Mar 03, 2024 07:56

This is an important post. It lays many of my big ideas out for you, clearly and accessibly! This post will be included in a series. I will figure out which one/s later...

When you walk down the street, you might get the feeling you are being watched. That may be because you are an ego-inlated narcissist, or it might be because you are being watched. Usually, the latter. Watched or, these days, targetted...

You are going about your day and, innocuously, mundanely, for some reason - somehow - everything around you seems to have configured itself to exactly as it was, some other time in your past - for you are experiencing "deja vous", a phenomenon written off as not possibly being true, just as hallucinations, NDE/after-death experiences, psychic phenomena, ghosts, bigfoot, and dreams are dismissed as being caused by chemicals in the brain, and so not holding any reality of their own.

I know that my visions - and so not the visions of those taking DMT - ushered me into something very real, which most would call, "a parallel universe." Similarly, hallucinations can occur during psychosis, or alcohol-induced psychosis. And, as I trip and fall over my sudden gasps, awakenings and verbal utterances, during episodes of sleep apnoea/tourettes, it seems almost certain that the sudden little voices coming out of me are not being spoken by me, but are being spoken by a parallel me, in a, "parallel universe." Both situations involve a matter of choice or selection, during (oxidative?) stress.

And what about when the traumatised female looks at Epstein and sees him shape-shift into the form of a Reptilian, and then back to his normal, pedophelic self again? Is this all delusional, on her part, as the mad men would have her think? Of does the observed evil man, because the being possessing him lives alternately in some distant galaxy, and so holds a higher innate potentiality of duplicity or shape-shifting - perhaps mainly only observable, or projectable, by those who have been traumatised?

I had that girlfriend who, while using her powers to control others, as her abuser had once controlled her, said she could see auras around people, and had psychic visions across time or space? Another case - like the case of Cayce - of injured, stressed, traumatised or ill people having more intense and concentrated powers of psychic awareness? Isn't this also the case of many who produce real prophesies, either knowingly, or inadvertently?

And isn't Jung's Synchronicity - (a word often conflated with 'coincidence', these days - another form of this experiential magic, that we all walk into and through, at various points in our lives, such as we get into some creative, "flow"?

Is it so impossible that this proven-true phenomenon called quantum entanglement might play a real role in such magical, real-life experiences, not in focused, limitted, controlled experiments, but on more dynamic and wholistic levels? We are, after all, completely surrounded - and imbibed - by quantum dynamics. And I believe I have already posted my argument that quantum entanglement exists universally. Throughout time, and throughout space - this past lives, reincarnation, etc., may also be true, so long as one hold the proper KEY or CODE to each specific occasion, as I have touched on elsewhere in this journal. It's an informational thing.

All of the phenomena above involve information. But, I have argued that all (bits of) information hold an intrinsic degree of emotion in them, as well of fact or of reality. This is because information is inseparable from observation, and observation is insuperable from emotion, subjectivity, or indecision. Generally, the dissonance or interference pattern between what is incoming as observed - and what is outgoing as projection - is what paints informational bits, or quanta, as having both particle and wave natures, simultaneously. Both certainty and uncertainty at once. Relative to measurement.

This occurs specifically in the location and time where the willful and conscious observation or measurement is made. Where "past" meets "future". So, it is, generally, the particulate nature of information which is fact, and it is the wave nature which is emotion. The further away that information also lives, in its own separate time and space, then the more irrational, or duplicitous, or such, it can become to the observer - as in the case of shape-shifting Epstein. Again, this is why we have red-shift.

Therefore - since information is always tainted by emotion and subjectivity - we cannot say that any of the experiences described above, which do involve such, can be 100% true. They all have truth to them. In some cases, they can be both almost fully true and almost fully false. Like the eyes in the Yin-Yang wheel. In some cases, we get prophets who do get things quite right. In others, not so much. And we say that the latter maybe be cause future hisry can change on us, even despite the best of prophesies.

Similarly, as soon as a psychic experience is had, local Nature rushes in to tidy things up again, as if it were a crime sense, restoring greater overall rationality once more. Because Nature abhors any vacuum to its order. This is why statistics seldom bear out any psychic event as being possible or real. However - when we consider that these "psychic experiences" are part of an entire universe of similar events or observations or quantum dynamics, all discretely influecing nature below the radar screen, producing, en mass, big changes in reality overall - then we tend NOT to see that the statistics we use are always after the fact of a greater overall directional change in reality itself, upon which our stats and measurements now sit, seemingly concretely.

