The Satanism STOMP -

Feb 22, 2024 14:03

Not much of a day. Started doing the apnoea dance while mainly awake, and so I think I'll just go to bed after this post - sneak some sleep in, below the people above. That oughtta really grind their gears. A good thing is, though, that despite pushing myself through some hard walking, after being "out of shape", I haven;t really undergone a deep fatigue relapse as a consequence, for some reason. I think.

Went to get mail a minute ago. Four people outside the hall door, all chattering away. I pushed in through, saying something. Two were little cops. Two was a couple. The female was all excitedly making excuses and explaining. Something about having his water bottle in her bag, which one cop was picking up. IDK what that was all about. IDK if it was the people from upstairs. I hope so. A hex upon them. But, it could even have been Autie's mom, now w/o dyed hair. I heard her saying she would be going out, earlier today. Oh, people, just stop.

Satanism. What is it, and why?

A main thing about Satanism is that is existed as a pagan religion before Christianity came along. It has always included child sacrifice and pedophilia. It generally obsesses over destroying things which tend to be good for the emergence of solid civilisations, like investing in money-market funds, free choice, trust, children, stability, and such. It was practiced by people who worship Saturn, or Sagittarius, or Satan, or Stan the Claus, or a talking goat, or a goat which was also part Cupid. This was not the lower-Europe, Minoan Cult of the Bull.

This was a cult of the goat. Which kind of betrays it as being on the cusp between hunter/gatherer and early agricultural/urban. It was largely practiced by Phoenicians, associated with the Sea People, who invaded variously during the fall of the Bronze Age civilisations. But, they were a rowdy, untamed bunch. Satanism could have been taken up by other pagans, and might have regularly been used as a way to contradict the local religions of more developed city-states. It is based on primal desires and black magic. We say this, looking through the lens of the civilised West. Which is, nevertheless, the best.

Satanism can also be seen as a directly oppositional religion to the conventional religion normally moralising the people in some Western civilisation. In other words, Satanism can be seen, now, as a dark shadow cast by, or contrasting itself to, Christianity. As such, it seems to have seven functional components:

1 - The cult's own narcissism, mores and vanity.
2 - Deception or stealth.
3 - Control - which is also a kind of contradiction.
4 - Contradiction - which is also a kind of control.
5 - An attempt to show off, get attention, or to shock.
6 - A revelling in chaos or entropy, confusion and destruction.
7 - Superstitions, rituals and symbols.

It often is born of the normal religion and power structure - but gone to seed, turned against the wider society, as empires collapse. Born of boredom, sensationalism, irrationality, hubris, selfishness, lack of boundaries, failed authorities, false promises, lies, relativity, will to power, etc.

Now here is a video, and I am going to bed. Links-later....



history - phoenicians, propaganda, child-stealers/ child-trafficking, prehistoric - 8000 bce, wikileaks / wiki_truth, satan / satanism, documentaries, secret societies, pizzagate, podesta - john podesta emails, lies / lying / liar liars, media misinfo campaigns, lies - empire and lies, hollywood - stupidity / nonsense, religion - cults, bb - security - cia, evil - psychology of, psychology - abuse - child abuse, epstein - jeffrey, evil, sex - sex trafficking, nwo / wef / great reset, clinton crimes / clinton body count, psychology - abuse / trauma, pedophilia, psychology - moralisation / de-moralisat, clinton email scandal/s, religious intolerance / destruction, class - reptilian elite, media, mao / maoism / cultural destruction, history - nazi post ww2, nazis - incoming nazi's

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