Jan 10, 2024 11:18

Here is a very important LJ project, which I am glad is now published!  Phew!  I am hoping that everyone tags it, refers back to it over the course of weeks, and shares it, if and when they can!  (It is designed to be accessible after being printed to paper).  The facts that the so-called vaccines have been killing people, and shall continue to do so, have been with us fro the start.  But, now we have indisputable evidence, stats, graphs, witnesses and proof!  There should be no excuse for people to allow them to be censored any more!  PLEASE SHARE!-  Click graph for first video....

The NWO's 2024 Black Swan Tell

Deaths rise precipitously immediately after administration of otherwise useless clot shots.

As some of you know, by now, the evidence has always been there.  Not only that the COVID '"vaccines" do far more harm than good, but that these were bioweapons developed by a hijacked military-technocratic global crime syndicate, partly meant to incapacitate USA military personnel.  And the R&D for these bioweapons has been going on for decades, as can be seen in patent records.  Psychopaths always advertise their schemes ahead of time, which gives them some feeling of release from moral liability.  And so we even know from their own studies, reports, lips and works of fiction, that these attacks were coming.  Like dumb childlike animals, we were tricked, even while we we being informed.  That's their black magic of it.

What kinds of evidence existed?  Patents for mRNA developments; graphene oxide adjuvants; virus gene splicing; funding grants; a rodent study showing massive die-off following mRNA injections, "Event 201" and related; POLITICS: Reagan signing away pharmaceutical company liability for harm caused by future, "vaccines," mounting evidence damaging effects from past vaccines;  etc.

But, just discrete and pattern-recognition common sense might have been used to inform the consciousness of critical people: The perverse handling of the AIDS crisis and HIV research; the exaggerated response of the Feds to Judy Mikovit's CFS/virus research in 2009; the rise to absolute power of Anthony Fauci; the rise of corruption, bioweapons labs, and trade in drugs, body parts, etc.; the constant running of new pandemics (as tests); the fact that everywhere Bill Gates administered his vaccines, vast harm ensued...

And when the COVID pandemic unfolded, there was just too much incongruity for any aware and unfettered person to suspect that something monumentally fishy was going on. For example: The seemingly ridiculous attempt to hide the origins of the virus. The mask / anti-mask flip-flopping of Fauci. The censoring of whole groups of professional doctors and scientists who merely advocate methods based on known science, like heeding natural immunity. The fact that Cuomo was sending off older people to be killed in nursing homes. The fact that hospitals/doctors were being paid $53,000 every time they diagnosed or sent off a "COVID" patient to be executed via ventilator or Rendesovir. The absurd insistence on violating the rights of some, and allowing privileges to others. And all the diversionary riots which were clearly being assisted by Soros and other, which occurred almost concurrently to COVID. The whole resort to fear-mongering and stirring up mass psychosis - MUST have told somebody SOMETHING!

The fact that Ivermectin and other useful drugs and supplements, which clearly worked, as far away from people as possible - especially certain classes of people.

But harder evidence existed in the more blatant fuckery executed by the higher ups: For example, The fact that they called the "vaccines" safe was clearly a lie, (as is also claimed in one of the videos here). The known fact at the time of roll-out was that no safety studies were ever completed. There were no studies done on humans, either on short-term or long-term studies on any possible adverse effects. Studies were begun on animals but, since the animals were all DYING, these studies were terminated, and the "vaccines" were rolled out despite them. Going forward, Big Pharma, et al, attempted to hide these studies from the public, scrubbing the internet. (2014, 2915, Univs: TX, NC-CH). Why would they lie about SAFETY?! They obviously were the opposite of safe.

The fact that they called these clot shots, "vaccines", was a similar lie. They were obviously, to any scientist, not vaccines. They were actually, "Gene therapy," or, "RNA manipulators," or, in reality, "DNA disruptors." Many people saw through this, early on. Again - why would they all these (bioweapons) vaccines, when they were not vaccines? Simply because they were slipped directly into the blood stream, (or) subcutaneously. Lots of very bad things are also imposed subcutaneously, including bullets, and poisons. One might merely assume that this term was used simply because of mass naivete and fear on the part of the normal public and media, but, no. Big pharma propagated the term. It was propaganda.

Another obvious lie, which I picked up on right away - actually a double lie... The public was somehow, "assured," that the mRNA injection material would magically remain near the injection area, (of the arm). That was clearly impossible, and unlikely, and a lie. You could watch Gates or Fauci propagate this like, giggling awkwardly through their teeth, and just SEE them lying. Again - why were they, IN FACT, lying? Why would they lie? Why would they feel they HAD to lie? Unless something very big and bad was going down?! Similarly, they assured us that the, "spike protein," would clear out of our system after only a few days, and yet the, "vaccine," production machinery would go on working successfully within our bodies. Again, many people saw through this obvious, scientific untruth. Bald-faced, factually untrue.

Another big lie was a bizarre lie of omission, in that no information listing, "vaccine," ingredients, or possible adverse effects, was ever sent to doctors and hospitals. Instead. a big, folded, in-you-face black white sheet of paper was sent out. Basically saying, "not only are we hiding the truth from everyone, we are happilly and deliberately and openly withholding the truth from everyone!" How about that? The facts were staring us right in the face, even then: THESE INJECTIONS WERE DEADLY.

More deliberate lies, obfuscations and ongoing cover-ups: Hiding the immediate spikes in deaths and injuries. Shutting up the Berkshire doctors and other questioners and critiques. Attempting to disallow drugs which could successfully treat both COVID and soe after-effects of the, "vaccines," such as Vitamin D, zinc, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and so on. (I researched the latter two, and decided that they COULD in fact be so effective, exposing more lies right there). Denying helpful antibody drugs to, "politically incorrect," states. Forcing openly harmful, "COVID treatments," to helpless victims of the medical system - such as ventilators and Remdesivir. Forcing elderly people back into nursing homes to die of COVID, or to be injected, and then being given a reward for writing about this genocide...