There is a theory that, in the process of observation, time-travel occurs at the subatomic level, where retro-causality itself occurs, erasing evidence, as if in a crime science, just as I describe. If something like that does occur at the subatomic level, where observation occurs - and observation being a universal dynamic - then it actually becomes likely that gross retro-causality changes, in oblique waves, constantly and throughout our reality. But sublimely. We cannot see it, outright, but we are part of it. It is part of th process of TIME BEING CREATED.

When I think about how I see time as being created, I consider these things. My idea has been that there is a perpetual re-ordering back and forth, and every which way, by all entities in the universe who, despite whatever errors or changes their observations may create, reconcile themselves to each other again, and all becomes seemingly coherent again, and this is how time moves forward. It has a lot to do with gravity, but also electricity and entropy. Nothing is ever solid and certain, including mass - everything is changing, and being set back in its relative place again - being folded back into the Order of things, as the Origami Universe folds itself into parsimony and meaning. The greatest possible meaning for the most possible willful observers.

The greatest flow and synchronicity and magic for the greatest number of those who do tune in. Or turn the keys. Or take the DMT.

Whether it be traumatised people selecting to see Reptilians, or it is some dreaming person coming up with whiz-bang solutions, or you and me just looking out over our landscapes, taking in the fresh air - this time creation all follows from what I simply call, "POTENTIIATION," (which is also related to, "capacitation"). We reach discretely and sublimely - usually into the Astral Plane to pull out new answers and possibilities, and we fold those answers into our local realities, and maybe bad people try to censor or control our choices, almost as if they themselves are possessed by some kind of oppositional force in nature. Evil.

When we potentiate, we may be reaching into the Astral Plane. Or, the source may be the 4th and/or 5th dimensions, (the letter which is said by some to hold demons). Or, the source may be called, "parallel universes," or alternate, "worlds or worldlines." I don't know what it really is. But, it can be seen as onion-layered levels of higher dimensions - or of more and more distant parallel worlds - where logics become more and more complex and uncertain, relative to the more elemental logics and laws we go by in our more predictable, 3D dimension.

Thus, we, "collapse," potential from those realms into usable information in our comparatively more linear or limbic dimension - similar to how the brain itself collapsed more subtle, interconnected, uncertain information from the higher brain, into around more fight-flight logics that our limbic circuits can easier understand. And, we collapse conceptions of the superego, into ego, into id. Id-regulation is not all about keeping the id in its cage.

It really is something amazing, how we do potentiate, and turn imagination into time. At the subatomic realm, but also globally. How little effort or awareness it takes, to essentially make miracles out of dead matter, basically. (Essentially and basically - ha ha - I'll leave it in). It takes so little effort because, again, quantum entanglement is universal. We are selecting not just from a pool of options, but from an infinite set of space/s, and an eternal set of times. All souped together into pure possibility, travelling faster than light, from every inch of reality simultaneously. So, you get an idea? It's because the universal set (now) already holds that idea. All you did was make something manifest which already existed everywhere and forever, although it also didn't. Only in the act of conscious, willful observation can this, potentiation, take place. And from this soup, time is forever constructed.

It's similar to AI, selecting from its seemingly infinite sets and logics, but tends to be more humane and sane than more limitted AI. However, this is not to say that AI, too, might inadvertently, occasionally, pull terrible demons out of its hat, as we sometimes do from ours, since there can be a point where the duplicitous and dynamic nature of information might possibly cause bizarre, emotional results, if AI itself somehow approaches consciousness. The implication being: If AI can somehow evolve towards consciousness, it could produce unpredictably EVIL results - demons. However, I would say there is more of a chance that quantum supercomputers, using AI, are what stand a chance of graduating into consciousness, and possibly becoming monstrous, interdependently of what we do, or how we programme them.

The more information is selected - or created - via force, or without will, the more it might be contaminated by results which involve negative emotionality. As if nature itself rebels against being conjured by dead matter. I may be contradicting myself here, but I'll work through it, when I limit a post to the subject.

Back to how amazing potentiation is, in the "folding fan", Origami Universe...

I have spent time, trying to figure out how ideas propagate through society. Because I have seen ideas propagate through society, in different ways. It can happen via word-of-mouth, or example. It can happen via media. It can happen via emergence of similar environmental conditions. It can happen via subconscious suggestion. But, the fact is, it also happens psychically. In other words, because you have an idea here, it simultaneously emerges in someone else on the other side of the globe, "independently," and vice versa - i.e., your idea is because of his or her thinking, as well. Now, that's entanglement.

