Welcome to the House-Against-Itself - (in which tea is mentioned)

Dec 28, 2023 08:16

Both pine needle (tea) and pine bark (sometimes tea) are good re: symptoms or treatment of COVID/injection disease.  Ran out of latter before I got COVID, but managed to buy the former recently.  Started alternating morning decaf 1 day, w/ green tea the next day, and the green tea was mixed with pine needle tea.  Started doing up to three bags of decaf green tea on those tea mornings - which is a lot for me.  And using two pine needle bags.  Now I use only one green tea bag and one pine needle bag, which I recycle for my second mug.

To recycle: Boil a little water, and start the old green tea bag in that, let sit, steep.  Meanwhile, boil a little more water, but add the pine needle bag plus any extra herbs which might help - like a capsule of whatever - to boil.  After boiling quickly, pour into cup, discarding pine needle bag.  Clean out boiler with a tiny swish of water, pour this into same cup.  Then, add to this cup some sodium citrate.  Once the greet tea gets lukewarm, remove that bag, and add this cup of pine/citrus tea to that weak green tea.  You now have a nice, second cup of anti-COVID/bioweapon tea.  Take some zink and some nattokinase, and you'll be good to go.

What have I been doing, this early morning?  Well, I managed not to have to use my NC feature on my headphones too much last night, thus less graphene oxide (etc.) issues in head.  Started thinking abut using cubed chicken to make some kind of burgers.  Thought I'd added quick oats - but what kind of glue?  Cheese!  I have some cheese that might be bad from the move, but it still might work.  Not having an extra pot around, big enough, I thought I'd look for a camp kit I saw online, but could not find it - so I started comparing camp kits at Walmart.  Why buy a pot at a thrift store, when you might find a full camp kits online possibly for less money?  I like having survival and multi-use things!

But the pots aren't that big.  Suddenly realised that I DO have one big pot free!  But I continued on, researching various camp kits and stoves, and van-heaters.  I might be able to get a few camp pots, etc., plus two mini-stoves, for a pretty smart low price.  Probably something I should leave off on for now.  More important things to focus on, now that brain is stirring.  Like a pot.

And here are a few mini thought projects for LJ...

More and more, I se incidents or trends occurring in the BS media, which I can see right through, clearly.  Usually, something introduced so that the discussion about it - on talk shows, in public, etc. - will distract the attention and time away from what is REALLY going on.  For example, the wars in Ukraine and Israel have been used as major distractions - distractions from the COVID shots deaths, and from the designs of the WEF, and from the terrorists they are flooding into the country, illegally, from across the border.  So, whereas the globalist bastards often don't want you to know a lot of things they are doing, many times, they do create these distractions, (and even half-truths, and even expired incidents and idiots), which they DO want you to all be focusing on!

And here's a perfect example.  We just heard Nikki Haley answer a question, "What was the Civil War about?"  And her answer was all about State's Rights - which I believe is half of the correct answer - but she said nothing about SLAVERY.  But, this all seemed a tad contrived and artificial.  Yet another device to divide large groups of people against other large groups of people.  And, the next thing you know, even fairly astute talk radio talk shows took the bait, and spent a lot of time and discussion on, "Why did Nikki Haley avoid mentioning SLAVERY?"

Because this was clearly another trap.  Another divide-and-conquer play by the reptilian elites.  And, candidates like Nikki Haley are in the race NOT to win on their own steam of merits, but to do favours for these elites, who then expect to choose the best puppet to put into office, by again rigging an upcoming election.  Politicians like Haley are obviously willing pawns of this global conspiracy - like all the paid and entranced pawns which BROUGHT us the deadly COVID shots - i.e., useful idiots.  And so were the moderators in this debate - the way the little incident played out, it was so blatantly rigged.

Well, in this excellent interview, from early yestaerday, Gneral Flynn expressed how he noticed how the media was suddenly, perversely now blaming, "The Confederates!"  Because they are setting us up for a national CIVIL WAR, (and this has been under construction for DECADES).  So, that is why Nikki Haley was asked that stupid question in the first place.  And that is why Nikki Haley responded with such a "dunderhead" divisive answer.  Her answer was setting us up for more of this Civil War fomenting!  A set up for the set-up.  Just like the stance Desantos took on antisemitism, prior to the OCTOBER 7 FALSE FLAG WAR, which I wrote about months ago.  I SAW THE DELIBERATE, CONTRIVED SPLIT COMING - THE DIVISION BETWEEN THE ANTISEMITES AND THE ANTI-HAMMASERS.

And just like the propaganda produced by Obama, etc., such as the recent movie/s introducing the idea of grid break-downs and an American CIVIL WAR!  So, this is how they do it.  This is how they construct fake issues in political campaigns.  And how they create agitation and argument among the people, whom they then divide and manipulate.

And much of this is called, "PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING."  Sometimes they do give hints and signs of what they are planning, just to orient your creative imagination more IN THEIR DIRECTION.


If you have time to watch the full show, please think of doing that, because this show is very good at rousing people to take action!

There is also the idea that many of these freaks are SATANISTS, or involved in other, "occult magic."  One of their beliefs is that by first hinting publicly at the destruction which they plan on inflicting, in the future, they absolve themselves, in a way, of moral responsibility.  They think they are playing a trick on people, and Satan likes that.  Thus, the chants, the rituals, the ads and propaganda, etc.  (But more related to this later...)

I think I will talk about bagels and related in a Part Two to this post, later...

food - tea - green tea, jones - alex jones, ++

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