Including deliberately-caused, COVID-unrelated deaths, in the so called COVID death counts, (meant to scare the pubic into taking the vaccines). Inlduding non-COVID-caused deaths in those death-counts. Paying off doctors to cooperate this, as well as to administrer the death-shots. PAYING tehm! How obvious was THAT fact?! Directing the clot-shots towards blacks, the poor, and conservative areas. Constantly obfuscating whether or not masks were supposed to be effective in slowing the spread. Using moralistic coercion to force people to comply with the shots. Using contract-tracing to increase the false-positive counts, as well as to force people to take the shots. Taking away peoples jobs and income unless they agreed to take the shots, and so on.

All of these were facts, at the time, and many people were just ignoring them! Not even daring to question them.

Did I even mention the quashing of the gain-of-function, and Wuhan lab origins, theories - which were facts?

Finally, the BIG LIE, repeated over and over again, that the injections and boosters were superior to natural, acquired immunity. Most learned people knew that this was untrue. This big lie, and any claim of "vaccine" efficacy, were further defrocked by the ever-increasing "need" for more and more boosters! And even many of the people who understood the superiority of natural immunity went on to accept the shots!

In truth, the repeated boosters - completely known by Pfizer, the establishment, etc., to be countre-productive, were continued and increased, BECAUSE THE OBJECTIVE WAS TO DESTROY PEOPLE'S IMMUNE SYSTEMS.

And, insisting that we all stay inside and hide from the big bad monster called natural immunity was also a bald-faced, suspicious lie. Clustering inside is the best way to lose vitamin D, and also to spread COVID - as well as the flu, the later which was included in the COVID numbers!

And what might FACTUALLY help us treat or fight COVID? Nattokinase, detox, EDTA, vitamins C and D, zinc, copper, arginine, NAC, sodium citrate, essential oils, garlic, etc., etc. - we were not allowed to know these things, because so much censorship of doctors and scientists was occurring. Again. WHY? The better question was, "Why are so many people not seeing through all this blatant coercion?!"

We didn't find out that chemicals in walnuts could help - UNTIL AFTER A FRICKIN' CROP-CIRCLE FINALLY SHOWED UP, AND PROVIDED THIS INFORMATION! But - the crop circle did who up, and it was there, and no one wanted to see it, anyway...

In fact, I saw something strange was up, years ago, when I tried to look into, and figure out, the whole phenomenon of naturalists and microbiologists being disappeared or suicided mysteriously. Just as sharp-shooters had been knocked off - think about that one, why don't you?!

The "vaccine" roll-out has been part of a larger, global coup, which is oriented towards mass depopulation. Global genocide. We have seen those facts noted in previous posts and links.


(Please let me know if any links don't work and I will correct those links)...

Tucker Carlson on X: "Ep. 60 Is the lesson of the Covid disaster that we should give its architects more power? Bret Weinstein on the WHO’s plans for you. https://t.co/ku3O5BdeoF" / X

BREAKING: SHOCKING VACCINE DEATH TOLL EXPOSED! - Disabilities Up 55% Among Women! Cancer Skyrockets


Sneak Peek: Gov't Whistleblower Data Shocks The World And Confirms COVID Vax Mass Deaths

BREAKING!!! Maria Zeee Interviews Liz Gunn : NZ Government Whistleblower!!!

Zeee Media

Zeee Media - Australian Independent Journalist

Steve Kirsch Makes Major Announcement: New Zealand Covid Whistleblower Biggest Bombshell Yet!

BOMBSHELL: New Zealand Whistleblower Exposes COVID Mass Genocide Plan

BREAKING: The Irrefutable Data On New Zealand's Excess Deaths From COVID Jabs

Journalist Who Helped New Zealand COVID Whistleblower Joins Maria Zeee to Expose Medical Tyranny

Karen Kingston - State of Texas Sues Pfizer & NZ Whistleblower WILDFIRE!!!

The Kingston Report | Karen Kingston | Substack

2045 - Zeee Media - UN AGENDA!

NZ Government ... Yeadon Kooper Red States

BREAKING- Pentagon Confirms 973% Increase in Heart Failure Following COVID Shots

Whistleblower Uncovers Spikes in Military Medical Records

PENTAGON: 973% INCREASE IN HEART FAILURE! - Mass Vaccine Death Continues!

Wife Of Navy Whistleblower Reveals COVID Shot Side Effects Are Prolific In Military

It's Official! The Military Industrial Complex Injections Have Killed 20 Million People: Are they Above The Law?

American Petition in Support of the Declaration of Military Accountability

ALERT: CCP Military Attacks US Infrastructure as Troops Surge Across Border, With J.J. Carrell

Parliamentary question | Excess mortality following COVID ‘vaccines’: the opinion of insurers and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) | E-002944/2022 | European Parliament

Danish professor: mRNA vaccine study sends 'danger signals' - YouTube

Randomised Clinical Trials of COVID-19 Vaccines: Do Adenovirus-Vector Vaccines Have Beneficial Non-Specific Effects? by Christine Stabell Benn, Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer, Sebastian Nielsen, Mihai G. Netea, Peter Aaby :: SSRN

May 2022: Study into mRNA vaccine death rates sends 'danger signals' - The Post

17 MILLION DEAD! - New Vaccine Study EXPOSES Mass Genocide! - The Data Speaks For Itself!

Nobel Peace Prize For Shot That Killed Over A Hundred Thousand American Children

White House Knew COVID Vaccines Were Killing People Over Two Years Ago

Ed Dowd: New Data Shows Vax Deaths & Disabilities Accelerating at ALARMING Rate

BREAKING: FDA VACCINE COVERUP EXPOSED! - Court Allows FDA To Hide Vaccine Injury & Death Records!

Tom Renz Drops Major Bombshell: DARPA Created Aerosolized Covid Vaccine BEFORE The Release of Covid! WATCH

Groundbreaking: Study Details How Media, Big Tech Censored Doctors and Scientists Who Challenged COVID Narrative

Sweeping Plan for Global Censorship Exposed

ECONOMY | We've Gone Past the Point of NO Return. The Pentagon Cannot Account for THIS Money! - Douglas Macgregor, General Flynn - Dr. Kirk Elliott

MODERNA IS WATCHING YOU! - Millions Of Vaccine Posts Spied On! - 150 Million Websites Tracked!

