Irish need not apply.

Nov 25, 2023 06:05

Part of a dream was me walking in on a TV show or movie which normally had everyone in their underwear or lingerie - just part of the show, which must have had comic elements.  One of my friends was an actress in the show, and we began talking, but by now she was Molly Ringwald - 1980's, with dark hair, and a large hat.  Molly denigrated my life.  She taunted that I could have been a DJ.  But now I was just dirt to her.  Fine.  She had a weird mouth.

I don't know so much about me being a music DJ.  Hard to be anything atm.  But, some radio talk show hots sometimes do seem to show a striking resemblance to your truly, at times.  Mark Levin, for example, is always whining and complaining about people, even though he's smart as a tack.

Chris Plante and I share the same non-chalent, on-the-fly sense of humour.  We like pretty much exactly the same kinds of music.  He doesn't really see politics as being central in his life - he would prefer that it just went away.  He's got a similar ethnic and religious upbringing.  He's generous and forgiving.  And I believe we share the same birthday.

The two guys on Red Eye radio, (all night), are similar to me, in some ways.  The married one is always making cute little jokes, more like Chris Plante.  On the other hand, Gary MacNamara is like he never grew up with his life.  Until his mother died, he was always talking about his parents, but had no kids or wife of which to speak.  He talks about catching planes, listening to radio or YouTube, etc., etc., and it's just like, "Gee, buddy, when are you going to have an actual, grown-up life?!"  But, he can get away with yammering about pointless things, because he's an all-night talk show host.  People don't stop and feel sorry for him - he may have 3 cars, etc., but he never really succeeded in life.  He's still struggling along as a teen boy dealing with his first job sort of thing.  I guess some people hit some kind of snag and don;t really get past it.  But, we are similar in some of these ways.

I hit that snag decades ago and its called serious disability, though.  Until CFS hit, and destroyed every aspect of my life, I was on my way.

Society is filled with all sorts of people, usually fucked up to some degree in their own ways.  Lots of people are constantly at it, trying to steal credit from toher people, feed off of the glory of other people, undermine and supplant other people.  But, they are all fairly safe from each other, because they all have jobs, and can afford to get away from each other - fly away, throw money at problems, present as responsible in society, etc.  Even if they are as stunted as Gary MacNamara, they can still come off as being great successes, and nobody is brining them down or destroying their lives.

But I don;t have that.  I don;t have a job.  I went from eeking out a life of moderate independence to being a tenant of the Government.  Not only with no job to save me - but very sick and ill, I could hardly help myself.

When I think about how certain people have completely destroyed my life in recent years, I become incensed.  And this increased my CFS, my COVID my UTI, and my life immediately plunges, where even a job couldn't help me, at such a point.  So, all I can do is just start plugging forward again with my minute-by-minute doings - taking my cranberry juice - trying to get back on a circadian, etc.  And try to forget about all the assholes who have no concept of, or reason to allow for, fairness.  No concept of growing up even beyond the whole realm of making money or being decently employed - into something even wiser, more humane, more honest.

But, I even turn slightly in my bed, and the moronic assholes upstairs react and retaliate - for what?

How can I even remember myself when living like this?  How can I even breath long enough to be able to recover slightly and just write?

Just get back to my own chosen career?

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radio - talk radio, music - english beat

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