Dec 26, 2023 07:37

Here's another holiday movie. It doesn't really fit in with our mental illness theme of late, (which I am calling, "Movie Madness 1,") unless you want to consider the gayness of Dorothy's three companions as a mental illness, and Toto, too. (And Dorothy isn't delusional, she's just dreaming).

But it does fit in when it comes to structures in society stirring up psychological illness through the control, economic and flying monkey business that they hoo-do so well. Which is sociology, but also psychology - as we have seen in past entries.

[I suggest looking into the whole meaning behind the original story, written by Frank L. Baum. Economic, social, political.... all commentary and symbolism. "Oz," for example, probably refers to Ounces, (of gold or silver). And/or, it may be a reference to the poem, Ozymandias) "Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"].

This movie also makes it into the, "Female Narcissist," movie series, for big reasons you can imagine. The Wicked Witch of the WEST, is obviously a caricature of a psychopath. A narcissist employing, what else, but Flying Monkeys, right? I tell you, those flying monkeys certainly bring a big ash of Darkness to this movie. They scared every little kid.

Those creatures, Ids lacking egos, but puppets only to the demonic superego of the Witch, help make this movie a little more like The Book of Revelations, and a little less like Alice In Wonderland. Great trouble. Looming threats. A closing in from the Dark Side...

I had a roller-coaster ride, the last few days. In my day or so of battling a great and powerful brain block, I also managed to come up with a new psycho-dynamic model of the psyche or personality. Dualistic, paradoxical, worms like it too. Each person is actually two people, and this division intensifies during stress.

So, you can have this thing, which I call deep, hidden, covert or OCCULT fatigue, going on, but the "other" person doesn't really know about it. It can build and build, and maybe encourage cancer, etc., or it can explode demonically - completely beyond the control of the "other" person. This is also the OCCULT side of Nature itself.

In society, I now see, as it becomes more and more stressed, there will always be a cabal of psychopaths who take on the role of the OCCULT, and I mean that truly. They worship Satan, they reach beyond the comprehension and control of normative society. It's a real thing that happens. The last time it happened, so saliently, was in NAZI Germany - (which, I don't know if the original, "Wizard of Oz," might have been somehow predicting).

And, today, we are back to that same old monkey business. The OCCULT is breaking onto the scene, again, as was prophesied in Revelations. Deep fatigue, economic entropy, and social rust mass-anthropomorphized, once again, going another genocidal war path. And, you just ask any large bank or country there is, and they will tell you that, because of this instability, they are following their own, "yellow brick," road.

A map was drawn out for us, many decades ago, to enter into a new age of NAZIism. For one thing, through Project Paper Clip, (was it?), the USA brought in not only the, "if-not-good-the-at-least-smart," scientists from Germany, it also covertly brought in a lot of former NAZI officers, big-wigs and psychopaths. Of course included Von Vraughn(???), the missile expert, which lead to "Star Wars" and "Space Force" and the selling of nuclear weapons technologies now pointing at us, threatening our extinction.

The fathers of George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and other assorted reptiles, were all major-player German NAZIs. Can you name some more?

And, yes, lots of NAZIs really were transported to Argentina, Chile and Antarctica, (where it is said they have been working on super-terrestrial crafts and weapons). So, it has looked more and more, to me, that the whole story of Hitler's final minutes was just more propaganda, and old Adolph probably was cradled somewhere in the Western hemisphere following the war. Kind of like Obama after the "end" of his administration.

Another Big Reveal: Did you know that companies like I.B.M. not only helped fund Hitler, they helped with the genocides, by providing the bar-code system imprinted on the arms of German prisoners of war, et alia? After the war, I.B.M. helped create the front game called Microsoft, recruiting the son of a major Eugenicist, Bill Gates, to be that company's front man.

