Time to decide: Please! SAVE THE BEES!

Sep 05, 2023 20:10

Lots of new and older links here.  Watch Maria Zeee enraged by the Australian Government, deliberately killing bees.  And more..

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The Power of Bee Democracy - YouTube

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A World Without Bees | History - YouTube

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Why Are The Bees Dying? - YouTube

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Could the extinction of bees be the end for humanity? | 60 Minutes Australia

ZEROTIME: The Government is KILLING Millions of Our Bees! - Zeee Media

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Bee extinction: Why we're saving the wrong bees - (DW Planet)

bees disappearing video - Qwant Search
insect extinction video - Qwant Search

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What Caused the Extinction of Giant Insects? | Full Documentary

More Bees...

18-Year Study Links Neonicotinoids to Bee Colony Decline - D-brief

High number of pesticides within colonies linked to honey bee deaths: Some compounds commonly regarded as 'bee-safe' could be a major contributor to honey bee colony losses in North America

The Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Is Disappearing in the US

Facts About Bumblebees

South Africa v Sri Lanka: Bees stop play in third ODI

Costco calls on its suppliers to avoid using bee-killing pesticides - NaturalNews.com

Environmentalists warn of bumblebee's extinction after Trump halts regulations

Life Without Bees: The Effects on Food

Thousands of dead bees wash up on Florida beach

Researchers use big-brother tech to spy on bumblebees

Honey bee genetics sheds light on bee origins

Bee deaths caused by insecticides drifting from cotton farms

As Bee Population Continues Decline Scientists Introduce Robobee

Honey bee genetics sheds light on bee origins

Bumblebees Leave 'Smelly Footprints' Behind on Flowers

Overuse of antibiotics brings risks for bees, and for us

Is Monsanto responsible for a 90 percent drop in the bumblebee population?

CEO Secrets: What I learnt from bees - BBC News

🔥 Bumblebee Liftoff

A third of the nation's honeybee colonies died last year.

Seek and you shall find -- bees remain excellent searchers even when ill

Bee-friendly plants sold at garden centers found to be heavily contaminated with deadly pesticides

Bee buzzes could help determine how to save their decreasing population

Bee antennae offer links between the evolution of social behavior and communication

Probiotics found to protect honey bees from toxic effects of pesticides

New study confirms Bayer’s neonic pesticides are destroying honeybee pollinators… yet the EPA does nothing

Canada fails to protect bees by opting against full pesticide ban - environmentalists

environ - invasive species, environ - anthrogenic extinctions, environ - biodiversity loss, environ - pollution, decision-making, toxins - pesticides, species survivalism, monsanto, environ - species collapse, chaos theory - emergence, animals - insects - bees, zeee - maria zeee, animals - insects - bees - robotic, environ - toxins

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