Biden is the Radical - But Trump remains suspect...

Mar 11, 2024 05:53

I'll be posting more on the Biden S.O.T.U. HATE SPEECH soon. Here, I just want to mention a few things about how Biden, the Cyborg, has been programmed.... Well, I'll add that content to this post later, as I must rest now...

49 min audio: THE DIRTY SECRET: Trump Is The 2024 Moderate

In the same way that the NWO/ WEF conspiracy has moved our military towards almost full adherence to its plans, I also suspect that virtually no politician gets to run for office unless her or she partly represents the designs of said conspiracy, (a very real and monstrous conspiracy). This was the case with Nikki Haley. And, did you know that the wondrous Vivek Ramaswamy worked for Big Pharma, and has made money off of a patent/s related to the clot shot bioweapons? So, Trump remains suspect, IMO, no matter that most of his view do represent the views of what is called the "far" or "freedom" Right. Trump has NEVER come clean on his guilty involvement in, Operation Warp Speed."

(Who thought that term up, Elon Musk? Elon Musk who is also suspect, in many ways - moving near the border with his boring machines, wanting to "microchip" (spike) human beings; wanting to deploy WiFi across the skies, creating e-cars for the elites, and so on).

Trump never discussed how those shots are killing millions of people, which can be seen in stark indications in the stats. And evidence in biology. And the history of their patents, etc., strongly suggesting intent. Also, Ramaswamy in fact completely, almost absurdly backed him. Which is what a lot of people wanted to hear. A lot of Trump's ad gimmicks seem like they could have been contrived by the same people who invented the terms, "conspiracy theorists," "great reset," "COVID-19," "vaccine," "build back better," and so on.

Such as: Trump's staged descent on the escalator, "Space Force," "Warp Speed," "MAGA", (compare to, "NAZI"), etc. So much of what Trump has done, including waving fists across the border at the Pope, just seem like the same old packaged rhetoric we have gotten from more obviously puppetted candidates.

And Trump tries to stick to just a few limited issues: immigration and "the wall", the economy, and war in Ukraine. But maybe enough people have come through the border, or the war in Ukraine has exhausted enough, that the Great Conspiracy feels that these processes can be ended soon, without great loss to its momentum. Seeing as they surely now have other designs up their sleeves, such as: Rigging the election, cancelling the election, beginning the civil war, starting a nuke war, starting a worse plandemic, or what have you.

Another thing, how does such an old man sustain such stamina - similar to how the obviously ailing and failing Hidin' Biden somehow shows up and makes a comparatively coherent, vigourous HATE SPEECH, (all drugged up as he was), while an artificially scripted audience goes insanely wild like a swarm of zombie Chimpanzees? Is it because Trump, like so many people in the WEF et al putsch, is given baby blood to drink? Like Madonna, Pelosi, Biden, etc., getting special cosmetic, pharmaceutical and biological repair service via the NWO? We have seen how vain Orange Man, with the sculpted hair, can be. "I would pay a LOT of money to be your age!" Said Trump, at a recent rally. Hmmm... That's a little-but odd thing to say, isn't it?

Another reason to suspect Trump is the history of this centenaries-old conspiracy has in controlling both sides of every coin. Pulling the strings of both puppets, left and right. Setting up problems, and offering itself as the solution. This control "dialectic" goes all the way back to when a prominent Rothschild controlled both side of a collapse of the British economy, including the manipulation of public perceptions. George Soros later got rich doing the same thing. They all parasite and profit from destroying, while promising people they are offering hope and salvation.

So, these are some reasons to suspect Trump, even though I don't advocate not voting for Trump. I am presenting a valid hypothesis which may or may not be true. At a time when most of the world is being almost completely controlled by the elites behind the likes of BlackRock and the banks.

When Nixon was in office, he said to Kissinger, "I am tired of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, always calling me, telling me what to do!" And Kissinger, a major actor in the Great Conspiracy, stood there, and was like, "Uh, yeah... So annoying, u-huh!"...

It could be worse.

It could be the future...

Or, we could be back in the days of the propaganda campaign "Russiagate")

More critical analysis of Trump, by Jones and Barnes.
Alex Jones very upset by recent Trump statement! and also discussion about STRONG WOMEN... (Full AJ Show here).

ramaswamy - vivek ramaswamy, kissinger - henry kissinger, presidents - trump donald trump, nwo / wef / great reset, rothschild - mayer amschel rothschild, presidents - nixon richard nixon, politics - 2024 / elections, biden - joe biden, rockefeller - david

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