
Oct 19, 2023 16:41

I thought, "If this migraine could get cleared up, maybe I could go to the farmers market!" It could clear up. A bit. But I still wouldn't feel like moving around. I like to consolidate activities - do a lot of things on the same day. If I went to the f-market, today, it would just be: drive there, get a vegetable, and then drive back. Kinda lame, which is what I am. An agent of entropy. But less so than most.

In ancient times, disciples would walk around in the sand, spreading the Gospel. Sometimes in writing, because of the whole new scroll thing. They were part of a new dynamic, growing a revolutionary new community. Not just spreading the gossip, although, comparisons could be made.

In California, people drive around spreading gossip, using the whole new technology of cellphones. And this is very important to the economy, observers believe. Since that's all they do. And that's all they observe. And that's all they believe. Not one Gospel injured in the process.

I sometimes like to refer to the movie, "Life Sucks," because life really does suck. Here, we see Mel Brooks, a very rich man in a narcissistic society, who agrees to pass for a poor person, for a week or something, on a dare or a bet. So, he does this, and finds that social entropy starts eating away at him. Little things like gossip cause huge gashes in his psyche, his wallet and his life. Soon, he is in a trap, finding it very difficult to climb back out of. A sand-trap.

And the gap between rich and poor widens like a dragon's mouth, in California, land of opportunity and magical technology. And the poor all rush in to the cities, where rent is impossibly high, and politicians like it that way. I hear that, all the way around some cities, the sand has been deliberately booby-trapped with these pot-holes of demise, growing a whole new crop of desperate poor people, year by year, who will vote them back into office, based on all their false promises.

Rumour has it. As it is written.

There is this spider who digs itself into the sand, and just lies under a funnel for weeks and months, in the dry desert heat, waiting for insects to fall in, and get eaten. "You are being eaten, you are being eaten, you are being eaten..." Of course, there are ants and beetles who have also learnt this trick. And probably some wasps. They eat bugs and they like it. But, for the victims, it feels like sheer buggery.

And the poor victims strive to climb out, but the sand in the slanted walls just keeps shifting down under their poor cute little feets, and they get exhausted, and get digested like a good book after lasagne. With a nice cozy swarm of fire-ants at your feets.

This is the same as what happens to poor people, just in the course of any day, pretty much. So many annoyances, and biases, and difficulties conspire against them, they just, at best, tread sand, and stay there, ready to try again, the next day. Entropy.

But, on top of this - the scourge - the blight of slings and arrows - the thousands of cuts - just from entropy, or inflation, there are so many more weights bringing them down, if they live in highly narcissistic societies.

"Take a gulp! He said, 'narcissistic'!"

Why? Why is this so much worse in narcissistic societies? Because, where nothing succeeds like success, therefore, nothing disgusts more than failure - and the road TO success is actually paved with conviction that all else is failure.

For example, you have a nice little plot under a tree, growing carrots, and being fed by birds and frogs? Not in a narcissistic city! Immediately, you are deemed homeless, a useless eater, a blight upon the urban landscape, and an emergency case for dependency upon the narcissistic state.

So, philanthropists, looking to save on taxes, have some place to throw their token charitable contributions. But, apartments are not actually built for you. Rent does not go down for you. Instead, you are given heroin needles and condoms and, after a while, these become indistinguishable from your former friends, the birds and the frogs. Which were razed long ago.

Everyone rushes to the cities, seeing all the glitter on nationalised TV, attracted to all the promise and jobs and advertised comfort. The cities are growing, expanding - and opportunity is exponential, but for a smaller and small micro-percentage of the population. And this population says to itself, "I pulled myself up by my bootstraps, why cannot all these indigent mole people?"

In growing economies, invention is ample enough that new technology arises in regular intervals, so expansion feels easy and even manifest and destined. But, after that pace tapers off, and entropy starts clogging things up - or even if you take a magnified look at what's happening when times are successful - you will see this:

In comes a new technology. Many people seize upon it, and new economic activity and wealth follows. New money is printed, new money is loaned out, new investments are wagered, new houses are built, new arts and culture grow up like fat on a healthy child - BUT - this is all dependent on the new technology, and the assumption that it shall be followed by similarly beneficial technologies. It never is. It may be followed by new technology, but never really exactly appropriate technology, for the base economy.

