
Nov 19, 2023 06:23

Walmarts has a habit of, when you order two of the same items, deciding you only need one.  It thinks it is thereby fairly divvying out limitted resources, I suppose.  In which case, they need to stop advertising that you can get two or more of the same thing, but they don't, so it's got a little to do with power.  Some idiot at the local helm.

This time, I ordered two cans of red Rustoleum spray paint.  What I got was one can, plus a can of something brown - some other brand.  And I have been prohibitted from returning the brown one - or both.  How about that.  Because in a fair world.  The brown thing is actually more expensive so Walmarts woke equity policy cots it more money than if it would just let people shop.

Now, I again have to try and match this red to some other red.  Can you imagine if each shopper actually knew what was best for THEM?  Like, I know that I want and need two of the exact same colour - certainly not some brown thing.  And the other people Walmart is similarly overseeing, so nobly - they don;t want to end up with the can of brown they ordered - plus an unrequested can of red, which they are not allowed to return.

When did we all end up back in 2nd grade?

"Equity" is a kind of fundamentalist thinking which completely ignores true fairness. More often, these days, it is used as yet another means by which to scare people into thinking that resources are limited, so fight amongst yourselves, won't you?

irrational, woke supremacism, economics - inflation, woe is me, fundamentalism - left

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