(A few days ago...)
OK - I wanted to set up for the possible good news that I would (eventually) be getting to, by making a post about prophets and false prophets, first. But, the folder for this is exploding, and it has lost its coherence - although there are some many excellent links in here. So, I am just going to drop most of it, without any other organisation or comment. And let you explore it. I am starting it with a few links regarding the injections - again. Included will be more information relating to the military backstory on the global assault.
I am sorry some idiot sat down and is singing-humming away while he sets up his laptop. Repeating 3-note earworm over and over. I'm leaving.
Later - These links are mostly great ones, having to do with latest on the injections, plus more proof that this has been a military attack. When this is out of the way, I can finally report one scenario which could be good news - if it is true.
Self-Replicating Nanobots Found in both the Vaxxed and UnVaxxed All Hell Is Gonna Break Loose Dr. Naomi Wolf Joins Alex Jones And Exposes The Globalist Blueprint To End Humanity Fascist America, in 10 easy steps | Naomi Wolf | The Guardian Maria Zeee: Nanobots Inside People Programming Humanity Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes the Covid Plandemic's 'Fauci Flu Shot' Vaccines AstraZeneca Withdraws Fake Vaccine Worldwide - David Icke PREPARE: MILITARY DRILLS IN THE USA! - They're Doing Live Exercises For Civil War In Your Cities Feds Planned Forced Mass Vaccination in 2009 Covid-19 Vaccine Triggers Vaccine AIDS - Warns Whistleblower Naturopath Barbara O'Neill - BIG PHARMA'S WORST NIGHTMARE! Plastic In Your BRAIN: The Microplastic Menace Is Worse Than You Thought BOOM! Covid Shot Causes Highest Kill Rate In History - Warns Top Doctor BREAKING: ASTRAZENECA PULLS DEADLY VACCINE! - Admits It's Killing People! - We Were Right Again! THE SPIKE PROTEIN IS A LIE BREAKING: Scientific Journal Confirms 80% Of Pregnant Women Had Miscarriages After Covid Injection Prophets and False Prophets...............
PROOF DOD AND FDA CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY Destiny Deep Dives Into DARPA And The COVID1984 Nightmare!!! BOMBSHELL: Dr. Robert Malone Exposes Globalist Plan To End Humanity Stop The WHO Treaty and Reject the Amendments CIA WORKS WITH CHINA! - Why The West Is Committing Suicide For The Great Reset As Power Shifts East EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden And CCP Created COVID-19 And Made Billions WHISTLEBLOWER: CIA Collaborated With China To Release COVID-19 Leaked Dossier Shows German Government Conspired To Silence Reiner Fuëllmich DISCLOSURE: 2024 surfacing soon - US Military Op #STORM - Cancelling and Judging all rogue Swiss Gov.🇨🇭, WHO, WEF, UN et al LEAKED PHARMA TAPE CONFIRMS DOD INTENTIONALLY KILLING AMERICANS The CIA Kidnaps And Drugs Journalist For Revealing Moon Landing Hoax BOMBSHELL: Sharyl Attkisson Confirms Congress Controlled by Feds | GFKL #9 Season Of Treason Will COVID Creators Ever Be Punished For Their Plandemic? twitter.com/SpartaJustice/status/1644431705049034753 Maria Zeee: China Bioweapon Bank Threat Hope & Tivon - MK Ultra For the Masses: Nanotech & Neuroscience THE BIOWEAPONS WAR. Injections against humanity; Problems and solutions with Dr. Ana Mihalcea BURNING MAN MANIFESTO WHY IS IT CENSORED ON REDDIT? Tucker Carlson & Joe Rogan Are Blown Away By The Many Shocking Predictions Of Alex Jones BREAKING: Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Democrats Want To Kill Trump ECONOMY | Peter Schiff: We are on the brink of a catastrophe - Dr. Kirk Elliott Maria Zeee: UK MP Calls For Crimes Against Humanity Accountability Celeste Solum - Globalists Preparing for Extreme Violence Against Dissidents? Deep State Priming For Civil War as Trump Dominates Biden in the Polls Ahead of 2024 Election - Sunday Night Live - FULL SHOW 4/28/24 Who are the false prophets? Schwab, Harari, puppet politicians, possibly Musk, possibly others...