what this post is about, partly by looking back and learning a little from pre-history.

Boy, I should do a pamphlet on these things - but I have way too much material - it would have to be some kind of weird little book.

There are regular flips to the solar magnetic fields, which occur roughly every 11 years. Our most influential planet, Jupiter, orbits the sun once every 11.86 years. (I don't know the mean orbital length, or the gross magnetic power, or the gross mass of the other planets, but assumedly, they bring that term down a little - closer to the solar cycle. Especially the smaller, closer planets, although both Mercury and Venus virtually lack magnetic fields, iron cores, dynamo effects, and moons).

The solar system is an interactive geo-electromagnetic dynamo, (with gravity playing an important role).

The Earth's magnetic field changes significantly ever 6,000-7,000 years, with the bigger reversals occurring about every 14,000 (and 28,000) years. These are directly related to solar cycles, and to the regular, cyclical passage of our solar system through the charged and dangerous, cloudy disc of the milky way we call the Galactic Plane.

Passages through this plane, in the past, have brought on all sorts of trouble, that a moot mind would assume are just coincidences: Like heating planetary cores, geomagnetic changes, more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and, simultaneously, more extinction-potential cometary, and asteroidal, impacts, to this and other planets. This is why you see die-offs beginning prior to any one final-blow impacts, (or lava floes), such as the one that got rid of the big dinosaurs, or the big megafauna.

The Milky Way is itself, one big electromagnetic dynamo. Remember this: electromagnetic dynamos.

We are due for the end of the last ~14,000 (+/-1,000 yrs) Earth cycle, which will involve not just major solar (and galactic) effects, but also an Earth magnetic POLE SHIFT. As as this planet's iron core slowly "reverse" relative to the spin of the planet, and because of this planet's place in the solar and galactic scheme of things, our geomagnetic field HAS BEEN WEAKENING, preparing to flip the poles.

And we have already been experiencing effects from this weakening, including some die-offs of species, especially birds and insects, although pesticides also play a part in some extinctions - bees. (Hypothesis: a weakening geomagnetic field also causes immune systems to weaken).

So - THE BIG ONE IS COMING. Both Earth changes and solar problems ARE DIRECTLY RELATED. We are in a complex DYNAMIC RELATIONSHIP with everything else.

As usual, the WEF et al conspiracy has been usurping these trends (and issues) and making them their own, claiming ownership, taking military command of humanity, before the natural changes occur on their own.

Some say that NAZIs, NAZI technology in Antarctica, and extraterrestrial aliens are directly responsible for the dangers developing on Earth, like weather modifications. I can say that these are not the direct causes. I can also hypothesize that these are more likely involved in mitigating or exploiting these changes, possibly for the self-interest of certain groups, which could be aliens.

You can look at these changes, which change human behaviour, as means by which "god" is punishing us. In a way, it is, and isn't. I see this sort of picture as being one of close interactions, or synchronicities, rather than of deliberate punishments, although people are free to do their own "scientific analogising." (Oh, what was that term I invented?)

So, knowing THE BIG ONE is coming, about 13,000 (+/- 1,000) years after the last one, lets look at what happened during the last, "reset", which occurred about 7,000 years ago, in regards to the Sun...

What happened to the sun over 7,000 years ago? -

"CHINA EVENT" (~6,000 mid-Holocene +/- years ago)

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Latest Evidence Points to a Magnetic Disaster -
Also at:

(Yes, the solar excursion of 7,000 years ago preceded the China event of 6,000 years ago, but, 1 - We are always getting timelines wrong during our first studies, and, 2 - Maybe it can take hundreds of years before solar changes effect serious geomagnetic changes here on Earth. I doubt the latter, although timescales for both solar and earth changes are often very long in and of themselves).

OK, now, we are just speeding along, here. Now that the BIG ONE is coming, then maybe that explains the massive blob of superhigh waves that repetitively occurred from Antarctica to Europe was NOT caused by NAZI weather-weapons, but by the first massive earthquakes we shall be experiencing AS THE BIG ONE BEGINS.

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Dark Blob shows up during eclipse. -

As I see it, this was caused by an underwater earthquake of very large magnitude. Human or naturally caused, idk.

But, it can be representative of bigger things to come, as predicted by Edgar Cayce, etc. The fact that it was associated with a solar eclipse, (during which time troops were deployed to NYC), could betray a connexion between the sun's changes, and the coming earth changes, which is even closer than most people could have imagined. Or predicted. If so, a full earth pole reversal could in fact portend destruction of unimaginable proportions and extent.

That blob issued from an area where there has been a "blob" of relative lower magnetic field activity, for years or decades. Which is too much of a coincidence not to research for closer correlations, such as mantle heating (or cooling), or gravitational, correlations. It is possible that changes in the earth's magnetic field are already sponsoring the very disruptive and massively dangerous emergence of entirely new continents. (See Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu).

It is said that a magnetic pole reversal on earth would cause a heating AND A SHIFTING of the planet's mantle, leading to vast disruptions and shifting of continents, therefore causing massive tsunamis and earthquakes, as well. Which is why all the elites and states are building tunnels and bunkers.

What else is being done in preparation for such a drastic catastrophe? As you can imagine, in the WEST, ignorance, autocracy and fascism, are the order of the day...

