That's a guiding phrase of the WEF et al conspiracy, as it attempts to destroy the West. Needless to say, the elites have been attempting to instill lower trust in this society since day one. That way, it is easier to pit group against group, divide and conquer - or at least exploit. When people have lower trust in their lives, they ten to have more depression/anxiety, and so they tend to go out and buy more stuff. The original model was to produce stuff that society needed and valued. But, in a low trust society, it is easier to sell crap - and lies.
I started writing about society's ongoing major problem, which I called, "The Flight of Trust." I even discussed this phenomenon, once, with my father. I looked at money, and how it had moved from a vehicle of relative trust to a means of distrust. I saw distrust growing in my family, and how divorce had become a ritual which the siblings inherited and began perpetrating in their own lives and relationships. I saw how black dutifully trusted whites less and less, and yet began killing each other more and more - and the Democrats in urban power were fine with this, because it kept the blacks voting for their false promises, and allowed them to continue running their wasteful social programmes, from which they skimmed off money for themselves. Did you know that the CIA helped turn hip-hop into selfish, violent gangster rap?
It is not by accident that the left accuses anyone they don;t like of being a, "racist." They have been conditioned to do so, by a community moulded into one of distrust, hate and, yes, actual racism - both towards whites, and pseudo-whites, but via the helplessness and self-hatred they instill in minorities themselves. So what? So they kill each other, not even knowing they are realising this racism thing. And Dems go on mislabelling everything they see, through their Bizarro glasses, so everything becomes the opposit of what they claim it to be. I was once part of th progressive left and, over and over again, I discovered that, in reality, the other people there - mainly white busybodies with personal problems, were exceedingly condescending, untrusting and untrustworthy!
Of curse, one has to be on guard so as not to be scammed out of one's money - as scams increase. And many of these scammers MIGHT be associated with the right, since they consider themselves libertarian entrepreneurs, which can be a fancy phrase for, "selfish only." And I very early learnt about the hypocrisies to be found hidden behind most people who claim to be religious. Such people could not be trusted because they were full of lies and usually didn't even realise that they were using their blather as a means of controlling people. But, I dated a crazy lefty girl who had been abused as a child, and claimed to be psychic - which is also a kind of religion - but she turned out to be one of the most controlling people I had even met. Completely opposite to her words of love and intimacy which she shared with me in quieter moments.
Mistrust grows in the grocery store, as buyers and sellers get more and more nervous, and the price of goods shoot higher and higher. Inflation is a major embodiment of mistrust, in economics. Mistrust that contracts will be kept, that values will be stable, that supply lines will persist, and that the dollar will remain strong. Or - that Peace shall prevail. That security will be good, and so everyone can relax and stop being greedy or fearful, trying to beat each other to the punch, in making their ever-diminishing profits.
As it is said, "When injustice exists anywhere, it exists everywhere," because now people become constrained in their potential degrees of freedom - so does the same rule apply to trust. If there is a shooting on the subway, the subway inherently becomes more dangerous and, for those not abandoning it completely, those riding each day trust each other less. And, you might even have governments staging false-flag shootings, and so on, JUST IN ORDER TO get people all anxious and fearful, so that new controls on society can be rolled out and those in power can skim off MORE power and money. Which actually happens. A lot more than people realise. Because fearful people tend not to look at reality as it actually is.
It is a fact that our government, its agents, and its politicians, have been in the business of culturing distrust since at least the year 1812 - largely at the behest of the big banks. It begins with banks wanting people to feel like they need to hide away their money with them. It ends with banks running drugs and guns and money-laundering and investment scams and starting wars, all because they have used that money to back the money which they have lent out, which became more and more, and went so out of control, that the banks faced either getting runs on their comparatively scanty deposits, or getting busted for their practices.