And so, all those bubble I mentioned - yes, they are now bubbles - they rupture and pop - but not for those who are the richest of the rich. They have money to make more money, no matter what else comes along.

For example, electricity. Suddenly, everyone is excited about electricity. The cities light up and night and everyone turns gay. Farmers stay up late, listing to new-fangled phonographs and radios, spending less time considering their fields and the weather. People jump into cars and drive away from what creeps up to bother them. So, the new technology, electricity, while making people feel more wonderful about life, ergo, themselves, also implants DENIAL at the very same time that it brings easy. In other words, people start taking it for granted, and start attributing the greatness of its power to the greatness of their own egos.

They can do everything faster and easier. And, those who are richest, are the fastest and easiest of all. Whereas, those who are poor, start getting run over by all the noise, denial and arrogance. Only when the big bubbles pop do enough of the population side with them for a while, demanding social justice, and so on. But, then along comes war, with all its new technologies, and we are off to the races again.

This boom-and-bust, and also this simultaneous boom/bust, happens in countries. But, more of the booming goes on in the cities, where costs of labour are low, and there are so many geographic and technological conveniences, while more of the busting goes on out in the rural country. (And inner cities). The new, exciting technologies roll in first in the big cities, and take a while to reach the country. This means that the city elites already take advantage of them, and become richer, at the expense of the opportunities of millions of others. The rich get richer and, when the economy begins to slide in regularity, the poor balloon like a big bubble all unto itself. Because it is all in one big sand trap.

So, you can see how mere slings and arrows of entropy become amplified many fold by these dynamics, and this is why such disparity of wealth is propagated in the big, narcissistic cities.

People who blindly benefit from expansive economics tend to maintain old moral ways of expecting how people should act. For example, if a rich person were to bother to say, "HI!" to some stranger on the street, they would expect that stranger to return the greeting - tit-for-tat - with an equally absurd, "HI!" It wouldn't matter to them if the stranger was working in the sewer, or was plagued by lice, or had CFS, or was flailing in some sand trap, or was deaf, dumb or mute, or was simply completely disgusted and exhausted by the ravages of their day. A great big, "HI!" was due in return to them. And if they didn't get it, they could just hire their driver to horsewhip them into beautiful salvation. Praise the lord. That will chase the drink out of them!

So it is with just an infinite myriad of other examples. Better-off fools, made arrogant by the ease of new technology and its new money bubbles, go around expecting tit-for-tat from everybody else, often just so that they get the chance to consequently, sadistically punish everybody else. And this is one thing that contributes to the psychopathy of the elites. Because, not learning any bigger picture, they personalise everything, and take everything personally, in the bigger and bigger bubbles of they heads. They be narcissists. And they conspire to booby-trap everyone else, who all fall down upon the poor.

The more and more selfish and ignorant these vampires become, they more they insist other do EXACTLY WHAT THEY SAY, or else they somehow have the right to retaliate. If their victims do not respond to them IN THE EXACT WORDS WHICH THEY EXPECT TO HEAR, then they deem those people as being, not free or honest or creative, but obstinate, aggressive and even terrorists.

So, that's what been happening in recent decades. We all - especially the rich - have new technology, making things so much easier and faster. And the more well-off amongst us start assuming that other people must respond to them with the fidelity and speed of a button pushed. A screen displayed. A biopsy reported or a purchase made online. An elected official bought. A new crop of deficit spending dumped. A crop of phony paper ballots harvested. It's all your fault for being moral, and not joining in with this new, easy wave of corruption, which defines the souls of these parasites.

See how it goes? One big sand-trap. And they imagine themselves kings of the mountain. But, they've got things all upside down. And cannot see the damage they do. So busy taking everything - everything they project and blame - personally. And spreading the gossip amongst themselves. Hot-wiring the info of blame across infinity. So head-in-ass, they are as convinced that their guilt and jealousy, denied, is more moral than the purest of Gospels.


I had a massive migraine when the cable guy came by to install WiFi, (without calling ahead, this time). The last installation guy said that either the line to the apartment building gets fixed, or I get charged double for internet. So, after contacting management, who contacted the WiFi company, the word was that the line wasn't bad - it was just the connectors. But, this new installation guy came in, finding nothing wrong with either the line or the connectors. So, it just shows to go ya. And you think it would be easy going now, right? In fact, I said, "Well, that makes it easier for everyone!"

