Food for Thought

Mar 05, 2024 06:57

After replenishing oils, mins and water, depleted by recent detoxes, I awaken this morning with woozy floozy COVID symptoms bringing me down again, this morning. Ya just can't win - it moves too fast. But maybe some of the reason for this is that I ate something last night during my sleep cycle: a handful of magical walnuts. Why do they say, feed a cold, but STARVE A FEVER? What exactly happens when you DON'T starve a fever???

I also am out of Nattokinase - mainly relying on nicotine to help w/ symptoms. I think I'll post a little usable something on supplements for COVID /CFS, ranked by importance. Things might improve for me if I were to get a new Synthroid proscription. Although that never seemed to help in the past. Except maybe a little re: hair thinning, idk.. Some Ayurvedic herb - Ashwagandana or something - helps with thyroid and other things. One more supplement to buy, one less dollar to save.

It's great how more prominent people like Sea Hannity and Dr. Phil - are now addressing realities of the war at the border - cuz that's what it is and portends... But, things are still moving too slowly... always too little, too late.... And so many people are drunk on the bioweapons, they have forgotten where their spines are, never mind their frontal lobes, or third eyes...

Also great how Trump got the right decision from SCOTUS, despite the later containing at least one plant, in a robe.

But, you know what the next pro-Trump SCOTUS decision means? Absolute clemency for Joe Biden. And so for his son, Tarzan of The Rats. While it means clemency for Trump on Operation Warp Speed, it also means clemency for any future president's newest Plandemic and attack, such as martial law and associated depopulation measures. Persecutions for climate crimes. Persecutions for hate crimes. Persecutions for defying WDC police stationed in Anytown, USA.

Hopefully, instead, we get a president more interested in making cheese for mousetraps, out of the likes of Fauci and Gates. One can always hope. Because. We all need our beauty sleep. So we can continue to eat bioweapons and bugs* like Cheetos.

* They are already adding puberty-hormone-blockers in oatmeal! And, in addition to insect shells, which contain a toxin, one can increase the ingestion of pesticides - by eating insects. How about when they are easilly inserted with more mRNA bioweaponry?!!! AND - non-manufacturable insects have been (otherwise) undergoing their own GREAT EXTINCTIONS. Has anyone noticed that the WEF et al conspiracy has been attacking the sources and supply lines of of all other forms of food, which they cannot control? The need to eat bugs is being fabricated, and propagandized, by the same people who want us to become happilly deceased!

Otherwise, simple minds would say, insect flour looks like a pretty healthy idea - and so articles like this fill the top of your online searches. Especially via Google, (and Google-based), the same people who rig elections and erase white people in their AI. Oh, but lets just go ahead with eating bugs, even though we don't know the consequences, because we are always right, and let's just ignore the natural instinct NEVER to eat a damn bug! That instinct must have evolved via some kind of quirk - kind of like the quirks in Google...

Let's just go ahead and mandate the delicious viral bioweapons, even though we supposedly don't know the consequences! Ha! We don't even know the ingredients! But, trust them, trust them, they have money, and Calvin says, that means they must be god-like. They certainly seem to think so.

They paved paradise, put up a wildlife park, for the enjoyment of Greys... Except. No more wildlife...

People upstairs have been quieter than normal. Two or three reasons: They are still in a stage where they fear my response to them messing with me. And also because I haven't responded to "bouncing ball" and to the knockings/tapping, because I have not turned up my radios in response to these, because I now know that at least the former is perpetrated by Autie. Autie the clever Demon.

And also: Like similar I've seen throughout my family's history: They react to politics. They see success for Trump, and they don't want to act unpopularly, attacking me for my politics... Since TV says I might possibly be in the majority...

It's good to be free.

But, we shall see.

Free to eat Funyuns...

Except for MSG...

Did you know that msg, like aspartame, is toxic to the brain? Where have I heard that sort of thing before???

I had more to say re: Autie, and related, but forgot. For the moment. Eat your fake, poisoned meat!

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With Wisdom Comes Sorrow - Thx to btripp.

health - supplements, wisdom is, my neighbours, toxins - pesticides, truth shall set you free, my cfs diary (2024), music - pink floyd, wisdom

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