Hang The Genocidal Bastards!

Pandemic 2 Officially Launched By Globalists

7:44 Breaking - UN Officially Calls for New Lockdowns To Counter 2 New Viruses The Alex Jones Show 337.8K views · 6 days ago

NEW LOCKDOWNS IN THE USA? - Fake Pandemic Reaches The US Among Many Other Countries!


NY Senator Fights Back Against Quarantine Isolation Rules

12:01 Other Countries Aren't Putting up with This... WHY SHOULD WE? - Kyle Shirley Flyover Conservatives 8.8K views · a day ago

INSANE! POISON FOOD ALTERING YOUR GENES! - Vax Food Is Everywhere & Is Worse Than Previously Thought

21:32 GOVERNMENT ADMITS: VACCINES CAUSE TURBO CANCER! - Millions Are Dying! World Alternative Media 71.4K views · 18 hours ago

Dr. McCullough warns: Getting jabbed multiple times with mRNA COVID “vaccines” could promote “turbo cancer”

Pfizer Whistleblower: Covid Vaccines Arrived in Suspicious CHINESE Bags

BREAKING: Doctor Finds Microelectronic Metals in mRNA Injections

Fauci Patent for Vaxx-Induced AIDS: HIV Glycoprotein 120 Contained in Vaxx - Forbidden Knowledge TV

Cytokine signature associated with disease severity in chronic fatigue syndrome patients | PNAS

Cytokines and chronic fatigue syndrome - PubMed

Prolonged sleep deprivation induces a cytokine-storm-like syndrome in mammals - PubMed


2014 texas study rats mrna vaccines - Qwant Search

LJ search

Todd Callender warns: Experimental mRNA may now be in flu shots - NaturalNews.com

Yale study exposes common chronic symptoms people experience after receiving COVID-19 vaccines - NaturalNews.com

Pinocchio Pandemic. - Wisdom is the retention of innocence through adversity. - LiveJournal

18 CRITICAL COVID VIDEOS | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary

The Resistance Begins! - LiveJournal

Wide Awake Media - News and commentary on the long-term agenda for global control that's unfolding before our eyes.

Ex-Pfizer Scientist Dr. Yeadon: CDC Vaccine Death Reports Show Lethal Experiments on Population Taking Place, Files Crimes Against Humanity Charges in Hague - TheWatchTowers.org

Dr Mike Yeadon Vaccine Lot Numbers Are Evidence of Murder - People's World War

Data doesn't lie: mRNA-vaccines and correlation to all-cause mortality

New World Odor™ on X: "Dr Robert Malone on the invalid "logic and theory" behind repeated annual v$ccines. "It drives immune imprinting and is there to basically build a market." https://t.co/zf2oxohwiU" / X

Robert W Malone MD

Why Did We Hide & Ignore This Vaccine Data? | Dr. Robert Malone | POLITICS | Rubin Report - YouTube

Is This Why Pfizer Wanted Trial Data Buried for 75 Years? - Dr. Rich Swier


FDA Doesn’t Want to Release Clinical Trial Data for 55 Years

Peter Daszak claimed he was working with the CIA, EcoHealth official says - World Tribune: U.S. Politics and Culture, Geostrategy, China, North Korea, Corporate Watch, Media Watch

Dr. David Martin: 700 million worldwide will die from Covid shots by 2028 - World Tribune: U.S. Politics and Culture, Geostrategy, China, North Korea, Corporate Watch, Media Watch

Dr. Marty Makary: Latest COVID Vaccine has “No Human Trial Data” | Guy Benson

McCullough: "We've Never Seen This in Human History" - The Post & Email

Dr Peter McCullough | Totality of Evidence

80 Years Ago CS Lewis Told Warned Us Of Yuval Harari

BREAKING: Gaza is a Distraction from 20 Million Humans That Have Died Worldwide from COVID Shot

Things that Itchy Ears DON'T WANT TO HEAR. - Wisdom is the retention of innocence through adversity. - LiveJournal

BIG PICTURE! - Wisdom is the retention of innocence through adversity. - LiveJournal

IMPORTANT VIDEO: "Sudden Deaths are at an ALL TIME HIGH" w/Dr. William Makis

Scientists: Gene Altering Cancer Causing DNA Found In Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines

Doctor Responds To Multiple Of Young Men Dropping From Heart Attacks After Covid Vaccine

BREAKING: AIRBORNE MRNA VACCINES EXPOSED! - Yale Wants People Secretly Vaxxed! - Air, Food & Water

SHOCKING! NEW ULTRASOUND VACCINE! - They Can Now Beam People With Poison!

HOW TO AVOID MRNA MEAT! - The Fight Against Farmers Continues!

The NWO's 2024 Black Swan Tell

Experts Claim Global Heart Failure Pandemic Caused by New COVID Strain

VACCINES CAUSE CANCER! - Florida Surgeon General WARNS Of Side Effects! - New Studies Emerge!


Molecular Biologist Warns On Shedding: STAY OUT OF GROCERY STORES W/ PHARMACIES

This interview is not only very good, for the facts and graphs - this professor understands the psychology and consequences of manipulation by use of FORCE, I.E., Facism!...

POWERFUL INTERVIEW! The COVID Crisis is a Weapon of Western Intelligence Designed to Establish Global Government and De-population, Warns Respected Scientist

FULL SHOW - Sunday Live: Planetary Genocide Alert! Top Scientists/Statisticians Confirm Covid Injections Killed Over 17 Million People & Counting! - The Alex Jones Show - FULL SHOW - 01/07/2024

I just want to add two or three little subjects, before we close shop, and run for the hills.

First of all, just because Pfizer and Moderna were fixated on profit does not mean that this whole thing has been some bizarre, accidental symptom of corporate capitalism, driven merely by the Will To Profit. No, the amoral, corporate profit motive can be completely compatible with a Marxist, controlled, top down coup. Just think of it this way...

