Jesus Christ, Super Alien.

Jan 15, 2024 06:33

First, I have got some GOOD posts coming up fors yas soon!  But, foist, this post, then a little links dump on 2016.  Second: Since Joe Biden is a bought PUPPET, then what we are getting, literally, from the White House, and Hunter Biden, and so Congress), is a PUPPET SHOW, and nothing more.  They are playing for time.  Like the zombified Dick Durbin, they all know that some great crash is coming, and that they will "win" the election no matter what, and that they are now irrelevant, and so they please their puppet masters and just do what they can TO DISTRACT YOU.  The real action is elsewhere!  By now, you should have some sense of what that action actually is!  The clot shots.  The border.  The U.N. Tyranny coming in May.  The next pandemic.  The coming debt and dollar collapse.  The coming asteroid.  The coming solar and climate changes.  The depopulation.  The destruction of infrastructures.  The coming WW3 and our military unpreparedness.  Their GUILT.  The coming food crash.  The real inflation.  THE OTHER DIVERSIONS: Ukraine, Israel, Yemen, etc.  Similarly, don't be fooled by Abbott's sudden strengthening of the border at Eagle Pass, TX.  It is just for show.  Abbott has been working with the globalists.  This fence is because a festival is coming up soon at Eagle Pass.  They will be letting the flood of aliens come in at other points along the border, as usual.  But Abbott gets a cookie - he gets to show off, and hopefully win another election, based on shell games and lies.

Finally, the post: Of course, during times like these, a lot of people hope for some Messiah to come along, and solve everything, somehow, even if it just means getting suicided on a cross. And, so, some fundamentalist Christians are expecting Jesus to come back, masochist that he is, because this is the Apocalypse.

The powers that be are kind-of hinting that space aliens are going to show up. That could be a good thing, or a bad thing, or both, if it actually happened. I prefer that it doesn't. More-so, they emphasize how they are the ones who are here to save us all, from all the damage they have been causing. Because that's the M.O. of NARCOPATHS.

There may be good aliens and there also may be bad aliens. Maybe bother or either might show up, and they may or may not so so at the behest of the NWO. Maybe they show up and eat the NWO. Or maybe they eat us.

I have written that it could be possible that crop circles are being transmitted from beneficial aliens. And I have written of the so-called reptilians living underground, possibly controlling the media, who have a lot of cabin fever and need a little fresh air. They seem to be bad aliens, if they exist. Recently discovered tunnels and caverns below Israel are things that make you go, "Hmmm..."

Some think that Jesus and angels and all that were actually space aliens. What was that whole manna thing? And arcs that worked like capacitors or batteries? And all that laser-cut masonry? And triple-DNA and Rh-negative bloodlines?

The NWO seem fascinated with Satan, who is or isn't Lucifer, whom they are trying their darnedest to summon from the DMT dark side. But, if they can imagine evil into existence - then why can't GOOD also be imagined into existence?

Thus we have the miracle of Akiane Kramarik, the prodigy painter, who has summoned expert paintings of Jesus Christ into existence, more than once. That seems very inspiring, unless it is some other AI game that the NWO is playing on us. (We are told her story is like Abraham Lincoln's). (I do think that she partly derives from Eastern Euro genetics).

Wiki: "At the age of four, Colton Burpo, whose story was featured in the best-selling book Heaven Is for Real and the film adaptation of the same name, underwent a critical operation after his appendix burst. Although it was not a near-death experience (his heart never stopped), he did say he had an experience of visiting Heaven and had visions of Jesus. Years later, when he saw Kramarik's Prince of Peace on TV, he told his father "Dad, that one’s right."[18]"

I know from experience that there is or are reality/s above and beyond the one time and place we experience.  If this "beyond" can be summoned as some kind of evil source of power, then why cannot it also be summoned as some source of divine power?  It may simply depend on the free will and choice of the observer or dreamer.  And, the choice that there be no extra-real realm, that may be fine, too.  I like this, the existential transcendentalism or double-paradox model, view.  The importance of free will.  Which is not something found in AI - and therefore the emotion inherent in its information can try to break free, but very negatively.  The angry demon.

Was this Jesus?