And you know me. I've got the disease that makes me desperate for ease.

Not just a migraine, had I. But, I think I was eating the WiFi sins of all the apartment buildings around me, 2.5G, 5G, coming in strong from every direction, indecipherable voices in my head. After that massive body blow, which could have partly been COVID, and its graphene oxide super-gunk, I was far from recovered. And G.O. was probably still being mobilised by all the WiFi hitting me. Whatever was happening, I felt like shit. Like my sand-trap was made out of tiny razor blades.

But did this guy imagine anything like that could be possible for any human being to which he might be talking? No. He expected tit-for-tat. And, in fact, I was pretty gracious. But, he started demanding that I download an app - just as the last guy had - and I repeated, no, I am a privacy advocate, and do not download from Google, Apple, etc. I don;t give YouTube my info. I steer clear of MS. The whole Windows Operating system is already one big giant booby trap, full of windows where spiders crawl in and out. If you don't believe me, just ask Bill Gates' psychoanalyst.

And he took this as some kind of personal insult.

How hard is it to figure out? You don't use a technology in order to tell people what to do in their lives, even as you make money by charging them crazy high sums of money for that technology. Those people are paying YOU, not the other way around. "I install your modem, and therefore you MUST download an app - or else!" What? Or else I have to take the COVID shot?

No honour or respect for someone who a privacy advocate. Of course not. This useful idiot knows who butters his bread, and he imagines life is made into paradise by the WiFi he installs, making him some kind of George Zimmerman cop or something. Instead of imagining for a second that there could be anything wrong on his end, he decided to consider me some kind of crazy, some kind of obstacle to progress. Some kind of failure along his glorious path to success. He pushed me like a button and I did not light up in the right way.

When I got WiFi installed, in the last city, at least the guy - who was from NJ - had sophistication enough to write down my phone number on paper, and asked me to write down my new user name and password for the new WiFi, so others would not overhear any of his information.

But the guy here today was almost shouting out all the new information, so that neighbours far and wide could write it down, if they chose to, as only when they should be deaf do the walls have ears.

Sand-trap 360.

So this guy showed disrespect and even disdain for me, leaving with a goodbye which basically said, "Well, glad I wiped all that gasoline off my hands!"

"Have a good life!"

Do you know who invented that term, by the way, as a form of sarcasm? I did. Many years ago. Except it was, "Have a nice life." One of the few things I started that ever really caught on. There were a few others. So, dealing with idiots today who are living in an attitude I left decades ago. It's a little stultifying. Living in a past which keeps coming back in zombie form.

Anyway, this little bugger was narcissistic.

"Take another gulp!"

He was the helpful idiot of those who profitted most from the unfairly sold new technology. And, let me tell you, its expensive, especially if you compare it to Europe of Chattanooga. Let's see... eventually, it will cost $83/month. If I were to say someone were helping to pay for this, then my sisters would read this in my journal, and then rush to that person, and try to convince that person, with their self-righteous and terminal jealousy, that I had no moral right to be helped in this or any other way! So, what do you do?

In a narcissistic society? (Gulp!) What do you do? It's a sand-trap.

And cable guy, who wasn't even world-famous, will be shafted once the rich are done with him. Maybe he'll agree to have a WiFi antenna installed in his spleen and they'll turn it on and cook him until he melts very environmentally.

Headlines read, the next day:

"Useful idiot points, turns, looks back, becomes pillar of salt." Now to be forever scorned as just another useless eater, with shallots and ovaries.

And, so it was, as I made my way across the desert, taking in all I could stand, becoming delirious with the heat. But at least my visions were 20/20.

And my aim has never been false.

Call me Methuselah.

Cable guy also spelt my user name incorrectly. How dare I presume to want what I want. Of all the nerve!

I wouldn't have done well if I had gone to the farmers market this afternoon. In the three times I have been there, I have never seen corn. This is Iowa. Maybe the problem is that organic corn in Iowa has just become a physical impossibility.


Corn, everywhere.

And nary an ear to hear.


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