How do things happen, especially in America? Via money, capitalism and corporations. Pfizer is a giant animal which is good at things. Therefore, it was seized upon by this coup in order to help facilitate the coup. It does not mean that Pfizer had to give up the profit motive. Quite the opposite: Pfizer wanted to partake BECAUSE of its drive to make more money!

Similarly, Anheiser-Busche didn't necessarilly make a non-sensical decision to destroy itself, by flouting a trans promoter of Bud Light, alienating its consumer base. Anheiser-Busche actually still made a very lucrative decision, when it decided to self-implode - a decision which benefitting its CEOs. Money was going to them NOT from consumers, but now from TOP-DOWN, billionaire benefactors - controllers - who also buy off politicians.

And, the company, Moderna, has actually been a real FRONT COMPANY for - and created by - the CIA, to help facilitate the roll-out and the Coup. But this does not mean that Moderna was therefor not also, itself driven by the hunger for profit or money!

It always happen that, when there have been historical, global, geopolitical changes, BOTH Capitalism and violent MARXISM have been used by the elites to accomplish their destructive designs. Both, together, in conjunction, complementing each other politically. Similarly, members of both political parties are also manipulated.

Issues we think of as being obviously partisan always have bigger pictures, are multi-factoral and have multiple causes.

For example, first of all: Politicians are driven by the need to be liked, or popular. They also are motivated by a greed for power. Many of them are motivated to at least appear to do good for constituents or society. But many are motivated by the greed to gain more campaign or under-the-table money. Some are driven by a compulsion to belong to the clubs of the elites. And so on. It all blurs together. Therefore, you cannot really trust politicians.

Politicians fight each other so that these personal objectives are enhanced or fulfilled. And, they fight over black-and-white issues, while horse trading with their enemies. They fight over wars, which are begun to serve the wants or needs of politicians, and of citizens, and of Banks, and of ARMS-DEALING CORPORATIONS, and of food companies, and of elites, and so on.

Similarly, something like global warming may be happening, but it may have several causes. Other planets are warming, so maybe the main cause is actually solar. But the sun is both said to be warming, and said to be entering a cooling phase. So, in the latter case, the fact that the Earth is warming may therefore be argued to be anthropogenic. But the solar system is passing through a very influential and dangerous Galactic Plane. So, who knows, ultimately, what is happening? Climate models are not 100% reliable, and generally based not on predictive information but on assumed or past information. Somethings, like extra sub-surface methane or water, might not even be known yet.

And, so it is with the great "reset" coup... with the perceived need to depopulate... with the "vaccine" conspiracy... and so on. Hitler may have commanded the holocaust and NAZI aggressions, etc. But people voted him in. And people chose to believe his false flags. And people chose to believe his lies about the Jews, just as my sisters chose to believe lies about me, before I became a scapegoat. People chose to believe lies about the "vaccines" and therefore: PEOPLE CHOSE TO IGNORE THE FACTS, STARING RIGHT AT THEM, EVEN BACK IN 2020. So much for 20-20 vision.

But, simultaneously, people wanted to be healthy, people were afraid, people were shamed, people were lonely, people were anxious, and people were deceived. Now, those people are dying. But, at least they are good company, so to speak.

Similar to the bigger, multifactoral picture, illustrated above, it is important for people to understand: Even if there is something like global warming, and even if global warming is caused by humans, and even if environmentalists adhere to this mobilising issue - this DOES NOT MEAN THAT THIS ISSUE CANNOT ALSO BE HIJACKED BY NEFARIOUS AGENTS. And, so it has been. It doesn't make the issue any less valid. It means someone like the WEF has ALSO seized upon it - as it has seized upon MANY OTHER ISSUES - as a perceived means of controlling people, advancing its agendae, and gaining more power. People should not allow such parasites to thence divide them against each other, simply because they have seized upon the issues, and have pretended to represent whatever issue. THEY DON'T.


I have had a few advantages, which have allowed me to see through the curtain of bullshittery, at times. Here in America, and because of certain people, I have been an outsider - yet still an acute observer and deep thinker. Another advantage has been my love of psychology. My study of narcissism, of stress, cognition and behaviour, and of mass psychosis or mob behaviour, have all allowed me to see deeper into human nature. My study of politics and sociology just happened to help me understand the dynamics of power games, propaganda, fascism, and so on. So - these have brought purpose and meaning to my existence, here, as all the bullcrap has unfolded. And, just how bullcrap gets folded up in the first place, I am not sure but, somehow, it does.

Likewise, the fact that I contracted Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, years ago, has helped me to learn and to predict many things. I learnt how the invisibly ill can be misunderstood, misrepresented or abused. I learnt how different illnesses could be closely related. I sure learnt about pain and suffering. I learnt how to give up one's attachments and hopes and plans. I learnt how to paradoxically rest, towards absolute staticness, in order to arrive again at a point of getting anything done. And so on.

So, I have also come to see that there are many curious similarities and mRNA consequences, and/or of, "Long COVID". From nay directions - many facts - I have come to a strong hypothesis that most CFS has also been caused by so-called vaccines...

And, so, CFS (M.E.), could have been predictive of future illnesses, to be caused by these bioweapons. Gulf War Syndrome, could have been, as well. And, the story of AIDS, which included shenanigans of Anthony Fauci, might have taught us something, as well. Long COVID has been called "Vaccine-related AIDS").

Just to note, and for the record... Just the facts, ma'am... (Note: I am simply using the term, "Long COVID," (LC), as a stand in for many ill effects experienced by people following the clot-shots). Although it is possible for COVID to cause LC, virtually all LC - and everything else, including "COVID", have been caused by the so-called vaccines, themselves.

1 - Both CFS and Long COVID (LC) have similar symptoms, like deep fatigue, digestive and circulatory disruptions, and cognitive impairment.

2 - Both illnesses involve CYTOKINE STORMS, which are immune system hyper-reactions to viruses "no longer" active in the body.

3 - Both illnesses show sluggish Natural Killer cells, (in LC, especially after successive boosters).

4 - Both illnesses show, "punctate lesions" in the brain.

5 - Both illnesses display MICROCLOTTING.

6 - Both illnesses display impaired mitochondrial and genetic functions.