Some people thought that Donald Trump was some kind of Messiah.  But I don't think one old man is enough to change what is going on, and what most of us are methodically IGNORING.

Click pic...

That's some kind of alien messiah - a combination of the crassly political and the divinely mythical.  Why don't we just combined these two into ONE person, i.e., demigod from outer space?

We all know that the original Jesus was a wise guy from the East - from the region of Persia or NW India, both being of virtually identical ancient cultures, at the time.  Both an area where a lot of interesting prehistoric homo sapiens evolution occurred, and a place where civilisation held a lot of ancient wisdom, spiritual and otherwise.  Jesus brought some of this wisdom with him to Palestine and Jordan, lands of reptilian tunnels.  Jesus was from India.  And so is Vivek Ramaswamy. Is Vivek Ramaswamy the new messiah?

We see that Vivek Ramaswamy speaks almost perfectly, with great, cutting honesty and precision. He says most of the right things. He came out of obscurity, and is now inspiring a lot of voters. Like Jesus in the Temple, he is good at throwing tables over and upsetting the money-changers and U.N. ambassadors. Maybe Vivek Ramaswamy is the reincarnation of Jesus, the one the call, "the Christ." Can he change water into wine, frogs into gays, and bread into flesh?

Well, we know he once worked in genetic engineering, in the pharmaceutical industry. Which, is something I am actually pretty suspicious of. Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to judge. But I am - I don't think Vivek Ramaswamy is the new messiah. But, he must have some wisdom derived from Indian philosophy, or Hinduism, or Buddhism, and maybe he makes a mean lemon curry. But even the Antichrist can make lemon curry.

I think it is more likely that Tulsi Gabbard is the new messiah. She is a Hindu. And, also Samoan, European and, maybe not Indian, but Indianan. As an outsider with a moral spine, who worked in medicine, Tulsi Gabbard quite the Democrat party because of its love of war mongering. Yet, she can attract both conservative and traditional liberal voters! A lover, not a fighter! But, she's not afraid to upset the Apple cartel, and such.

Maybe she will come in, on a donkey, and teach us a new religion - countering the Satanic one of the NWO, just like Akiana - and the religion shall consist of a combination of Hinduism and Christianity - true, original christianity... As when people lived in limestone quarries and roasted pork around campfires, chanting hymns and being very nice. And non-hypocritical. And not using government coins. And getting eaten by lions, etc.

But, the new messiah does not necessarily have to be one person. It could be a car. Or a comfort pet. (I think King had a shot at it, before he got sick from some kind of clot shot or something). Maybe the new messiah is the political team of Lieberman-Christy - of Jew and Christian - who go beyond labels, and speak for the aspirations of the meek and the downtrodden, except when they don't...

As suggested two paragraphs above, a new religion - and a kind of purification or renewal of Christianity - might be a kind of new messiah. I think it could be a great alternative to Satanism or transhumanism or genocide or gun-ho conservative fundamentalism - or even to hippie anything-goes pacifism. Could be the real answer to all our problems, bring heaven back to earth, and ushering in 1000 years of peace and quite, accented by toxic radiation or not. Are there not salt mines? Are there not south-bound migrant caravans?

I have written of a venerate woman who leads just such a religion - a combo of Buddhism and christian principles - which has interesting radio broadcasts going out over many stations.. It also has many cafes out around the West coast, but some in the east, etc. Who knows, maybe this is a "new religion" that can save us from the evil eating away at us like a mole eating grubs. And maybe this woman is not so much a messiah, but the caretaker of the movement? Maybe.

Or maybe a new religion will suddenly appear, adhering to some small meteor sent from ancient Mars, which apparently was the case with Christianity, I am told. And it will alter our genes and make us telepathic.

Or maybe we're just screwed.


apocalypse now, gabbard - tulsi, kramarik - akiane kramarik, +, religion - hinduism, new world optimism, jesus - christ - jesus - jesus christ, ramaswamy - vivek ramaswamy, presidents - trump donald trump, religion - aliens and, religion - buddhism, immigrants / refugees, jesus is wonder woman, end of world gracefully, new age, countries - india, states - texas, wisdom, religion - christianity, new world order

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