Oh my soul, Aunt my acid...

May 15, 2024 07:12

It's amazing how far back this myagia reaches - to when specific muscles were used perhaps a week ago. My calves are still killing me, as if all torn up, and I haven't done any walking in days. And the fat and antacid therapy only covers it over for some hours and then it is back again. This is why I feel there is Mr. Spike, or G.O. lipid nanos, or some intelligent nanomachines, deeply engrained in all my muscles. Ever since the full-body attack, the night I slept in my van. And if I don't watch it, I'll be on the coroners table, pushing up bungee cords. After all my work and care, and I become fully disabled with the equivalent of being injected with a clot shot. I have also gotten other symptoms, like the accelerated aging. And I see circuits in my eyes. And my heart hurts. This does not bode well. But, one day at a time.

But - I got a pretty good deal on opramazole, last night. Opramazole is what I used to add to my dog's food, every day, along with other things. Even though he is gone, now, he is kept alive in dreams, and even shows symptoms there, like diarrhoea, the other night. Luckilly, I don;t have to treat him. And I don;t have to buy him opramazole, anymore, which is expensive. I thought I'd save some money, but here I am, now, needing to buy it for myself.

Normally, you can save a little buy buying 3 bottles (20mg x 14) for $15. Last night, I found one offering of 2 bottles for $5.30! (Normally $11.00). So, I bought 2 packs of 2

Thanks to the sneaky Walmart AI bots. This is what Walmart sometimes does, in my experience: It watches the products you visit. If you make an order, but don't buy certain products in which you had showed interest, they quickly lower the price, so you will be sure to make a new order, buying those. Walmart does this because they still make money, greatly cutting prices on targeted items. Or, they can keep you "addicted" to them, because it knows that you have purchased them in the past. I have discovered that, no, these targetted price-slashes are not coincidences, but are intentional, and they work. Getting 2 bottles of orpramazole for $%.30 would otherwise be something of a miracle.

So, if you do want to save money, shopping online wherever, give this a try. Look at items you have no intention of buying, and then go back later (under the same IP) and see if they are now on sale! I, myself, tested out the hypothesis in this way, which is how I learnt it is almost certainly true. But - it doesn't always happen.

my shopping / sprees / online shopping, health - v - coronavirus sars2 covid-19, my cfs diary (2024), vaccine madness / mandates

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