7 - Both illnesses might show adverse reactions to alcohol ingestion.

8 - Both illnesses might be mitigated by similar health therapies.

9 - Both illnesses are reduced by the use of antibiotics and anti-parasitics.

10- Both illnesses show significant changes in gut biota.

11- Both illnesses can be associated with some kind of heavy metal poisoning.

12- Both illnesses can be reactive to electromagnetic and WiFi radiation.

13- Whereas "flu" body temperature in CFS is lower than normal, people who die from LC blood-clots may show warming in their cadavers.

14- Both illness can tend to "specialise" as varying symptoms, possibly because a causative agent might have distributed itself differently, to different areas of the body, in different patients.

15- Both illnesses might be associated with, "shedding," as there appears to be a correlation of people with CFS and similar illnesses in their pets, or in odd patterns of epidemiological correlation, while LC is definitely associated with shedding.

16- It should be investigated as to whether LJ shows low sedimentation rates, as in CFS. Also, extremely elevated indications of (non-active) viruses, such as EBV and CMV.

I am sure there must be more similarities, but this list shows the best I can ROUND UP at the moment.

Now, the links above have been denuded, so that you can print them to paper, if you want to hand them out, after some EMP knocks out all the electricity. Believe me, this scenario is a real possibility. When the internet goes down, people will need to be printing out information onto paper again. This should be seen as an utmost priority - to ready for such a scenario.

Also in the appendix below is a sheet of paper-accessible resources - books and such - all which offer lots of additional stats and facts in support of the truth and the sad reality that a global depopulationist coup has been underway.

Appendix 1 - Same links as above, ready for print-out onto paper...

https://banned.video/watch?id=6593ce1abe3fe4c20c4fed15 - The NWO's 2024 Black Swan Tell

https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1743405833667371329 - Tucker Carlson on X: "Ep. 60 Is the lesson of the Covid disaster that we should give its architects more power? Bret Weinstein on the WHO's plans for you. https://t.co/ku3O5BdeoF" / X

https://banned.video/watch?id=659dafeccc3d09377e5bace0 - BREAKING: SHOCKING VACCINE DEATH TOLL EXPOSED! - Disabilities Up 55% Among Women! Cancer Skyrockets

https://banned.video/watch?id=656c071d0681e68064f3adf4 - EMERGENCY UPDATE!!! NEW ZEALAND WHISTLEBLOWER RAIDED!!!

https://banned.video/watch?id=656a37a70681e68064dd02bb - Sneak Peek: Gov't Whistleblower Data Shocks The World And Confirms COVID Vax Mass Deaths

https://banned.video/watch?id=656aa6370681e68064ef328a - BREAKING!!! Maria Zeee Interviews Liz Gunn : NZ Government Whistleblower!!!

https://banned.video/channel/zeee-media - Zeee Media

https://zeeemedia.com/ - Zeee Media - Australian Independent Journalist

https://banned.video/watch?id=656a5c4e0681e68064e50415 - Steve Kirsch Makes Major Announcement: New Zealand Covid Whistleblower Biggest Bombshell Yet!

https://banned.video/watch?id=656a42aa0681e68064dfc273 - BOMBSHELL: New Zealand Whistleblower Exposes COVID Mass Genocide Plan

https://banned.video/watch?id=656a1c9f0681e68064dca910 - BREAKING: The Irrefutable Data On New Zealand's Excess Deaths From COVID Jabs

https://banned.video/watch?id=656fb4650681e680641365d0 - Journalist Who Helped New Zealand COVID Whistleblower Joins Maria Zeee to Expose Medical Tyranny

https://banned.video/watch?id=656e92770681e6806408212d - Karen Kingston - State of Texas Sues Pfizer & NZ Whistleblower WILDFIRE!!!

https://karenkingston.substack.com/ - The Kingston Report | Karen Kingston | Substack

https://zeeemedia.com/?s=2045 - 2045 - Zeee Media - UN AGENDA!

https://banned.video/watch?id=6570327b11af0259c0d414e0 - NZ Government ... Yeadon Kooper Red States

https://banned.video/watch?id=6567d19ca01ac23ffecf7504 - BREAKING- Pentagon Confirms 973% Increase in Heart Failure Following COVID Shots

https://banned.video/watch?id=656902c5a7a98e8b7ff96fcc - Whistleblower Uncovers Spikes in Military Medical Records

https://banned.video/watch?id=656d21b10681e68064f4d046 - PENTAGON: 973% INCREASE IN HEART FAILURE! - Mass Vaccine Death Continues!

https://banned.video/watch?id=659dd92dcc3d09377e5fe6d6 - Wife Of Navy Whistleblower Reveals COVID Shot Side Effects Are Prolific In Military

https://banned.video/watch?id=656674f6a01ac23ffec01075 - It's Official! The Military Industrial Complex Injections Have Killed 20 Million People: Are they Above The Law?

https://militaryaccountability.com/ - American Petition in Support of the Declaration of Military Accountability

https://banned.video/watch?id=657a869fd4e108491441191f - ALERT: CCP Military Attacks US Infrastructure as Troops Surge Across Border, With J.J. Carrell

https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2022-002944_EN.html - Parliamentary question | Excess mortality following COVID ‘vaccines’: the opinion of insurers and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) | E-002944/2022 | European Parliament

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_nKoybyMGg - Danish professor: mRNA vaccine study sends 'danger signals' - YouTube

https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4072489 - Randomised Clinical Trials of COVID-19 Vaccines: Do Adenovirus-Vector Vaccines Have Beneficial Non-Specific Effects? by Christine Stabell Benn, Frederik Schaltz-Buchholzer, Sebastian Nielsen, Mihai G. Netea, Peter Aaby :: SSRN

https://unherd.com/thepost/study-into-mrna/ - May 2022: Study into mRNA vaccine death rates sends 'danger signals' - The Post

https://banned.video/watch?id=657798051b7347401e2ded93 - 17 MILLION DEAD! - New Vaccine Study EXPOSES Mass Genocide! - The Data Speaks For Itself!

