Or something better - like, Santa Claus lives in my van..

May 04, 2024 12:49

Well, I started heating the frozen chicken gizzards early this morning - I thought. It took too long - because - I eventually discovered - the burner wasn't on. (I had turned on the disabled one). So, they didn't heat for too long. And, near the "end", they started to boil a little. So, the result was very touch chicken gizzards, but I saw worse in Nam. But, the muscle pain, spasm, etc. - they had been working their way back, to me babe, because of yesterday's exertion, and, once I ate those chicken gizzards, whammo! No more muscle problems! How about that?! Scientists always get their prey!

Probably won't help the fatigue, though. But, experiments will be made. Conferences will be held. Toilets will flush.

It is still cold, grey and windy outside. I got my McDecaf. When I parked at the library, there were these big bangs. They sounded very much van-related. Was something seriously wrong? Because some whirly-bird thing up front happened when I turned on the ignition. Or, was this just me taking my foot off the brake, too slowly, so the turned wheels produced this harmless "bang" noise? Very scary. It was either that, or something worse - or something better - like Santa Clause living back there because the NWO is hunting down his ass.

Since I posted abut my sedimental past the other day, I want to do a post about the many times I teamed up with some other fancy guy, and we both rose to such great heights of popularity together. But, there was often a common theme. These com-padres were simultaneously peeling away all of my friends. Because, even since childhood days, these supposed friends were nothing but narcissists on the take. So, then I want the post to veer into that topic, in general.

Fliers and pamphlets soon available! $1.00 per flier, $2.00 per pamphlet. But, they can be copied off. Here, it's only 20 cents to copy a 2x b/w 8.5/14" copy. The reason I have to charge so much is postage, labour, print-out and I use most of them for rolling papers. Make a donation or I might become the next Burning Man.
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