So, the banks, like politicians, and Big Pharma, have used lies, corruption and dive-and-conquer as means of maintaining their power in society. There is a limit to how much a corporation can grow and grow, when markets or resources are essentially finite or self-limitting, and so, what do they do? They promote war, which allows their profits to grow again.
Meanwhile, the Fed keeps printing more and more money, to cover rising indebtedness, and this deliberately breeds inflation and distrust in society, as it siphons away value from their pockets, and into the banks, and into the pockets of the elites who run the banks, and own much of the land, etc. The elites know that Big Capitalism, especially based on an inflating fiat currency, always leads to this direction - so they set up society for war, civil war or violent revolutions, with the proposed alternate System being offer called "Communism," itself being even more of a lie that capitalism, since it is so irrational economically And, the process of these natural-born narcissists, in TAKING away the wealth accumulated by the proles, just goes on and on, writing history as a tragedy, over and over again.
Did you know that, after 2008's crash. a law was written which makes all of your deposited money THEIR money - to use as collateral, to cover whatever runs shall occur down the road - or whatever loans they fail to honour - or whatever CEO bonuses they choose to dole out? The money you deposit no longer belongs to you, it magically already belongs to the banks. And some banks have begun charging negative interest rates on deposits, so that YOU pay THEM to hold your money. They no longer have to reward you with any kind of interest on your deposits. Because thy stopped working, and they stopped growing, and so they started their games of corruption. NOW - how is society supposed to trust that?!
And after the coming crash of debt and the dollar, they will seductively put you on an entirely digital currency, over which they have 100% control - and 100% control over your privacy - and 100% control over your choices - and 100% control over YOUR HEALTH. So, they can march you off to the slaughterhouse, and you will comply, because social distrust has left you no other option. This isn;t science fiction. These technocrats and elites are very serious. Their attacks on our health and infrastructure have been very planned and very deliberate.
As I have said, trying to control inflation by trying to control the economy completely, through a digital currency, and a system of moral controls (SCSs), is doomed to fail, in the longer run, and major wars do look inevitable, at this point. Which is why billionaires are all building lavish bunkers for themselves, fools that they are. Fools to the last.
If you look at all the woke and political processes that have been rolled out - perpetrated upon us - by the WEF conspiracy et al, you will quickly see that they have all primarily been designed to instill distrust person-to-person, and so to demoralise our society as a whole. Because they mean to COLLAPSE this society, not because of limits to gowth for resources on the planet. but because THEIR OWN GROWTH HAS BECOME LIMITTED - SELF-LIMITTED. (And this all has to do with how systems work, to standard value grids, and to various types of entropy - as well as to their very selfish human nature).
As I have said, elites, governments and banks have been attempting to sew distrust since time immeasurable. Then, like shamans and magicians, they rush in to pretend that they are our saviours. Which is a scam they have run, over and over again, every 80 or so years, *on a wide scale). But, the WEF et al conspiracy, which is full of false promises and bad science, takes this conventional game to greater extremes than ever before - to the point of actually trying to depopulate the serfdom, not merely through the ravages of war, but through mass genocide, euphemised as, "euthanasia." Historically, this is what NAZIs do. Although the WEF et al conspiracy uses wokesters as its useful idiots, it is really the same old braid of corporate-marxist NAZI statists who are in charge of all this. Very ugly, demonic psychopaths.
So, just look at all the woke programmes they have run us through... "Defund the police!" / "the GOP said that!" "Fry them like bacon!" Soros putting in prosecutors and AGs who let violent criminals go free. Kamela Harris paying to release rioters from jail. All the lies told about Jan.6 and so on. Releasing millions of potential terrorists into "Sanctuary Cities" out of the goodness of their hearts - "It's the Republicans who are to blame!"" All the absurd games going on at the White House - the cocaine, the boobs on the lawn, the charades of Hunter. Collapsing American institutions by making them absurdly woke. Introducing pornographic and pedophelic textbooks covertly into schools and then cry that Republicans are "Banning books!" Telling us to be happy eating bugs, while destroying our food production, energy suppl-lines, etc. It is all one big pathetic set-up. And it is all being paid for by easy, corrupt dark money.