https://banned.video/watch?id=651d6e0956f291eef793dd84 - Nobel Peace Prize For Shot That Killed Over A Hundred Thousand American Children

https://banned.video/watch?id=651439d515f886afe08d78b4 - White House Knew COVID Vaccines Were Killing People Over Two Years Ago

https://banned.video/watch?id=64cc709cc5821364b6669010 - Ed Dowd: New Data Shows Vax Deaths & Disabilities Accelerating at ALARMING Rate

https://banned.video/watch?id=6586191ed73929b3eeedf356 - BREAKING: FDA VACCINE COVERUP EXPOSED! - Court Allows FDA To Hide Vaccine Injury & Death Records!

https://banned.video/watch?id=65650c38629330ac22c1d055 - Tom Renz Drops Major Bombshell: DARPA Created Aerosolized Covid Vaccine BEFORE The Release of Covid! WATCH

https://www.oom2.com/t81339-groundbreaking-study-details-how-media-big-tech-censored-doctors-and-scientists-who-challenged-covid-narrative#165932 - Groundbreaking: Study Details How Media, Big Tech Censored Doctors and Scientists Who Challenged COVID Narrative

https://banned.video/watch?id=6569dd0a0681e68064db97bf - Sweeping Plan for Global Censorship Exposed

https://banned.video/watch?id=656a66a10681e68064e7945c - ECONOMY | We've Gone Past the Point of NO Return. The Pentagon Cannot Account for THIS Money! - Douglas Macgregor, General Flynn - Dr. Kirk Elliott

https://banned.video/watch?id=65650a9c629330ac22c19012 - MODERNA IS WATCHING YOU! - Millions Of Vaccine Posts Spied On! - 150 Million Websites Tracked!

https://banned.video/watch?id=65650465629330ac22c16176 - Hang The Genocidal Bastards!

https://banned.video/watch?id=6566689ea01ac23ffebd9c5a - Pandemic 2 Officially Launched By Globalists

https://banned.video/watch?id=6564cf35629330ac22be82a7 - 7:44 Breaking - UN Officially Calls for New Lockdowns To Counter 2 New Viruses The Alex Jones Show 337.8K views · 6 days ago

https://banned.video/watch?id=6568ee9aa7a98e8b7ff95dac - NEW LOCKDOWNS IN THE USA? - Fake Pandemic Reaches The US Among Many Other Countries!

https://banned.video/watch?id=656131ecbd234d5f1ac50938 - WARNING: NEW CHINA "MYSTERY ILLNESS" EXPOSED! - New Lockdowns Begin! - Mask Mandates RETURN!

https://banned.video/watch?id=65676949a01ac23ffec9f9a7 - NY Senator Fights Back Against Quarantine Isolation Rules

https://banned.video/watch?id=656b55ae0681e68064ef87bf - 12:01 Other Countries Aren't Putting up with This... WHY SHOULD WE? - Kyle Shirley Flyover Conservatives 8.8K views · a day ago

https://banned.video/watch?id=6567d5dea7a98e8b7ff00454 - INSANE! POISON FOOD ALTERING YOUR GENES! - Vax Food Is Everywhere & Is Worse Than Previously Thought

https://banned.video/watch?id=656b9b7d0681e68064f01268 - 21:32 GOVERNMENT ADMITS: VACCINES CAUSE TURBO CANCER! - Millions Are Dying! World Alternative Media 71.4K views · 18 hours ago

https://www.newstarget.com/2023-10-12-mccullough-jabbed-mrna-covid-vaccines-turbo-cancer.html - Dr. McCullough warns: Getting jabbed multiple times with mRNA COVID “vaccines” could promote “turbo cancer”

https://banned.video/watch?id=6570726c11af0259c0d5499f - Pfizer Whistleblower: Covid Vaccines Arrived in Suspicious CHINESE Bags

https://banned.video/watch?id=6566784da01ac23ffec0e143 - BREAKING: Doctor Finds Microelectronic Metals in mRNA Injections

https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/fauci-patent-vaxxed-induced-aids-biotech-analyst-hiv-glycoprotein-120-contained-in-vaxx/ - Fauci Patent for Vaxx-Induced AIDS: HIV Glycoprotein 120 Contained in Vaxx - Forbidden Knowledge TV

https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1710519114 - Cytokine signature associated with disease severity in chronic fatigue syndrome patients | PNAS

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12000020/ - Cytokines and chronic fatigue syndrome - PubMed

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38016470/ - Prolonged sleep deprivation induces a cytokine-storm-like syndrome in mammals - PubMed

https://plaguethebook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Mikovits-AAO-20210513.pdf - Mikovits-AAO-20210513.pdf

https://www.qwant.com/?q=2014+texas+study+rats+mrna+vaccines&client=ext-firefox-sb&t=web - 2014 texas study rats mrna vaccines - Qwant Search

https://www.livejournal.com/rsearch?q=rat%20study&sort=_score&journal=madman101&journalId=3142231&searchArea=post - LJ search

https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-12-22-todd-callender-mrna-now-in-flu-shots.html - Todd Callender warns: Experimental mRNA may now be in flu shots - NaturalNews.com

https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-11-20-yale-study-chronic-symptoms-covid-vaccines.html - Yale study exposes common chronic symptoms people experience after receiving COVID-19 vaccines - NaturalNews.com

https://madman101.livejournal.com/3699924.html - Pinocchio Pandemic. - Wisdom is the retention of innocence through adversity. - LiveJournal

https://stateofthenation.co/?page_id=31131 - 18 CRITICAL COVID VIDEOS | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary

https://anti-viral.livejournal.com/tag/dowd%20-%20ed%20dowd - The Resistance Begins! - LiveJournal

https://wide-awake-media.com/ - Wide Awake Media - News and commentary on the long-term agenda for global control that's unfolding before our eyes.

