Near-Death, After-Death - What's the difference?

Sep 03, 2023 08:08

Not great, but a better start than yesterday.

Here is a story I liked long ago and then I found it again and here I am posting it now.  Reincarnation is a subject I normally avoid.  I have no official judgment on it.  But, if NDEs' are true, and spirits are bopping in and out of locations, and of other bodies, then reincarnation might as well be true too.  Beware and be careful: Stories like these can be used by some to snooker you into following them, or buying their products, etc.  This story COULD be just another propaganda piece, trying to convince people that bodies and spirits are malleable - as in transgenderism - ergo transhumanism is a good thing.  Merging with robots, genetic manipulation, and all that.  Note how it can be read that the father is having issues because he might possibly be a racist.  Yes, this might all be a fake-out, played out by actors.  It certainly is well-stylised in production.  On the other hand, it cld be completely true...

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I found a folder of more near-death-experience reports or confabulations. These have not be reviewed deeply and are in no particular order. I know that some are interesting, because I wouldn't have saved them otherwise.

Army Veteran Died And Had A Chat With Jesus Face To Face! His Message Will Amaze You (NDE) - YouTube

Man Dies And Is Shown The Future; What He Saw Will Shock You (NDE) - YouTube

Woman Struck By Lightning; Shown Future World Events During NDE - YouTube

Who can be seen immediately before and after a person dies (Deathbed Visitors). - YouTube

Clinically Dead Man Shown Creation Blueprint & The Quantum World (NDE) | Steven Noack - YouTube

My 14 Years of NDE Research Shows What Is Coming to Mankind | David Suich - YouTube

Man Dies; Shown Shocking Truth About Creation And Why Were Here (NDE) - YouTube

Man Dies In Crash; Discovers Truth About Guilt And Forgiveness In Emotional NDE - YouTube

I Died And Saw Seventy Years Into The Future | Near Death Experience | NDE - YouTube

I Saw Jesus Twice In One Night, When He Showed Me The End I Just Cried... (Testimony) - YouTube

I Died And Jesus Showed Me World War 3 During My Near Death Experience | NDE - YouTube

I Died & Saw The Future Of The Earth - The Tribulation Period? Endtime? Not A Rapture Dream - YouTube

I Went to Heaven & Learned the Real Meaning of 666… - YouTube

She Died Horseback Riding; What She Saw In The Afterlife Will Shock You (NDE) - YouTube

Engineer Dies, Shown Life's Purpose And Truth About Free Will (NDE) - YouTube

Can Children Remember Their Past Lives? | Real Stories Full-Length Documentary - YouTube

Reincarnated Children HAUNTED by Their Past Life *2 HOUR MARATHON*

death - near-death experiences, reincarnation, death - life after death "idk"

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