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Conflicting Pole Shift Agendas Between the East and West -

Also at

Now, prior to the last BIG ONE, giant megafauna were already slowly going extinct, due to changes of their environment from forests to savannah; due to forest fires and lack of food; and due to hunting by man - all related to climate change. You can read about wonderful giant megafauna via my TAG -

This was the short warming period, the Bølling-Allerød Interstadial, which was at the tail end of the cooler, longer-term Pleistocene, (c. 2.58 million to 11,700 years ago). During the Pleistocene, Neandertal also went extinct. Then the BIG ONE hit, and a cold wave followed, called the Younger Dryas. That's when the fast, major megafauna extinctions occurred. When it rains, it pours.

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You can read more about the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis ( in my tag -

The cometary or asteroidal impact (Greenland) which most scientists now agree caused the Younger Drying and mass extinctions, occurred about 12,800-12,900 years ago. It came during the same time as an excursion in the Earth's magnetic field, known as The Gothenburg Magnetic Excursion...

"The Gothenburg Magnetic Excursion in a broad sense ranges from 13,750 to 12,350 years BP and ends with the Gothenburg Magnetic Flip at 12,400−12,350 years BP (= the Fjärås Stadial in southern Scandinavia) with an equatorial VGP position in the central Pacific." - source -

So, solar and geomagnetic - both related. Joined at a hip called the Galactic Plane.

During the Pleistocene, and its later warming period, there were not just megafauna, but also sophisticated hunter-gathering humans, and ancient human civilisations. Only now is the reality of the latter coming to light. But, I do believe that it is quite true: Advanced ancient civilisations existed thousands and tens of thousands of years before our own - or even the Bronze Age - ever arose.

These were civilisations who built tunnels and underground cities, having learnt from earth catastrophes of the past, and knowing another BIG ONE was coming. These civilisations knew about agriculture, but they also had to keep out (or entrap) invasive megafauna. So, they built heavilly walled cities and citadels, resembling Stone Henge, (the dolmens of which were reinforced by smaller redstone dolmens. All roofed and in a circle). Trying to keep out the megafauna.

The caves and tunnels in Cappadocia, Turkey, reached for hundreds of miles, down to 'Syria', and represented a civilisation with connexions going in every direction. Cappadocia was also related to the ancient city at what is now called Göbekli Tepe. You can see a few posts about that archeological site here - (Sadly, I can't dig up my nifty video posts on Cappadocia). But, I do have this...

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And here's not such a great video -

Which brings us to the latest archeological discovery: KARAHAN TEPE!

Possibly older than Göbekli Tepe, Karahan Tepe seems to have existed before the time the Sphinx's face was changed from that of a lion to that of a man, and that actually could have been as much as 20,000 years ago. They are calling Karahan Tepe, "the first agricultural city", which is what they always call the latest find. They miss the point that many of these sites were, or continuations of, even earlier civilizations, which became pulverised by the solar and geomagnetic catastrophe of 12,900 years ago.

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The NEW Göbekli Tepe! - Is Karahan Tepe The Most IMPORTANT Ancient Site In The WORLD? -

Here, our old friend Josh, gives the true story on ancient civilisations.

Now, a little more on the 12,800bp comet impact -

And, finally, I think it is important that you would please review my tag for changes in the geomagnetic field, and the coming BIG-ONE pole shift. I worked on expanding this tag, so that there are posts in here not seen by the human eye in years! Don't wait until you're reading them through your tears! TAG - geological - magnetic field/ pole shift -

Finally, a strong hypothesis... This is by way of bringing together several conclusions or strong hypotheses of mine, already established.

Our bodies are electromagnetic dynamos. Our blood is not pumped by the heart, but by a wonderful, two part, water-fueled dynamo within our veins and arteries. It's all electrical. (It's what the mad scientists are trying to replace, with their acidic, demonic graphene oxide engines).

The magic of water helps explain how our body-dynamos go beyond acting in the here and now, but also hold psychic and quantum abilities - a connexion to the consciousness shared through time and across space, by all beings or potentials.

But, as I said, the galaxy, the solar system, the sun - the planet - most containing hydrogen or water - these are also dynamos, in insanely close interconnection. Not only do they hold the same connexion to consciousness as we do, and not only are they in physical interaction with each other, but they also communicate directly with each other. Meaning they have sympathies, which evoke similar feelings or states within and shared by each of them.

As their cycles coordinate and synchronise, inter-dynamic communication will occur, along with what the moot mind would call, "coincidences." But, these cosmic bodies actually take themselves more seriously than the opinions of their minions here on earth.

As the cycles line up, the sun will be speaking directly to the earth. It will see that the earth's poles need to flip, and so it will deliberately spit out more flares in the direction of our planet. Hear what I am saying? It's a conspiracy! Harmful actions of the sun are going to be intentionally increased in order to push the necessary earth changes. And, so, some would say that this is, in fact, god punishing us for our bad behaviour.

Or some would interpret it more as a magnetic attraction, or an electrical circuit.

Or - just as a fetus remembers to develop along the same pathways as did the millions of ancestors before it, cosmic dynamos also repeat cycles, and so have an instinctual memory of what to do next. And this is an experience of will for them, as well.

Our consciousnesses and behaviour might be intuited by the sun and its related dynamos. I am not so sure that, "Punishment," is the right word to use. More like, "cleansing." Bringing everything back to square one, including humans, who had been like wanton frogs heating up in boiling water. Through no fault of their own, ultimately, and certainly through no awareness by their moot think minds.

So, in summary: There are going to be more and more flares "coincidentally" being aimed directly at this planet, as our geomagnetic field simultaneously fails, and then flips. Temporary disappearance of our magnetic field will result, in itself, in unimaginable harm to species and conditions here on the surface. Migraines like you can't imagine.


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