As good as silence.

Jan 08, 2024 05:07

A few things connected to the last post, about people denying the positive, instead of the negative.  Well, when people deny the positive, as far as I am concerned, their talk, their actions, their values, their information - it is all says nothing to me.  It has nothing in it.  So, it is as good as silence.  Imagine then, when most of the things that people do, when in a state of degenerative denial, are basically non-existent.  It is pointless to get upset by it, or to judge it, or to worry about it or, above all, feel in any way responsible for it, or to it - which would be like the victim of abuse having to support her abuser, right?  As I have said of myself: When someone stops listening to me, I LEAVE.  Nothing more to do here.  Might as well be on my way.  To accentuate the POSITIVE.  I do leave.  And this is a main reason I am alone, in a negative society, instead of suffering along in silent compliance.  Time is too short for that.  I am not bound to any hierarchy having any right to subjugate me to any sort of conspiracy of brokenness, or dysfunction, or insidious, boring, ridiculous abuse.

And, so, I think the lyrics of this song are very relevant to the "silence" in today's society, which I do see, but will not hear, as it grows into absurd dimensions, like a cancer of convenience...

image Click to view

Yeah.  The greyness of this video reminds me of my own visions, of a few years ago, which seemed to be of a scorched Earth following some massive catastrophe.  (So does THIS).  Simon and Garfunkel's original version of this song was a giant hit, (as opposed to miss), following the death of the hopeful and enchanting, J.F.K.  THIS version seems to come following the death of American society, itself.  Silence over Ukraine.  Silence over homelessness.  Silence over neo-racism.  Silence over the border invasion.  Silence over the genocide.  Silence over rampant injustice.  Silence over double standards.  Silence over the pathology of narcissism.  Silence over the marauding hypocrisy.  Silence over the collapse of empire.  Silence over the truths of science and prophesy.  Silence over dreams.  Silence over tokens of kindness and love.  Instead, the whole society slouches towards Bethlehem, towards Babylon, towards Beelzebub.  It is the silence taught by Satan.  And who are our elites, today?  Satanists.  You don;t have to believe in Satan.  But you should be fully aware: THEY DO.

Another phenomenon seemingly connected to people denying the positive was: my dream, last night.  This dream involved a lot of people.  But everyone was dissatisfied, annoyed, and deliberately annoying.  Every situation was existentially absurd, in that Kafkaesque way.  But, too pointless to even be Kafkaesque.  People in lines were being deliberately rude.  People putting their cigarettes out on other people's computers, and everyone acting like this was normal.  I had a job which had no point to it.  I was given a pile of dirty pans, and sent to a desk, with nothing to work on.  So, I figured I'd just do whatever scrubbing I could do, right there at the desk.  A line of celebrities gratified themselves by sucking off each celebrity just above another.  People prattled on about negative, meaningless things, everyone seeming to feel that this was the way to be, this was the tactic to take in society.  This was the norm.  And, my chipperness and openness and healthy gratitude and generosity?  They were despised and snuffed out.  My existence there was meant to feel valueless - as my life in this apartment here is meant to seem meaningless, as every time I move, the neighbours retaliate with punishments from above.  Using their wise and sophisticated and tyrannical NOISE as a heel to try to crush me, bespeaking the heel of tyranny which marches this way, ready to crush us all.  I think this dream had a little to do with my brain having a hard time trying to heal from its latest pains.  But the style of this dream - it was an edgy, vacuous, nihilistic style which has been used by several writers in the past, maybe not so much because they thought this was a useful or creative or entertaining style, but more because they were just originally boring, pointless, dimensionless personalities in the first place.  This was just who they were.  And some people venerated the genre which followed them around, as something meaningful, and pointing to some kind of sensible future.  A future which made sense, with its cruelty and dryness and greyness and dystopia.  What began as tricky, amusing irony, devolved into some kind of curse upon all that was good with America.  Silence, like a cancer grows.  The mean world view can be as contagious as a house of cards is doomed to fall.  And that's what the conspiracy of narcissists wants: universal DIVORCE.  Alienation.  Shell-shock.  Oh, Israel.  Oh, liberty.

silent / silence, sad, american decline / declinism - usa, dysfunctionalism, my rancour, ignorance - social ignorance, denialism, my dreams / my visions, denial - blithe denial, fascism - and see polit, my rants, narcissism - narcissists/ psychopaths, fascism - creeping fascism/ rise of fasc, social contradictions, sociology - fascism, ignorance - ignorance / neglect, fascism in the usa

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