Bill Gates has always been a prying, controlling, disturbed human being, and, "Windows," was a way he could open up "windows" to the lives on information of anyone using this software. He even gave the pass-code for this rationalised spying and hacking to China. His wife left him, not only for this sort of crap, but because he loved Jeffrey Epstein more than he loved her. Jeffrey Epstein, and the Israeli MOSSAD, have been pivotal to this deliberate, wide-scale conspiracy to NAZIfy and destroy America.

A conspiracy drawn out by ancient bloodlines and banks central to the Anglo-American+Israeli power bloc, as well as by countless corrupt and OCCULT new players and useful idiots. These bastards have been slowly eating away at the original plan for America, as introduced by the rebellious Founding Fathers, Puritans, and escapee from Tyrants in Europe, such as from George in Germany.

Hitler, and the whole NAZI shebang, borrowed heavilly from several American developments, including from waves of eugenicism, methodical genocide and occultism. Because there were groups in control - globalised groups, higher than Hitler - overseeing all of the strategies for the Third Reich, WW2, the Cold War, and so on. It never really stopped.

So, here we are, today, with the great NAZI conspiracy gaining prominence all over again. Using groups like the WEF, China, BLM, Antifa, woke Democrats, Ukraine, and hordes of brown people coming into America to do their dirty work. But, let there be no mistake: The ringleaders of the new NAZI Transhumanism/genocide are mainly a bunch of old white men. And sons of old white German NAZIs.

In order to get WW2 going, one of the things, "Hitler," did was to stage an attack on the German government building, the Reichstag, and blame it on commies and Jews and the rival political party. And, so, the same people really behind this FALSE FLAG ATTACK went on to set up the attack on 9/11, the "attack" on January 6, and so on, with all the finger-pointing, and subsequent introduction of new controls, such as the PATRIOT ACT.

These new laws have been helping to facilitate spying, control, and the introduction of the NAZIfication of America, with programmes such as mass injections of deadly, health-altering and brain-altering BIOWEAPONS. I have gone to great lengths to reveal that the "COVID shots" have been a true MILITARY attack on the global population, but mainly upon the West.

Destroying the West (FIRST) has been what they have been all about, hijacking any cause or trend and using that, and massive amounts of easy money, to sneak in their corrupt controls and covert, OCCULT destructions.

So, they brought in this thing called, "Homeland Security," which sounded a lot like something from NAZI Germany, itself - but they didn't care. And, now we have all this UGLIFICATION of federal, (etc.), building architecture, looming over people, and impossible for rioters to penetrate.

And they brought in all this anti-normative decadence, and divisiveness, and anti-white racism, and inflation, and poisons, and anti-capitalism, and Satanism - so they can eventually step in and save us from ourselves. Psychopaths. Pretty much as foretold in Revelations.

And they brought in world genocide.

Great revelations - just tricks that humanity sadly forgets, over and over again, because it forgets that there really is this alternate reality, existing alongside our own, called - uh, deep fatigue - or EVIL, as it may violently manifest at times. As I said: This is a real thing.

So,"The Wizard of Oz," is a movie where the great and powerful Oz is ultimately exposed as the little creep that he really is. The King has no clothes. And thus, this movie also begins our new movie series on BIG REVEALS. Movies where something is surprising is suddenly revealed, (usually near the end of the movie).

Hopefully, many of these movies will also be about exposing false Authority, wherefore it may lie. But, any movie having a surprise ending - a big reveal - will qualify, as well. So, yep. There ya go!

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Watch full movie HERE!

microsucks, nwo / wef / great reset, psychology - of evil, evil, history - post ww2, american corruption - usa, s- 'satanism' (2023 series), gates - bill, satan / satanism, movies - 'wizard of oz', corruption, nazi's / nazi's "idk", nwo - war against the west, s- 'movie madness 1' (2023 movie series), catholic - bible / stories, animals - monkeys - flying monkeys, history - nazi post ww2, civilisation - collapse / decline of, paranormal / supernatural, nazis - incoming nazi's, demonic possession, evil - psychology of

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