Invasion of the PSYCHO-STALKERS! - (P.O.A.P. Series)

Oct 17, 2023 17:57

I came upon a 2011 post of mine, wherein I said similar things about the Republicans: They displayed narcissistic characteristics - like most of the LEFTISTS, and neocon/libs, today.  What explains that?  Well, maybe that's the way they were in 2011, and then the left took over.  The Republican party has changed a lot in recent decades.  Anyway, here is a discussion, to be followed by links...

This post is a combination of a few related things. First, the Uncle Sam asks are all liberals psychopaths, or are all psychopaths liberals. Well, he doesn't really go into this double question deeply as all. What is shown is a few minutes of him being accosted by some jerk, who defends Biden weirdly, looking drunk and ignorant. Watch how all of his arguments erupt from the id, or limbic brain, and so he jumps around from this illogic to that illogic. And see how he gruffly tries to invade Uncle Sam's body boundaries - trying to win an argument primarily through intimidation, or force.

On the last day of my being at the house/gallows, my LL-sister once again pulled that same body-language crap on me, trying to emphasize the moral correctness of a vacuous argument primarilly through intimidation. When she got push-back, she then launched into me being a horrible person, again, and everything was my fault, and so on. But, I have gotten the same in-your-face body rush crap from other people, some complete, groundless strangers, all of whom did appear to be liberals. Not true liberals but brainwashed leftists. Democrats in denial.

And, it may come as no surprise to you, but, yes, many personality traits of today's arrogant, ignorant, self-important and self-rationalising LEFTISTS actually do parallel those of mentally ill narcissists and psychopaths. I send out a hint of this, once in a while. But I have never done a full analysis of the obvious correlation, possibly because there is just too much evidence, and too much to cover. Like, covering just ONE trait would be enough. But there seem to be hundreds of similarities between the two classes. So many other things I need to spend time on.

There are, next, at least two Alex Jones videos. In at least one of these, you will see some of these similarities. You will also see how so much of what is going on in the world - what we are being pulled into - like the war in Israel - are part of ONE BIG SET-UP. Just like I have recently experienced in my own life. But, the majority of people seem to being waking up - to how they were played, with the "vaccines" and so on. And they are gaining humility enough to admit that they were plays, and they they decided to support the set-up, and even that they may have been deeply complicit. Those who do admit as much - those who stop denying - will find that they are now AHEAD OF THE CURVE. Ahead in the game. Those who still do not continue TO LIVE IN A BROKEN PAST.

And, it is the latter group who will continue to act ridiculously, in defense of BS, like the guy in the Uncle Sam video. The video with Viva Freis goes into how Trump has been harassed and corralled into jail, slapped with a gag order during a presidential campaign, and so on. I was never slapped with a gag order, (because the slander was coming from the opposite direction). But I was deliberately exhausted.

And as soon as my sister discovered to whom I had most recently been in contact, she would rush to contact that person, get their mind of the possibility that I was innocent, and then involve them in her campaigns to further demonise me. E.g., for mentioning that the sloppy landscapers were probably responsible for the broken water pipe, as they had been for other damage. Or for signing a waiver so I could continue using the toilet, which was my legal right to do, as a tenant. Or for not adhering their agenda of taking an apartment which was three times over my budget, and was therefore, "so obstinate!!" Well, then, how about stay out of my life?!

So, mutating what a person says into ammunition against him or her - that is a kind of equivalent to a gag order. Spreading gossip that the person is untrustworthy or aggressive, rather than physically sicker than they want to imagine. So, they attacked the underdog. A sign of narcissism. A sign of dying empire.

The rest of this post should provide a variety of links, some very good, about psychopathy - including serial killers or mass shooters, I believe. The extremes to which some people will go in order to prove to themselves that they are forever RIGHT. And entitled. And supreme. Whether NAZI or Woke.

This is a clip from yesterday's show (10-16)...

You can also watch yesterday's full show...

Alex Jones Reveals the Secrets on Collapsing Markets, WW3 and More! - MONDAY FULL SHOW 10/16/23

Here is the important (10-17) VIVA FREIS video. He is a Canadian, and also discusses Trudeau, (thought to be the son of Fidel Castro).  (Please let me know if these videos stopped working on your device).

Or find and watch today's FULL SHOW (10-17-23) over at or

Remember, psychopaths are just bad narcissists, who tend to be more sadistic, and also less personally bothered about what other people think of them - except when what other people think of them figure into their schemes of manipulation.  People like to say the rich cats don't care about us poor people.  But they are often wrong.  The WEF / Big Rocks care a lot about us, because they are obsessed with controlling and destroying us.

PSYCHO - !!!!!!!!!!!

Researchers find PSYCHOPATHS do feel fear but don't recognise danger | Daily Mail Online

The Moth | Radio Hour | Blue Men, Psychopaths and a Bad Date

Are YOU a jerk? Take this test to find out! Five-question quiz reveals if you have the traits of a narcissist...

How to Spot Psychopaths: Speech Patterns Give Them Away

Maslow's Human Needs : TED Radio Hour : NPR

The Underhanded and Aggressive | Psychology Today

Six Subtle Cues That Someone Is Narcissistic | Psychology Today

Who Are You Calling a Psychopath? | Psychology Today

Passive-Aggression | Psychology Today

What the Narcissists Have Done to Our Jobs and Health | Common Dreams

Seven traits every leader needs (and they're a lot more unusual than you think) | Daily Mail Online

Bully victims are 'twice as likely to suffer mental health problems as adults' | Daily Mail Online

Article: Would Donald Trump pass the psychopath test? | OpEdNews

Official Reality is Psychotic - You Are Not : Waking Times

Religious people have poor understanding of reality, controversial study finds - RT Viral

The Psychopathic Elite, Order Followers, And WWIII -- YOU Are The Solution

The Powerful Act Immoral as they Also Suffer from Herd Mentality : Waking Times

New Findings on Emotions in Borderline Personality Disorder | Psychology Today

The Insanity of Narcissism

Psychopathy in the workplace

Trailer park entirely inhabited by paedophiles and sex offenders | 60 Minutes Australia - YouTube

The Psychopath Plague [Paperback - Used] -

Ex-eBay Exec Pleads Guilty To Terrorizing Couple With Spiders, Funeral Wreaths - Slashdot

Surrounded by Psychopaths: How to Protect Yourself from Being Manipulated and Exploited in Business (and in Life) (Paperback) -

What A 15 Year Old Mass Killer Looks Like - YouTube

Inside the Brain of a Psychopath Institute of Human Anatomy

psychology - psychopaths, violence, narcissism - narcissists/ psychopaths

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