https://thewatchtowers.org/ex-pfizer-scientist-dr-yeadon-cdc-vaccine-death-reports-show-lethal-experiments-on-population-taking-place-files-crimes-against-humanity-charges-in-hague/ - Ex-Pfizer Scientist Dr. Yeadon: CDC Vaccine Death Reports Show Lethal Experiments on Population Taking Place, Files Crimes Against Humanity Charges in Hague - TheWatchTowers.org

https://peoplesworldwar.com/dr-mike-yeadon-vaccine-lot-numbers-are-evidence-of-murder/ - Dr Mike Yeadon Vaccine Lot Numbers Are Evidence of Murder - People's World War

https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/data-doesnt-lie-mrna-vaccines-and - Data doesn't lie: mRNA-vaccines and correlation to all-cause mortality

https://twitter.com/hugh_mankind/status/1585410379923988484 - New World Odor™ on X: "Dr Robert Malone on the invalid "logic and theory" behind repeated annual v$ccines. "It drives immune imprinting and is there to basically build a market." https://t.co/zf2oxohwiU" / X

https://www.rwmalonemd.com/ - Robert W Malone MD

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52ML4SNr3gE - Why Did We Hide & Ignore This Vaccine Data? | Dr. Robert Malone | POLITICS | Rubin Report - YouTube

https://drrichswier.com/2022/05/17/is-this-why-pfizer-wanted-trial-data-buried-for-75-years/ - Is This Why Pfizer Wanted Trial Data Buried for 75 Years? - Dr. Rich Swier

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-mccullough-report/id1562849542 - THE MCCULLOUGH REPORT on Apple Podcasts

https://blogs.mercola.com/sites/vitalvotes/archive/2021/11/19/fda-doesn_1920_t-want-to-release-clinical-trial-data-for-55-years.aspx#! - FDA Doesn’t Want to Release Clinical Trial Data for 55 Years

https://www.worldtribune.com/peter-daszak-claimed-he-was-working-with-the-cia-ecohealth-official-says/ - Peter Daszak claimed he was working with the CIA, EcoHealth official says - World Tribune: U.S. Politics and Culture, Geostrategy, China, North Korea, Corporate Watch, Media Watch

https://www.worldtribune.com/dr-david-martin-700-million-worldwide-will-die-from-covid-shots-by-2028/ - Dr. David Martin: 700 million worldwide will die from Covid shots by 2028 - World Tribune: U.S. Politics and Culture, Geostrategy, China, North Korea, Corporate Watch, Media Watch

https://radio.foxnews.com/2023/09/15/dr-marty-makary-latest-covid-vaccine-has-no-human-trial-data/ - Dr. Marty Makary: Latest COVID Vaccine has “No Human Trial Data” | Guy Benson

https://www.thepostemail.com/2021/11/28/mccullough-weve-never-seen-this-in-human-history/ - McCullough: "We've Never Seen This in Human History" - The Post & Email

https://totalityofevidence.com/dr-peter-mccullough/ - Dr Peter McCullough | Totality of Evidence

https://banned.video/watch?id=656a44d40681e68064e0777a - 80 Years Ago CS Lewis Told Warned Us Of Yuval Harari

https://banned.video/watch?id=655551c383545c8f3d73204b - BREAKING: Gaza is a Distraction from 20 Million Humans That Have Died Worldwide from COVID Shot

https://madman101.livejournal.com/3936984.html - Things that Itchy Ears DON'T WANT TO HEAR. - Wisdom is the retention of innocence through adversity. - LiveJournal

https://madman101.livejournal.com/4054310.html - BIG PICTURE! - Wisdom is the retention of innocence through adversity. - LiveJournal

https://banned.video/watch?id=658d116bd73929b3ee0292cb - IMPORTANT VIDEO: "Sudden Deaths are at an ALL TIME HIGH" w/Dr. William Makis

https://banned.video/watch?id=647a55aea6e3bb004566e690 - Scientists: Gene Altering Cancer Causing DNA Found In Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines

https://banned.video/watch?id=65833281d73929b3eed87df9 - Doctor Responds To Multiple Of Young Men Dropping From Heart Attacks After Covid Vaccine

https://banned.video/watch?id=65889c3fd73929b3eef1ae14 - BREAKING: AIRBORNE MRNA VACCINES EXPOSED! - Yale Wants People Secretly Vaxxed! - Air, Food & Water

https://banned.video/watch?id=657a4729d4e10849143d7dba - SHOCKING! NEW ULTRASOUND VACCINE! - They Can Now Beam People With Poison!

https://banned.video/watch?id=658df171d73929b3ee073064 - HOW TO AVOID MRNA MEAT! - The Fight Against Farmers Continues!

https://banned.video/watch?id=6593ce1abe3fe4c20c4fed15 - The NWO's 2024 Black Swan Tell

https://banned.video/watch?id=6594afbdbe3fe4c20c57d2c6 - Experts Claim Global Heart Failure Pandemic Caused by New COVID Strain

https://banned.video/watch?id=6598508cdb1db417dabcf8ec - VACCINES CAUSE CANCER! - Florida Surgeon General WARNS Of Side Effects! - New Studies Emerge!

https://banned.video/watch?id=659c6d911a2540668c172342 - ABSOLUTE PROOF The Covid-19(84) Vaccines CAUSE MORTALITY AND FATAL TOXICITY!!!

https://banned.video/watch?id=659d54c5cc3d09377e59b57b - Molecular Biologist Warns On Shedding: STAY OUT OF GROCERY STORES W/ PHARMACIES

https://banned.video/watch?id=659c8bf81a2540668c177491 - POWERFUL INTERVIEW! The COVID Crisis is a Weapon of Western Intelligence Designed to Establish Global Government and De-population, Warns Respected Scientist

https://banned.video/watch?id=659b68401825809f517f8f39 - Sunday Live: Planetary Genocide Alert! Top Scientists/Statisticians Confirm Covid Injections Killed Over 17 Million People & Counting! - The Alex Jones Show - FULL SHOW - 01/07/2024

Appendix 2 - RESOURCE SHEET (Can be printed to paper)...