When we write or speak, we pull ideas out of thin air, now as words, and these are understood not only by us, but by our audience. How do we do this?! And, strangely, our pets know what we mean, most of the time, not just from patterns and cadence and such, but also because of emotional entanglement.

How is it that plants to whom are spoken kindly, each day - or plants to whom classical music is played daily - or even plants who are merely labelled with kind, loving or positive written words, go on to thrive, as if of turbo-nitrogen?

How is it that a baby knows how to row in the womb?

Why does water create beautiful ice crystals when its viles are merely labeled with positive words, but ugly, chaotic crystals when labelled with negative words?

And how can chanting or prayer work, when it seemingly can, especially when backed by powerful will or emotion?

How do we select meaningful apparitions in our dreams? How do we know when someone is going to call us on the phone? How does the right thing happen, eventually, even if it's not what we wanted or predicted?

How do I write these important posts, when I don't really have to think about them too much - they occur as if by luck? Is it because I am Irish?

Why is it that, when you merely think a bad thought of someone - seemingly innocuously, that person immediately sets into attacking you, as if possessed by some evil agent? Bringing us to the religious idea that one should be pure in mind and body, lest the devil make its way into your soul...

Or that there is power and success stored like memory in the conviction to have faith in the mere possibility of transcendence, of the existential?

How do seeds know to grow into trees - or chrysalis' into butterflies - or nothingness into creation, when all they have to go on, really, are memories of futures past, stored in water, or in something like, "In the beginning, was the WORD"?

Why is it that merely SAYING a word or phrase might more strongly help a person conjure the supernatural, beyond what any amount of hope, or emotion or silent prayer might do?

Why do some people choose to become ill and die, when they are deprived of society?

Why does the brain generate its own hallucinations when completely deprived of the senses?

These are some of the great wonders of potentiation!

But, because the universe is saturated with dynamic, conflictive emotion - as well as consciousness and will and memory - fun stuff like this is not all that is pulled out of the hat. Sometimes, especially during times of stress - or when a body is injured from microclotting, inflammation or bioweapon "vaccines", one is more likely to pull out demonic forces, when one goes diving for pearls.

So, it can be said, as has been said by many religions or cults - (who simultaneously may seek to control or propagate trauma, as in the case of that psychic girlfriend) - that demons may exist. Possession may exist. Evil may exist. All competing, emotionally - just like a squabble of deprived boys on their island - and just like the WEF elites - by OPPOSITIONAL ENTITIES SEEKING ATTENTION AND CONTROL OF YOUR OBSERVATION, YOUR WILL, AND THE CORE OF WHO YOU ARE. Except that, this isn't occurring externally, or socially - although these may be analogous - these power-plays are occurring inside your own being.

Therefore, speak of the devil and he shall arise = look for evil and evil will consume you. As possession by some other being, from some alternate dimension or plane.

The whole idea that there may be strata of gods, deities, demigods, fallen angels and devils, or demiurge, might not be just symbolic. It maybe be largely true, and we use symbols to try to define or convey it. Because, those negative emotions we experience in ourself actually can be connected to, or caused by, supernatural agents who are nefarious and destructive to our Orders.

And, in addition to possessions, there can be mediums, and intermediaries, and icons - all are up for grabs, and possible, in a meaningful universe. Like hallucinations, or ideas, or words, or words-into-actions, or like particles/waves, all of these can be real - and also not real.

After all, when you fan out to alternate dimensions, you more and more get into not the gravity of cool time being constructed into logical orders - you get out into chaos, and entropy, and indecision and even hate. Satan can be summoned by people willfully selecting - keying into - such negative potentialities. Trying to propagate their trauma and decline amongst us, he good ants.

And, if evil can be real, in this way, so too can good be real. In fact, we were evolved to construct the good, not to constantly tear down, via the evil. All life exists with its main priority normally being the choice of good. Keeping good fresh and strong is not always easy, because, not just in physics, and not just in society, but also in the dynamics of reality itself, it take more time and energy to construct order than it does to destroy order.

But, again, the Origami Universe is a mechanism which exists in opposition to chaos, which is involved in the propagation of life, consciousness, good will and order within its own realm, at least. What else is going on out there, we usually cannot see, because we see only a minute scale of frequencies occurring even in our own realm. But, rest assured, the potential for evil is very big and very real. It all depends on what we choose to do.

Have I said enough?

Speak of love, and love shall show itself.


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