Simple Rules?

Jan 27, 2024 11:21

Most people are only fractionally aware. Especially these days. They prefer to keep to simple rules, which don't always seem like simple rules, because these rules interact with themselves to produce seemingly more complex thought and behaviour. But, like starlings in swarms, their emergence into very varied and changing "cloud" patterns, based on elemental interaction between one bird and the next, humans today are enjoying participating in what might be called covert mob behaviour - based on simple rules.

And they like easy predictability. I certainly know that easy predictability is less stressful, (if it turns out to be correct). But, I am chronically ill. Nevertheless, I predict some more complex things and behaviour than many people - (and I do so partly, simply, because I can see fundamental rules being acted out therein). But, this is more a limbic thing going on with people, now - a reptilian thing - sometimes because of fear or spite.

[Or - the circulatory system: It's based on an H20 electrical polarity in the walls of veins, etc., throughout the body, which produces a rhythm, which gets the heart pumping along, (even though it is composed of cells which originally fire randomly). The heart doesn't pump blood. Blood pumps the heart. It's a dynamo].

[Or, the tenants upstairs: They may have no clue that their behaviour keeps sliding into being completely based on a crazy fixation on, and hyper-reactivity, to what I do down here. And the I, aware of it, get treated like I am loony, by Management, who also likes its predictable life, and is not very aware - or smart].

[Or: My siblings, or the COVID shot consumers, and so on].

So, they see Joe Biden going through the motions... Of COURSE is is going to be the chosen, running Dem. presidential candidate, right? This is the inane way that both parties, and the intelligence communities, have chosen to things - predictably - running the VP for pres., every single damn time. Election after election.

So, everybody expects this. And meanwhile, Michelle Obama is essentially running from her basement. So... What happens when it all changes at the last minute? Biden gets knocked off, and they put someone different in, OR THEY CANCEL THE ELECTIONS ALL TOGETHER? So much for comfortable predictability. What will you do, then? Imagine... You are expecting Biden, or Trump will win - but maybe there is going to be NO ELECTION. Instead, there is Marshall law. And things are taken away from you. Well, this is why they continue to run Biden. So you just continue to assume that nothing will change in the future. But things WILL CHANGE, probably drastically.

You've been depending on a stupid media, on the internet, on electricity, and on CASH - but what will you do when these easilly predicted things suddenly get taken away from you? True mob behaviour. Food riots. Violence. These mean controllers are playing chess while most Americans have learnt to regress back to playing checkers. And that's our lesson for today.

Simple doesn't always rule.

More on Joe Biden... Yesterday, I realised that Joe Biden had never said, "We'll surge the border!" He said, "We'll surge TO the border." In other words, they will send illegal alien caravans here deliberately, themselves, all the way from Venezuela, in violation of the law of the land - which was noted IN THIS IMPORTANT VIDEO. What a piece of garbage. Here's something else he might have said - although it may be AI... Even if it is AI, it could have been deliberately produced by someone with the WEF et al conspiracy anyway... (Oh, wouldn't it be funny if he did say it, though, oh lol).

Here's another thing he said.

He's a simple man...

chaos theory - emergence, psychology - mob / mass psychology, simplexity

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