Nov 27, 2023 17:34

I should mention that this is one of the most important posts I'll ever make. So. You know what? Any of you quiet muse people like collecting and organising facts? Use this post for that. Compile and organise facts. And then someone will write a book.

Back in the day, I was spending as much of my time, energy and health as I could, on researching the COVID-related bioweapons, and trying to get the word out. I knew, back then, I was way ahead of the curve - still am. But I wish I had gotten more done, by now. Instead, my life was uprooted by idiots, in midstream. Or, by the midstreams of idiots...

I keep mentioning this perennial conundrum: "Why are so many assholes idiots, and so many idiots also asshole?" My solution to this question is multifold: Idiots grow into a stupid reality, and therefore end up acting like assholes. Assholes cause every sort of problem, and therefore create a life of idiocy. But, also, it often just takes an outsider to see when people are being assholes or idiots, because, it is the nature of their beasts, that they never know they are either assholes of idiots to begin with. They just live in a stupid assholian fog.

Well, a similar conundrum comes up in regards to such idiots who disrupted my life in 2023: were they idiots? Were they narcissists? Were they all infected by mind-altering spike proteins? Or, was it something else? It's hard to say people are wrong, when they think they are sincerely doing the right thing - even if they are a genocidal gang of NAZIs. It's hard to say that people are deliberately lying to you, when they themselves believe their own lies. My answer to the problem is this: They were POSSESSED. By evil. Whether that possession was a mental illness or a surreal, paranormal possession by real devils, brought on by the effects of the BIOWEAPONS on their physiologies.

So, introducing the concept of EVIL ironically gives us a chance not only to categorise such idiots, but to forgive them. To separate them from their sin. And I think that perhaps this might have been one of the reasons why Evil remains such a useful fixture on our religious landscapes. So, I will just say that my work was overturned by a lot of weak people who handed themselves over to demons, rather than to open them up to the truths I was trying to tell. And they pulled me down into that petty, dark world like the dark demon hands in, "Ghost." Made me sicker than hell and, here I am many, many months later, still trying to recover, bother in health and in finances.

You've seen how the people upstairs to me have been buggering away relentlessly, for no reason. You've seen similar closet psychopaths in my past, doing the same thing: Just because they could. Evil for the sake of evil. Lying for the sake of lying. Harming just for the sake of harming. ALL OF THEM POSSESSED. OK? Saying this allows us to move on and get on with our work or with our lives, hopefully! I would advise you consider employing the concept when we get into discussing the nature of the BIOWEAPONS below...

First, I need a rest......... You have the right to remain silent...........

OK. We have been under a military attack - an attack coming not just from from Big Pharma, Big Tech and the Corporate Media - but from our very own MILITARY and associated intelligence agencies. This has been a giant, parasitic, global animal which has been trying to kill us off - literally. It's tentacles run deep and wide, from the W.E.F. to the banks and financial institutions to a vast network of bioweapons labs and arms dealers, to elite families and cabals, to Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, and so on. The plain fact is that more than a military coup has been underway - and more than WORLD-WIDE - this has been a military MISSION AGAINST HUMANITY ITSELF. It is only beginning. What few have seen has only been the tip of the oncoming nightmare.

Really, the extent of the concerted conspiracy has been so expert that one has to question if our A.I. has been that developed enough, from early on, to roll all this out - because it seems impossible that it could have been planned by mere, disorganised mortals. But, there are many who say that it has been planned for centuries, by psychos who had nothing better to do with their pathetic lives. Now, it is come to fruition, that their problems are now become our own.

There is, of course, the possible explanation that aliens might have been overseeing - controlling - this conspiracy for many years. There are endless accounts and evidence supporting this possibility, including the fact that the bioweapons themselves are so technically advanced - meant to kill almost invisibly - that it seems that only advanced intelligence, wanting to take over the planet, could have organised any of this. And I am completely serious.