Cause Unknown by Ed Dowd - Important book written to suggest to Dowd's loved ones that the COVID mRNA injections are probably responsible for huge increases of miscarriages, illnesses and deaths globally. Excellent as a gift to those not up on the issue/s. Ed Down has studied insurance actuaries, was a top dog at EcoHealth Alliance, and is also an expert on current trends in the collapsing banking system, etc.  Forward by RFK Jr.
PDF - https://oceanofpdf.com/authors/ed-dowd/pdf-epub-cause-unknown-the-epidemic-of-sudden-deaths-in-2021-and-2022-childrens-health-defense-download/
Walmart $20.85 - https://www.walmart.com/ip/Children-s-Health-Defense-Cause-Unknown-The-Epidemic-of-Sudden-Deaths-in-2021-2022-Hardcover-9781510776395/1450699207
Kindle $9.99 - https://www.amazon.com/Cause-Epidemic-Sudden-Childrens-Defense-ebook/dp/B0BB8JTNJZ/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0

The Truth About Wuhan - by Andrew G. Huff - Important book written by former top dog of Pfizer who documents the genetically engineered COVID virus' nefarious origins, and continues to argue that a worldwide depopulation agenda has been underway.
PDF - https://oceanofpdf.com/authors/andrew-g-huff/pdf-epub-the-truth-about-wuhan-how-i-uncovered-the-biggest-lie-in-history-download/
Walmart $22.98 - https://www.walmart.com/ip/The-Truth-about-Wuhan-How-I-Uncovered-the-Biggest-Lie-in-History-Hardcover-9781510773882/465988005
Kindle $4.99 - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09T545W1H/ref=x_gr_w_glide_int_sout?caller=Goodreads

The Real Anthony Fauci - by Robert Kennedy Jr. - Groundbreaking best-seller exposing the criminal background of Anthony Fauci, Big Pharma and the weaponisation of medicine by the American government.  RFK Jr. is an environmental lawyer, health advocate and probable candidate for presidency in 2024.
PDF (Two-book deluxe boxed set) - https://oceanofpdf.com/authors/robert-f-kennedy/pdf-epub-the-real-anthony-fauci-two-book-deluxe-boxed-set-bill-gates-big-pharma-and-the-global-war-on-democracy-and-public-health-download/

The Wuhan Cover-Up : How Us Health Officials Conspired with the Chinese Military to Hide the Origins of Covid-19 - by RFK Jr. (2023) - Walmart $24.99

A Letter to Liberals: Censorship and COVID: An Attack on Science and American Ideals - RFK Jr. - (2022) - PDF - https://oceanofpdf.com/authors/robert-f-kennedy-jr/pdf-epub-a-letter-to-liberals-censorship-and-covid-an-attack-on-science-and-american-ideals-childrens-health-defense-download/ - Walmart $12.99

Saint Francis of Assisi: A Life of Joy - RFK Jr. 2005 - PDF - https://oceanofpdf.com/authors/robert-f-kennedy-jr/pdf-saint-francis-of-assisi-a-life-of-joy-download/

Lies My Government Told Me - Dr. Robert Malone (Forward by RFK Jr.) - Robert Malone invented the original mRNA vaccine technology as a medical and graduate student in the late 1980s, only to become one of the most banned people on the internet.  How did that happen?  He is now one of the foremost critics of the COVID vaccine conspiracy.  Yes, because it is a conspiracy.  PDF - https://oceanofpdf.com/authors/robert-w-malone/pdf-epub-lies-my-govt-told-me-and-the-better-future-coming-download/

The Great Reset: And the War for the World by Alex Jones - Many people know of Alex Jones as a gnat-fly conspiracy theorist. But, now, many medical professionals, investors, government employees, and activists are listening to him. He predicted the troubles now here - not because he was a crazy genius, but because he spent time reading, not only history, but the actual publications by the people designing this dystopian future for us. Despite being the most banned person on the internet, Jones' book has been a consistent best-seller, worldwide.
PDF - https://oceanofpdf.com/authors/alex-jones/pdf-epub-the-great-reset-and-the-war-for-the-world-download/

Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science - by Judy Mikovits (2020) - A foremost whistleblower on the Fauci Deception, going back to the days of AIDS and CFS research. Contributor to Plandemic series.
PDF - https://oceanofpdf.com/authors/judy-mikovits/pdf-epub-plague-of-corruption-restoring-faith-in-the-promise-of-science-by-judy-mikovits-download/
Walmart $9.94 (used)
The Wuhan Cover-Up : How Us Health Officials Conspired with the Chinese Military to Hide
More at - https://users.livejournal.com/madman101/tag/resource%20lists

Please also note that it may be important not to worry yourself too much about recent and upcoming partisan politics. The elites, military and techno-intelligentsia who have been overseeing the ongoing global coup HAVE NO INTENTION OF LOSING THE UPCOMING USA 2024 PRESIDENTIAL (etc.) ELECTIONS. So, if they are unable to rig those elections, simply because their candidates become overwhelmed by the popularity of challengers, like TRUMP, then the powers that be will create emergencies by which Marshall Law shall be instituted, and THOSE ELECTIONS WILL BE CANCELLED.

A global debt collapse, and an associated collapse of the dollar, will be coming by May of 2024. And whatever emergency is manufactured, it will be greatly intensified just prior to Election Day, in early November.

Also coming in MAY - and this is of extreme importance: A vote will be made, meant to give the WHO of the United Nations to oversee and command any and all health emergencies in any or all countries of the world, thus sidestepping Democracy. Although one high probability "Crisis" which may be used to rationalise such a move by the U.N., with it's large military force, would be THE "GLOBAL WARMING EMERGENCY," it could also refer to some new "pandemic", health crisis, war, or so on.

So, please, look into the dark and obscure schemes to rewrite some regulations at the W.H.O., and some new treaty provisions being offered for some inevitable vote. By MAY, what we all should be doing would be DEMANDING USA WITHDRAWAL from the U.N., immediately, not just for this reason, but it has also been hijacked by extremely nefarious, agents, including Fauci himself, and others.

Please set this political issue at the very top of your list as far as importance goes. Do research. Spread info and videos. Send postcards to your representatives. Spread the word at your schools and hospitals - including just how toxic the "COVID jabs" have been! Spread the facts, because the facts are sitting right in front of people's faces, but they are useless unless and until PEOPLE GET UP AND ACT ON THEM!!!

Thank you!

vaccine madness / mandates, +++

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