Management started off with the issue of someone else living up there, with the guy. I had never mentioned that as an issue of any concern. (I honestly tend to like it if people can get away with his sort of thing, so long as they are not assholes, too. Alas, we have seen, people usually ARE assholes precisely BECAUSE they are guilty).
So, she starts in with this issue, as a diversion, and because it's something they are interested in...
"There is NO EVIDENCE that someone else is living up there!" She said this despite never looking into the matter - no cameras, no questioning other renters, no asking me about the facts that I constantly heard the female's voice up there, and I here her move stuff out or move stuff back in, depending on when management plans to visit them. Or the indication that they MAY be guilty because I DO report them as being ASSHOLES. At the same time she announces this very scientific term, she keeps her head in the sand as far as any evidence goes. That way, what does she think she can do? SOMEHOW ACT LIKE I AM THE PROBLEM.
She was the same way about the toilet flushings. Until I reminded her that I was regarding that issue as THEIR issue, since they are the one's paying the exorbitant water bill for that apartment. "NO EVIDENCE!" says she - the scientist, who is also an expert on everything else under the sun, in this device of flying the banner of ignorance. Raising it high! Higher than the NAZI flag, some of these people do, they do.
Not at all looking at any of the big or little signs, pointing to the contrary. "Caution: Lemmings Ahead".
So, I continue to try to sleep, on my back, with headphones on. Because I am on my back, and because these people deliberately bang and bang, to keep me awake, I remain sick or get sicker. And so, with the oxidative stress, I have sleep apnoea, waking me up as well. And they retaliate when they hear my sleep apnoea. In other words, they react destructively to the very problem they created in the first place - instead of seeing the bigger picture, with all its little signs, such as the signs that I am ill, but could recover if I only had the chance. And, they start getting up at the same hours, following me about, bottlenecking above me, fixating, blaming, banging... Refuse NOT to be the ignorant idiots which they are. Refusing to see the many little ways they themselves are creating the very problems they are blaming on someone else. Retaliating and pretaliating not even in kind, but MASSIVELY and INSANELY. I once thought that this stragedy was just something the Israeli military did.
On and on... Given a month, forced into intense exertion, I was evicted by the very person who was telling everyone else how much she cared about me - while instead predisposing me for extreme illness. NA-ZI'ing, at all, any of the small! In complete denial of my CFS from the minute I agreed to rent from her...
I do see the small - the people who suffer, the environment that suffers and changes in flows, the so-many factors that go into scientific study and experimentation, and so on. I am not at all inclined to be he sort of person who who exclaims, "There is NO EVIDENCE that you are ill!" Or,"There is NO EVIDENCE that a mass extinction of insects is occurring at the same time we are told to be happy just eating bugs!"
"There is NO EVIDENCE that COVID IS NOT real, or that the "mRNA VACCINES" could be killing off MILLIONS of people!"
When we use the NO EVIDENCE! excuse, we are not actually doing what we pretend we are doing. In fact, we are doing the opposite: Being as ignorant and as rude as fuck. Being repletely UNscientific. How, why? Because, first of all, we may not have performed any controlled studies, whatsoever. Which was pretty much what occurred with the clot shots.
Next, no evidence is not the same thing as EVIDENCE OF NOTHING. If a few studies are done, and they show no statistical correlations, it does NOT necessarilly mean that correlations do not exist, which could be found via better studies, or theory, later. We miss seeing the little connections, which sometimes hide away in the errors of the study designs, or in the 2% of significance, or in the absence of sufficient factoring or populations. Or even of good math. Scientists totally missed the fact that the ozone hole was growing larger, simply because they were using unit of measurement incapable of catching such a big change.
And, it is very difficult to
prove a negative! In a town which has never seen anything but white swans, who can prove that black swans do exit? Except in the imagination - mot even in AI.
Or - we may miss catching why a baby cries, simply because we are not tuned into little things like the baby's eating schedules, or developing habits or personality idiosyncrasies, or exposures to stress, or wants, or emotions.
We may miss signs in the weather and, instead, blame the day upon each other.
Every night, I must hide my head under a folded dog-bed, which sits at the head of my bed. I use the pillow underneath it, as my under-head pillow, while pilling other pillows on top of my head, (and on top of the dog-bed). Because of all this activity, which I must keep as silent as possible, the blanket I sleep on has permanently pulled away from that area, exposing the couch cushions. My under-head pillow therefore has been in contact with the couch cushions, (as has much of the dog-bed).
Why do I keep a blanket on top of the couch cushions? Because the couch-cushions are laced with a fire-retardant known to cause cancer. Via the head-cushion, via the dog-bed, and even directly, my head keeps coming in contact with this chemical. NO body sees this little fact, but me. And no one knows to entertain the thought that my mother, who was always on this couch, and who later contracted some strange cancer-like rash on her arms, possibly could have been contaminated toxically by the same chemical.
Instead, people are ignored or abused until they become ill, and then shuttled away into sad living situations, pumped up with all kinds of imposing, interacting "medicines", beneficial to big pharma, but hastening their deaths. And, I guarantee you, they are feeling and seeing these "little things", they are just no longer given the authority or support to talk about them. Suddenly, everyone around them feels it is THEY who are now the brilliant authorities, even while there is NO EVIDENCE of this being true.
As I suggested to the girl from management, "So, you are somehow clairvoyant?"
