Well, I am pretty sure that saturated fat deficiency was the problem. My muscle and brain neurons were insufficiently myelinated, I reckon. Now, much of the insane muscle pain is faded off, and the brain has yet to really join the party. Do you know I was almost unable to rise up from bed and, after I did, the effort just started more pain going?! However - there remains the same CFS fatigue, which always lurked underneath, provocatively. That, too seems to be fading, but should rise again soon, after today's exertions.
Now, this apparent saturated fat deficiency has probably not been entirely due to detoxing for nanolipids and plastics. Because, right after I got here, in October, I ate snacks like there was no tomorrow - thinking I needed fats - but all the wrong ones. Then I got hit by the extreme rise in temperature, plus the full-body muscle pain, referred to as, "COVID." Ever since then, I always got muscle pain on TOP of the regular CFS following exertions.
And, I seemed to be more functional when I was eating the food at the free cafe, which is high in sat fats.
So, what we have here is a COVID mechanism which kicks in during CFS relapses, which eats away neuronal fats, (including in the hippocampus), and causes deep muscle pain, spasms, and weakness. It is almost as if they tailor made this for the CFS. Or - if CFS is enough like extended bioweapons illness/es - this may just be a COVID amplification of that - since many people w/ CFS do resort lots of muscle pain, (w/o having to get COVID, too). Maybe this is why CFS is called, "Myalgic EncephaloMYELITIS." Thus, more similarities between the two illnesses - suggesting a similar cause, of course. The CFS bioweapon shot may just not have worked well enough... so...
What would be eating into, possibly replacing the body's fats? Not just a cytokine storm, but Mr. Spike and and the nice nano-dagger gang. Pretty easy to figure out.
When I spent much of my life eating wisely, to avoid heart attacks, now I have to eat like a mad man to avoid a bioweapon heart attack. First the fear of natural bloodclots, and microclotting, and now the fear of artificially-manufactured clots and microclots - on demand, by Dr. Frankenstein. Now I have to eat lots of fatty corned beef, and so on and on.
So, I didn't get too much done at the library - but I felt the knack coming back to me, and am now looking forward to being more competent again!!! Accomplishing projects. Taking on more projects. Being able to think. To walk with my head held up. Shoulders back. Fingers crossed! We'll see what happens after I sleep for a while. Maybe sleep will actually result in something productive, this time! Maybe there will be less apnea.
After getting home, I cooked up a big "Maria Callendar" turkey pot pie - in a pot, on the stove. It was very good! Added mashed potatoes. Too bad I have to eat gluten, though. Hopefully, that will be a minor problem. But the crust was... just... great!