Tonight's Story-Time: YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS?!

Jan 28, 2024 06:02

I heard this clippage where the bald little henchman of the WEF conspiracy preaches how wonderful it is that rights don't actually exist. "They are just stories." Thus, he throws out thousands of years of advance towards more secure civil rights, and higher humanity - basically, our climbing out of the backwards muck of lesser civilisation and evolution. Meanwhile, he and his gaggle of false prophets, insist on selling us THEIR stories, and THEIR rights - to all the world's land, anon. See any logical inconsistency in that? That's because there is.

Lest any ignorant fool in this world takes pause to even consider the words of this evil twat, who wants us either all dead, or hooked up to their pre-programmed AI computers, I thought I would re-mention my own thoughts on the subjects of rights and stories.

There are rights, and they are said to be self-evident, or else guaranteed in writing. Because law is just writing, with power or force backing it, just like (paper) money. Paper money itself is a story which, by carrying the value that people assume and project, has helped us build the most advanced civilisation on Earth, (which he WEF is therefore trying to destroy), and that is very REAL.

Similarly, the rational economy and choices of a democratic people are substantially real. As opposed to the fabricated predictions of soulless and impertinent AI, only serving a handful of idiotic elites. Who got where they are by exploiting the stories called money and law, and the violations of such. Not to mention by DESTROYING all that good people have built, through sweat and blood. And treaties of peace. And justice.

Similarly, words - language and math and music - are so-called "stories" that have allowed us to arise in better humanity and self-respect - to build great cities and buildings (see World Trade Ctr.), to plant vast fields of crops, to save animals from extinction, to write great symphonies, to wrote works of fiction guiding our moral and emotionalism and intellectual inclinations, to travel to the moon, to see near the very centre of the universe - even to create AI and quantum computers.

So, just these points alone are enough to kick Harari out of the bar. As Maria Zeee says of Harari's bullshit, "I've never heard such hogwash in all my life!" (I prefer the word, "bullshit")...

But, I have actually considered this subject - of words and rights not ,"being real," before this rank-amateur Charlatan even came along.  Because, I thought it was an important philosophical point, in and of itself...

How is it that "rights" can be inalienable and self-evident, when this is just a word we created - like a law or legislation or constitutions? Or fairy tales? One way is that "rights" - representing something we feel inherently in our primate bones as a sense of fairness or justice - are backed by some higher moral Power. which could be God. Yet, it is not necessary to have this God for rights to be realities in and of themselves. Social agreements as to morality or ethics can work just as well and backing the currency we call "rights," I concluded.

Our brains are actually physically constructed to process words, and stories (memories). Well, why would this biological fact be true, if words and stories did not help us slay animals and build huts, and so on? And solve all sorts of existential problems that may come along?

Yet, every different society endows in the plastic brain some different language, making words actually something more like placeholders, intrinsically. Compact conveyors of greater realities, which go even beyond language. Experts in linguistics can vouch that there is such dynamism to words, that many people may take for granted. It's called potentiality, potentiation, or quantum dynamics.

DNA - which these horrid jackals are trying to destroy - is similar. From mere logics of arrangement, designs are laid out by DNA which build entire, physical animals. Like magic - but definitely real. Yet, we find there is still a little more to DNA, in that it also acts as a kind of antennae and processor of quantum information, and emotion, derived from other areas of the universe. This aspect is not comprehended well, yet. But it can be said to be partly exemplified in the illogics of epigenetics, such as the carrying of trauma through generations - through time - meaning also across space.

It all indicates that there is a lot more going on with words than them being mere stories or abstractions. And what is going on is called consciousness, and the physical creation of time itself, through the quantum dynamics of willful OBSERVATION. And memory.

In other words - "words" are a part of the very substance of reality itself.

"In the beginning, was the Word."

And WE decide which is Right.

Rather than handing our choices over, willfully, to those have been meaning to DEMORALISE us through their words and takings!

Now, please remember some of these thoughts, because I have been meaning to write on the nature of water, and words, some time soon. ASAP - is that a word?!

I think that's enough for now. Here is a relevant post TAG from the past!

words / language/s, harari - yuval noah, nwo / wef / great reset, right to choose, +++

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