I am the one who sees the little things in my life... Whether that means the nuances in the music I am listening to, the nuances in my circadian or gut issues, the nuances of my energy levels or potentials - the food I eat, the way I sleep, the dreams I keep, the babes I think look sweet, the way I comb my hair... But, these days, from the elites on down to the jackass in the street, it's all about finding the things someone else sees, wants or keeps, AND TAKING THOSE AWAY FROM HIM or her. Thus you have the creeps upstairs, holy following the bible of psychopaths, following me around in the middle of the nigh, waiting for any kind of squeak from me, or any sign I am making tea, and, then BANG, BANG, BANG - three shots to the sensitive brain - or one shot and two boosters...
Can you tell me all the little things contained in those shot you may have allowed them to give you? Could you have told me at the time? When big pharma release black sheets of paper instead actual ingredients lists? Can you tell me all the little patents and other technical mutilations of the law which were installed as prep? Can you tell me all the little historical facts and reasons behind the growth of this vast ganging-up to demoralise and destroy all the little people of the planet? Not likely, else you be called a, "conspiracy theorist!" God forbid you allow someone else to command how you use your own eyes!
So that, what then would follow? A handful of idiots with their great big heads would rule over all the clouds in the sky? Makes perfect sense to me - letting other people see what I should be seeing...
'The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.' Several years ago, when I first drove in to the other small town, looking for my new apartment, I stopped in at a dark little restaurant, to ask for street directions. This somewhat largish waitress came up, extrovertedly, and began covering with me, but she stood right up in my face - deliberately, like it was the thing to do - somehow, to already mess with me even before any kind of relationship might have taken the slightest root. Just standing right up against me, yapping into my face.
What is this?!
I guess I might have missed some change in society, after all my years secluded away with CFS... (although... There was all that weird STARING form the baristas in the Cafe Saga, and later all the STARING from the Narcissists Next Door, etc).
Since then, I have seen this preemptive, quiet bullying going on all over the place. And, maybe the sense or senses of people have become so dull that they assume this is how people are supposed to relate - to show they like each other - by being rude, and ignorant of the littler things. Using force as a form of affection, lol.
Kind of closing off all the exits at the same time.
I guess, if I had infinite time, I could write a book on this little subject, in and of itself.
Yesterday, I saw it going on, here, non-stop. At the grocery store, a bagger waited until she saw me start to walk, so she could walk almost right-into me, bottlenecking. The man in the wheelchair did the same sort of thing. And I saw him waiting for me to to it to him. Because Americans subconsciously suspect WAR.
Many other examples.
It follows the same logic used by siblings when I was growing up, which went like this:
"Find out what mm101 likes, or is interested in, and then TAKE IT AWAY FROM HIM." Of course, feigning that you actually mean to help. And if mm101 says anything about it - and even if he doesn't - then proceed to BLAME HIM FOR TRYING TO DESTROY THE FAMILY...
And, this logic is not unrelated to THIS logic:
Dangle the toy over the child's head, until the child cries, then move in as the great saviour - the great supplier of the toy..."
Create the problem. Offer self as THE SOLUTION. And, all the while,
The great FAKE-OUT, pretending that one sees the same things the victim sees, pretending to care, pretending to help, and then: destroying - depopulating. Because self-disgust is transferred over as disgust for the victim. This is how a dog or whale toys with the prey, whom it eats as soon as the prey tries to run away. Your life is all a game to them.
People who don't allow themselves to see that this is being perpetrated on them usually become depressive. Meaning to play it safe.
Narcopaths learn early that people are easy to manipulate, using sticks and carrots. But using sticks on them - like threats to kill their loved ones, or locking them in cellars, or beating them over and over - can get expensive and time-consuming. On the other hand, using carrots can be more effective. Promising great utopias, great advance in wealth or power, great sexual exploits, eternal youth, a home in the country - escape from some trying situation - is a great way to substitute what THEY see with what you SAY YOU see for them, and the victim totally believes the pea remains under shell #1, when it is now under shell #2. And they are putting themselves under the thumb of tyrants, by giving up their own sense, security and foresight. Their critical thinking.
In other words, they are butting in - putting themselves between the victim and the victim's own experience and Common Sense. Sometimes, people in need, or in fear, can be even more easilly manipulated in this way - because by living in fear, they become less aware of the little things. So - the elites generally first try to instill fear, need, etc.
Psychos have leant this to be one of the best ways of extracting wealth and power from their victims - plus they get to pose as the Great Saviours! Running off with the loot.
Now, we have retarded elites, sitting on top of all the wealth and technology provided them by the main of humanity, telling us that they know what's best for us. That they see the secondary effects of farming, and cows farting, and people eating, and cars driving, and trees breathing - and even of hearts beating - and so they tell us that they see what we see, and - since they have money - they are the authorities on what would be best for us.
So, they take away our toys, and they pretend to give us back the toys, but they leaving us dying in the gutters instead, with our wallets and purses now missing.
They actually do not see the little things in lives - they try to steal the little things in lives - little things like healthy bodies and natural DNA. And an improving, progressive environment. Because they continue to be alligned with he tyrannies of older times, not now fiefdoms, but corporations, and inbred aristocratic families, and massive financial and geopolitical cartels.
Are you telling me that our own stubborn blindness to each other's humanity is more important than their intention to destroy us all?
Here's some of what I am talking about. Presenting this video again for you...
Maria ZEEE and me... we live out on an island in the sea...
https://banned.vide/watch?id=6582799bd73929b3eed60c81 Fascism rises up from the insistent blindness of denial. The active unlistening. The placing of selfish ends over other people's means. Seeing those people either as assistants, or as in the way - expendables. Today's ongoing coup and depopulation ATTACK may see a little more of the little things than Hitler ever did, ignoring the authority of billions of meaningful human beings - who comprise the super-computer called humanity - is no way to run ANY kind of economy, and all these miscreants actually promise is FAILURE.
But, at the present moment, there is NO EVIDENCE that anything is wrong...