Quantum TIME TRAVEL - Part Two: Entropy and Gravity.

Jan 16, 2024 15:03

I am including THIS POST as part ONE of this series. (More about wormholes HERE). Important other series HERE: Time Passages. Spell-check later...

Electromagnetism is two-handed. It has polarities which may balance - or even cancel - each other out. It is known to operate on principles of the conservation of energy. If a phon shoots out from an electron, the electron balances by slipping into a lower energy level on the atom. Electrons and protons balance each other - virtually - in charge. Atoms are logical, and can be computed through a time. But electrons need not be so logical, especially consiering how they can dance with other subatomic particles. You run an electric charge back and forth or around a magnet, and you get a magnetic field - and vice versa.

So, electromagnetism is all about the discrete polarities that quickly come and go, through our medicosmic and microcosmic realm, within the laws dictated by our ONE, FORWARD-MOVING TIME. If you meaure an electromagnetic field around a planet, it is because there is or has been some change there, relative to other planets, or to gravity, or to time. Electromagnetism is a kind of middle ground between the subatomic realm and the cosmic realm, or the realm of gravity. And, so, it is freaking everywhere. Based on the photon, we think of it, usually, when we think of energy.

How much energy is there? Where is some excess of it going? What is it doing? How much work can it do? How much work is it incapable of doing?

When ice turns to water, or water turns to steam, they do so by throwing off some excess of energy, usually introduced there from somewhere else. They accomplish these energy phase shifts through the activity of photons, and therefore of electrons, and related, and therefore of electromagnetism and it's fields, which always have some association going on. From ice to steam is a movement called increasing chaos (of atoms), i.e., of increasing ENTROPY.

Increasing entropy, or the increasing randomisation of atoms and electrons in a local space and time, are how we see that our time is MOVING FORWARD, in one direction. As this entropy (chaos) increases, and so expands in space, then accessibility to information or memory which might have eixisted in its original state becomes more and more reduced - evading our grasp, measurment, and control. So, memory gets lost, through time.

All of this is being done by subatomic particles who claim to be part of the crzy, timeless quantum realm. Must be some kind of bleed-through, right?

Yet, unlike the electrons and photons, or energy, of which it is comprised, entropy is not two handed. It is only one handed. There is no rush of atoms in the opposite directin. You cannot put steam back into the tea kettle. That is, entropy - time - only moves in noe direction. At least, this is how we observe time, as we watch what happens with entropy, always increasing, until the universe theoretically, one day, reach a point when entropy has expanded and randomness, and heat death is reached. At that distant point, time will hypothetically no longer exist. How could it?

As a kind of medium, or standard, or balancing agent, electromagnetism, though, does tend also try to be a measure of just how much some local energy pool is devolving in entropy state, and therefore moving in time, towards that ultimate heat death. We compare the local situation - all involving photons - to what is ambient to this event or process - and we do so by referring to photonic arrangements - electromagnetism - surrounding the local event. I.e. we refer to the energy environment. And, matter, or mass, is a form of energy, so we basically refer to IT, as a way of judging how some local entropy process might be unfolding - and from this comparison, we deduce that time, in general, is going forward. Starting to look a little fishy now?

Well, that's because it is. In relativity theory, there is no such thing as any truly staionary enery, i.e., mass or matter. Or collection of photons and electrons. (There these fields, though that, as I said, indicate where some relative change is occuring, or has occurred). So, what someone at ne end of the universe sees as a (local) time, oving forward, you might not see the same thing, from where you are standing. (Ergo red shift).
Therefore, this is how and why photon travel at a set speed. They are trying to reconcile all different, obeserved times, trying to collapse them into one, singe, corent realuity and time - unike in the timeless realm of uantum weirdness, right. So, this is why light is always measure to travel AT THE SAME SPEED, wherever it goes. It's a glue, a compromise, and an illusion. But, it helps us measure the sp-eed and distance of entropy unfolding, and all that, locally.

Further away, time does not have to move forward in the way we see it move forward. And, once you get to the event horizon of the universe, time can go in every which-way direction. Because we can;t really observe entropy there, practically speaking. Our grasp - our instruments - collpase in functionality, since they both must operate in one, single, local time. In the same way that looking in at quanta gets all fucked up, so too does the attempt to look beyond the universe itself, because this is what the universe itself IS.

We do see some little "inconsistencies"in all this, (which aren't inconsistencies at all, but fundamental rules). For example, we see how giant objects, because of all of their gravity, can bend beams of light. And, likewise, we have well theorised that gravity can alter the speed of light, in certain cases, as when there is a MASSIVE amount of energy put towards accelerating something containing an observer. Since relativity theory tells us that there is ultimately no such thing as anything static, like mass or matter - no one true local time - i.e. NO INERTIAL FRAME OF REFERENCE, then we do fool ourselves when we do try to jusdge local processes of unfolding entropy, then.