But, then we look back on the old profit-motive, and find a lot of support there, too. It was entirely within the money interests of Pfizer and Big Pharma to make drugs that make millions of people chronically ill, so they can sell more of their pills, injections, mRNAs and medical products. It was even in their interest to kill off 20 million people, so far, just so they could the hide the fact that their previous "vaccines" had made most of those people ill originally, the companies thus removing themselves from liability for past damages.

But soooooooooooo much profit motive - by Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Ecohealth Alliance, Anthony Fauci, CDC CEOs, Pfizer, Moderna... and on and on... at a time when - one must admit - and almost infinite spigot had been turned on, allowing for such profits to be had. A spigot opened up by Darpa and the DoD and the FBI, the latter we all know is beyond any kind of corruption. This conspiracy involved Epstein, Bankman-Fried, the Bidens, a vast number of bought politicians throughout the world - one just has to understand that so many of the trillions of dollars stolen from the USA budget - plus all the illegal sex and arms trade dollars by the banks - were being used to PAY FOR this massive scheme. It wasn't just a lot of greedy people conspiring perfectly by coincidence.

This all was planned. And there is ample proof that this has been planned. Going back for decades, at least. And it was mainly planned by a parasited USA Military-Technology Establishment, of which Eisenhower warned.

That's what most of the links below go towards showing. This was a military attack on the global population, beginning with the West, largely by our own military. These are all things I meant to move along to conveying many months ago but, as I said, the world is full of idiots, or something. Demons, I think it was. Maybe.

As further into to this post, SEE THIS SEARCH, see also CLOTHCAP.

I still end up asking why - how could this attack even happen? For as much as I know about sadistic psychopaths and narcissists, and how they conspire, and control people, why now, in this age and time? All of the sudden - seemingly? Well, I guess it is never really a depression until you actually lose your own job, right? Similar here, I guess.

But, I was thinking about this, and I thought of the exponentially increased ease of modern technology, most controlled and owned by the elites. Maybe the slower, old ways of doing things just instantly appeared foolish, and everyone ran to get to the head of the line, and threw all their money and power into... into "outcompeting" everyone else, once and for all. Maybe the competition drive, once held in check by realities of gravity and entropy and age, suddenly evapourated, and literally opened up Hell's gates to the worst our race had to offer. It's as good an explanation as any other I can think of. Like dumping trillions of dollars of free money into the economy so the rich become richer and everyone else gets eaten up by inflation...

Anyway - we know by now that both COVID and its sister, the clot-shot BIOWEAPONS, which were developed simultaneously, years ago, are meant to harm or kill people. The death and miscarriage rates are skyrocketting, while birth rates are plummeting, wherever the so-called "vaccines" were administered. But we continue to learn precisely how they have been doing this damage. They mainly target the reproductive organs, the heart, the brain and the lungs. They rip up cells like confetti. They unleash cytokine storms, retarding the brain. They cause neurological disorders. They insert malignant graphene oxide which grows in response to electromagnetic radiation, (5G). They insert parasites, ebola and other bits of viruses. Of course, they insert agitants to the immune system, toxins, and so on. All patented: Years ago. Including the mRNA crap.

It is alarming to me how many parallels and similarities there are, and have been, between CFS and post-COVID/shots or long-COVID.

But, the main, most nefarious thing that they do is to turn off aspects of the immune system. They play three hits against cancer defenses. The first two hits are really against the body's defenses against cancer. Th THIRD hit actually ENCOURAGES cancer to grow within the body. Therefore, following the clot shots, there has been a spiralling rise in CANCER RATES worldwide. "Turbo-cancers." Cancers once held in check by modern medicine, now unleashed as if by HIV AIDS - which is, btw, part of the COVID 'virus'. So, along with alarming rises of deaths by heart and circulatory problems, there has been an explosion of cancer rates.

And, of course, there have been rises in other illnesses, some of them originally caused by "vaccines" prior to Reagan's liability waiver for the drug companies.

So. Now we know. Please see also the tag, vaccine madness, and, died suddenly, for much more. And see GLOBAL RESEARCH articles. For more info on the MILITARY MADNESS behind all this, please see the last video, here, followed by all the links below it. Here we go...