The inflation: deliberate. The wars: deliberate. The Satanic "entertainment" episodes on TV: deliberate. The triggering of "Poly-crisis" everywhere you look. The specific attacks on Christians and whites and pro-Americans: Deliberate. Several propaganda movies: Deliberate, often with the help of China. The clot-shots:
DELIBERATE. The mentality of bugger-thy-neighbour: Deliberate!
Here's an example of how they have made us polarise according to excited distrust. There is a very real phenomenon called gender dysphoria. I believe it is real, and could have something to do with things doctors have yet to study - like identity, and physics, and neurohormones, and the brain, and so on. It is just as real as is homosexuality, or girly-men in Native American cultures - it might not even be an actual mental/illness. Just another state, in a world of almost-infinite states. However, gender dysphoria is relatively rare.
But, the GREAT RESET conspiracy has dumped billions of dollars in campaigns to make as many boys think they are girls, and vice versa, as possible - artificially - dutifully. They have promoted, "caring," to the point where children are "lovingly" taken away from their parents if they wear pink (or blue) clothing, or any other damn excuse, and give these kids hormones behind the backs of their parents. Sometimes the state will take these innocents away from their parents completely, giving them sex change surgeries, when the kids aren't even old enough to drink or to vote. AS Lennon(?) said, "The revolution will not be complete until we destroy the family."
They release ridiculous "transgender clowns into class-rooms for story-time, with some of these older men actually exposing themselves to the kids. And, so, of course, all of this nonsense has gotten family-oriented conservatives very confused and angry - which it was designed to do! "Woke lgbT" has become a big deal on the right, as predicted, and is now diverting the right away from other, far more important issues. Many on the right have stopped expressing their true concern over people with true gender dysphoria, and now they complain about ALL transgender as being unnatural - just as they were meant to do, by the elites.
By dutifully polarising, in the way, people on the right fall back into becoming that caricatures that most people on the left assume they are to begin with. And the culture wars intensify. The trust flies further away.
This is very sad, people being forced into left-versus-right camps, preparing us for a true civil war - just as they are also doing with the Hammas-vs-Jewish ruckus. And it is doing so at the expense of innocent children. Sacrificial children. Children who have have been educated to be stupid, confused, and trusting of false authorities. Over the course of a decade or two.
So, I just wanted to get to that point, because I know that some of my readers are LGBT or transgender. And I wanted to be clear on what I see as going on here. I want to sound a warning not to fall for this crap.
You can still believe in environmentalism or global warming, without following behind these false idols who put themselves out in front of every good cause or trend, only to destroy or contradict it. You can still believe in conventional vaccines, despite them lying that the modRNA clots shots are also vaccines - WHICH THEY ARE NOT. You can still be moderately on guard, or even opposed, o such things as religion or politicians or one group or another group, etc., without having to commit yourself 100% to the extreme hate and violence which these bastards try to inculcate, e.g., via propaganda, Antifa or BLM.
All things in moderation - that's a sign of a healthy society. That's a way to maximise trust. Simply be consistent, rational and fair - not equitable, not other people's ends before your or society's means! You can still live a quiet, happy life as inflation comes and goes in the background.
You don't have to allow yourself to become the insane, paranoid, perniciously aggressive people whom I describe, attacking from upstairs - or all the other waves of narcissists who seem fixated on fucking with a taking from and destroying the MEEK, Band together, share, trust - whether through churches, or friends, or alternate communities, or LJ, or the local Chamber or farmers market. Inform your doctors, inform your friends, inform you sheriff, inform your priest, inform your educators, that distrust is going through the roof, and we have to stop this! Become the change you wish to see. Tech and set examples. Be generous, kind and triumphant, and you shall inherit a Planet!
"Living In A Low-Trust Society"