But, relativity theory tells us that, instead of one time, or a lot of competing times, all the universe cosnists as one fabric called space-time, where no one intertial frame of reference is the last word on anything. And the theory does so by refering to light and its apparently stable speed. Especially in relation to gravity. But, this isn't exactly correct. And this is why relativity theory has never reconciled itself to quantum theory.

Gravity can alter light, and so also the measurements of local entropy or times, in other ways. As through black holes, which have also been found to emit their own very discrete amounts of increasing entropy. As if a kind of peace offering to everyone else.

If the fabric of space time, composed of gravity and light, then some believe it can be fodlded so that a wormhole can be created for one local time/location, allowing passage into some extremely distant other local time/location, and this would be a kind of time/(space) travel which could be done faster than light, and not requiring a massive input of energy, and acceleration. Many think that wormholes might exist at various places in the universe, and maybe some aliens know where some of them are.

But, as I wrote in a recent post, I think it is better to look for so-called wormholes into the magic of quantum dynamics, because quantum entanglement is already a kind of wormhole. We can first exploit quantum wormholse, for some kind of faster-than light information transfer, and work on making those large enough to transport larger objects, like magical spacecraft - if we haven;t don so already.

Black holes are probably wormholes but, #1, we will have the damdest time measuringthrough their event horizons and, #2, the idea of traveling through a standard black hole is just not practical. Gravity, and tme itself, would destroy anyone trying to go though them.

Such is the great power of gravity. But, maybe not always. Because...

It is a mistake to start with light, and its uniform speed, as the primary rule by which we measure either gravity, or entropy - or even time itself. For many decades, scientists have been saying, well, OK, here is the speed of light, now lets base all our other measurements and laws on how we use that as a measure. But, light is not the final judge of things, observation is.

So, our relativity theory, and our ideas of time and even of the nature of light, are biased by this assumption that light is THE law of the universe. We stopped asking, "But what IS the speed of light?" too long ago.

This is why I am not 100% conmfortable thinking about wormhols as passages from one fold in the fabric of space-time to another. If we do think that way, then I do think that it still may be possible for standardly conceptualised wormholes to existin other ways as so mapped out. Why, not because almost everything else is possible?

What we think of as the law of light here might not 100% apply to the edges of our universe. The nature of light itself, as measired from here, could be a lot different out there, even beyond the obvious measurment symptom of red shift, or possibly of dark energy. Because the whole reason why light is so consistent here is precisely because it is the means by which spatio-temporal consistency is maintained locally. But, the further away you get, the less universal this becomes.

Recall: Electromagnetism is what betrays if some change is, or has been, occurring. Remember - light is the moderator of the macro and the micro. And this also means that light is a moderator of gravity and of the perception of entropy!

There may be cosmic-scale forms of wormholes out there, but these would likely be actual life-forms, i.e., toroidal energy vortexes, (or tubes), or dynamos, as exist in planets or stars.

Now - a little more about gravity - which someone said was like Love - Einstein?

Unlike electromagnetism, gravity is not two-handed. Like entropy, gravity is one-handed. Like entropy, gravity points only to one direction in time. (So, that means local, generally speaking). But, whereas entropy points in one direction of time through a process of degardation through heat and information loss, gravity points in an almost identical direction through a process of clustering, organisation, or a kind of "cooling," where, assumedly, information is preserved. Perhaps even created.

Just think about it: Gravity insists on returning things to their own proper orbits. It insists on defying entropic dissipation by clustering things together instead of breaking them apart. Gravity is memory, a dynamic process through time.

We take gravity for granted, in these senses. Similarly, we once just assumed that the Earth was sitting at the centre of the universe, a logical, inertial frame of reference. But, no, it is light that is the better reference point - and that flies not merely between the micro and the macro, to help describe time and changes in time, but BETWEEN ONE-HANDED ENTROPY AND ONE-HANDED GRAVITY, who conspire to create the illusion of a forward-moving time for us.

Life? We can actually not worry too much, in these posts, about what life is. Life is simply a similar zone, sitting between gravity and heat-death, where initially low entropy is exploited and converted into higher entropy. When you shine light on mass-energy, it is possible that life will be encouraged to grow, exploiting energy as it grows, turning low entropy into high. So, the zone of life sits between gravity and entropy. But, here's the thing: It is mainly in and through life that consciousness, and observation/memorisation, of forward moving time occurs, and manifests time as forward-moving, and actually realises time as forward-moving. Without this observation, there can be no time.

More later.... Next: Energy reversibility. After that, Mechanical sentience.

s- 'quantum time-travel (2024 series), +++

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