MODERNA ADMITS VAX CAUSES CANCER! - Huge Development As Millions Die From Covid Injections!

Dr. Peter McCullough - Heart & DNA Damage In Every COVID Injected Person?

wellness company....

The Wellness Company

The Wellness Company


The Science Behind Dr. McCullough's Mito Support Formula- The Wellness Company

Stew Peters- The Wellness Company

Ebola is in the COVID Vaccines! Respected Research Scientist Judy Mikovits Drops Massive Bombshells!

NEW: EXCESS DEATH SKYROCKETS! - Children Targeted By LATEST Medical False Flag!

We Are Dying In The Huxley Eugenics Nightmare

The DISTURBING Truth About the Vaxx, GMO Mosquitoes, Nanotech & 5G - Dr. Robert Young Interview

COVERUP: CDC RUNS SECRET VAERS SYSTEM! - Mass Vaccine Deaths & Injuries HIDDEN From Public!

Dr. Judy Mikovits | Why Was Patent US-2020279585-A1, the "System And Method for Testing for COVID-19" Assigned to Inventor Richard A Rothschild On October 13th 2015? | What Are Patents: US-2020279585-A1 & WO-2020-060606? + Dr. David Martin

Scientists: Gene Altering Cancer Causing DNA Found In Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines

BREAKING: Gaza is a Distraction from 20 Million Humans That Have Died Worldwide from COVID Shot

Maria Zeee interviews Mike Adams on Israel, Gaza, vaccine genocide and global war escalations

The People Have No Idea About The Technology They Possess - David Icke

Learn the Truth About the NWO COVID Mass Murder Plan

EXPOSED: MASKS CAUSE CANCER! - Government Acknowledges Cancer & DNA Altering Chemicals In Masks!

FAUCI TO BE PROSECUTED? - Rand Paul Exposes Covid Coverup! - Will We EVER Get Justice?

KLAUS SCHWAB TO BE ARRESTED? - WEF Whistleblower SPEAKS OUT! - Elon Musk Tweets Q-Anon?

this is a true military attack:


World's Top Expert To EU Parliament: Corona Virus Is A Bioweapon & Greatest Crime Against Humanity In World History

Did National Security Imperatives Compromise COVID-19 Vaccine Safety? - Malcolm Roberts


CIA Agent's 1992 Confession Unearthed: 'WEF Will Kill 4 Billion by 2030' - News Punch

CIA Agent's 1992 Confession Unearthed: 'WEF Will Kill 4 Billion by 2030' - Rumble

Bio-warfare & Weaponization of Medicine Amid Covid

77th Brigade in the pandemic - YouTube

Pentagon now funding “genetic extinction” technologies that could be weaponized to target humans -

How the US gov’t built a shadow structure that enabled COVID vax ‘bioterrorism’

Pharmaceutical Whistleblower: Covid and the 'Toxic Vaccines' are Bio-Weapons Created by U.S. Department of Defense (Video) - RAIR

Pentagon Insider Confirms Deep State Coups

The Pentagon, Big Pharma, and Globalist War - Global ResearchGlobal Research


Daily Mail Bombshell: Army Spied on Lockdown Critics, Sceptics: "Now We've Obtained Official Records that Prove They Were Right All Along"

Colossal Financial Pyramid: BlackRock and The WEF "Great Reset" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

SECRET Pfizer DOC REVEALS 2019 Human JAB Trials: Pfizer CAUGHT Testing Vaxx BEFORE PLANDEMIC!

Pfizer Director Caught on Camera Admitting Pfizer Controls the U.S. Government

General Vance gets the Assange/Clarence Thomas treatment for standing up for truth: Links 1, February 3, 2021 - Vlad Tepes

YUUUUUUGE!!! U.S. Supreme Court Rules Unanimously You May Sue Government Agents for Damages When They Violate Your Individual Rights

The Vax is a CCP Bioweapon Targeting the West - Naomi Wolf Interview CLIP

White House admits staging fake vaccination operation to gather DNA from the public - The Goodly Lawful Society

Rand Paul: This is the biggest coverup in the history of science - YouTube

Biden was selling secrets to the CCP! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

The Ministry of Truth is real, led by the BBC & helped cause 20m Excess Deaths due to C-19 Vaccination

You DODGED the mRNA bullet, but more EXTERMINATION WAVES are being unleashed


Reader: WHO releases international pandemic treaty zero draft that targets “misinformation” and “disinformation”

Billions In Danger As Japan Investigates University Research To Discover Why So Many Die After VAXX

Medical Industry Whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes Fauci Backed Premeditated Murder by Injection

The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State (Video)

Pfizer is clearly a Bio-weapons division of DARPA.


Actions Of FBI, CIA Leave Us In Our Own Truman Show

British Monarchy Demonstrates its Criminal Complicity in the Covid Vaccine Genocide of the UK Citizenry

COVID-19 BIOWEAPON BOMBSHELL! EcoHealth President Dr. Peter Daszak Was Working for the CIA While Funding Lab Work in China (VIDEO)

The Covid “Vaccine” Is an Intentional Effort at World Genocide

CIA, FBI & DIA all set up to brazenly lie to the American people with absolute impunity.

HUGE WAR COUNCIL! 50 top NATO-aligned Military Officials just met at the U.S. Ramstein Air Force Base to plot WW3 against Russia

COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ are extremely dangerous and deadly bioweapons - Sworn testimony by Dr. Richard Fleming (Video)

The COVID Vaccine Agenda Is A DARPA Funded Depopulation Program.

Top Military Historian Warns: The Woke Mind Virus Is An Elite Weapon

11:59 Pentagon Report Admits Coginitive Security System to Control the Population 44.6K views · 3 days ago

White House admits staging fake vaccination operation to gather DNA from the public - The Goodly Lawful Society

White House admits staging fake vaccination operation to gather DNA from the public - YouTube

Newest Twitter Files Confirm Biden Admin In Complete Control Of All Major Tech Companies - TUESDAY FULL SHOW 12/27/22

CIA Agent's 1992 Confession Unearthed: 'WEF Will Kill 4 Billion by 2030' - Rumble

Pfizer’s Business Model is Actual Fascism. "The Merger of Corporate Power and State Power"

UPDATED: Small percent of vaccine batches responsible for large number of adverse reactions, analysts claim

Dr. Robert Malone leads thousands of scientists in calling for a total end to ‘orchestrated’ COVID crisis

Dr. Peter McCullough: COVID jabs should be the presumed cause of unusually high excess deaths

mRNA Is Not Going Away: Moderna CEO Has Permanent Global Plans - Tracy Beanz

Dr. McCullough: Something's Gone Drastically Wrong, and the Victims Are the People of the World

The So-Called "Global Elite" See Humans as a Cancer and an Impediment to Their Precious Resources

Dr. Naomi Wolf: Healthcare Is Moving into the Business of Invading Your Medical Privacy and Selling Your Data

Baby Alexander's Mother Speaks Out Against 'Extremely Evil' US Government

Dr. Naomi Wolf: The Medical System Is in the Position of Being Identified as Complicit In a Mass Murder

Dr. John Campbell Describes How the COVID Narrative Shattered His Trust in Government

'Highly Disturbing': An Increasing Number of Hospitals Are Denying Blood Infusion Recipients Unvaccinated Blood

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Admits mRNA Technology Had Never Been Successful & Was Surprised That mRNA Was The Method Used For A Global Vaccination Rollout

Dr. David Martin: 3.5 Billion May Die From The mRNA & Adenovirus Spike Protein BioWeapon

Dr. Yeadon Warns: So-Called “COVID Vaccines” Are Toxic by Design

Former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon Declares COVID Vaccines Are “Toxic by Design” - They’re Weapons To Reduce Global Population

Pharmaceutical Whistleblower: Covid and the 'Toxic Vaccines' are Bio-Weapons Created by U.S. Department of Defense (Video)

Dr. Yeadon Warns: So-Called “COVID Vaccines” Are Toxic by Design

US defense dept. secretly controls COVID vaccine production process that ‘cannot be traced’: researcher - LifeSite

The US Department of Defense Controlled COVID ‘Vaccines’ from the Start Under A National Security Program. Lied the Entire Time - Were Never ‘Safe and Effective’

US defense dept.'s COVID vax operation pushed unregulated shots, deceived public: researcher - LifeSite

How the US gov't built a shadow structure that enabled COVID vax 'bioterrorism' - LifeSite

‘Toxic by design’: Researcher explains why US defense dept’s COVID vax operation shows intent to harm - LifeSite

US defense dept.’s COVID vax operation pushed unregulated shots, deceived public: researcher

huff -----Wait?! The DoD Was Behind This WHOLE Thing?? - Whistleblower Interview

Dr. Andrew Huff on government LIES, Wuhan lab leaks and the true origins of COVID

Doctor Robert Malone | "One of the Transformational Points In Time for This Technology Was When DARPA Decided to Issue a Large Contract, a Series of Contracts to Enable the Development of mRNA and Specifically mRNA Use for Vaccine Purposes."

At Least 1 Billion Dead or Disabled from CV19 Bioweapon - Dr. Betsy Eads | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

At Least 1 Billion Dead Or Disabled From CV19 Bioweapon - Dr. Betsy Eads w/ Greg Hunter (Video)

Special Reports Attorney Breaks Down How Vaxx Tyrants Could Face Military Tribunals posted a day ago

Politics COVID Vaccine a Pentagon Project, Says Robert F. Kennedy Jr. posted a day ago

PUREBLOOD WITCH HUNT: British politicians want police to add “unvaccinated people” to terrorism watchlist

US Lawfare as a Weapon of War. The Destabilization of Latin America - Global ResearchGlobal Research

Kari Lake Agrees Most Likely CIA Coup Stole the Arizona Election

Here's How Vaxx Tyrants Could Face Military Tribunals - Todd Callender Interview

Fetal Deaths/Miscarriages Skyrocket: Secret Pfizer Docs Reveal Death JAB Accumulates In The Ovaries

“It’s A Bioweapon”! - Dr. Richard Fleming (Video) | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary

Plandemic DEPOPULATION Plan EXPOSED: Big Pharma Creates BIOWEAPON To Profit Off DISEASE (about 19 min video)

ALL Vaccines, Not Just mRNA are Bioweapons? (short Video)

Civil War: FBI Wages Attack Against US Citizens

CDC Confirms That Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Were Knowingly Sent to Red States

Dr. Malone Exposes Military Grade Weapons Being Used Against Us


INSIDE DOD Mass Genocide Operation

AFTER TALK Katherine Watt-Government Tyranny, US Govt Takeover, Psyops & Vaccine Adverse Effects 04-

FOIA Docs Prove COVID Bioweapon Injection Program Was Run by the DoD From the Start!

Dr. McCullough: The Jabs are a US Military Op. Using Big Pharma as Marketing Shields

Law Prof. Francis Boyle: PLANDEMIC Elites BROKE Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act

Brannon Howse w/ Dr. Naomi Wolf: 'Covid Shot CCP Bio-Weapon for Mass Genocide'

The U.S. Govt. Can Legally Kill Us - The 2nd Largest PSYOP in the Past 120 Years!

Breaking: Military Jabs Extremely Toxic Comirnaty Serum More Potent Than Others

Karen Kingston - Russian MoD Confirms mRNA Injections Are Bioweapons!!! Globalist Plan for Nanotech Revealed!

EXPOSED: UN Emergency Response Report

“COVID-19 is a Designed Bioweapon with a Toxic structure” says US...

Are COVID Vaccines-Like COVID Itself-a “Pentagon Project”?

Klaus Schwab & Hunter Biden Connected To Ukraine BIO-LABS - Greg Reese
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