ASSIVE AGGRESSION and the Road To Nowhere.

Aug 27, 2023 06:37

I'm back down to 100 on LJ.  This happens every year, higher higher higher in the polls, until some time around the end of the year, they chop you back down to 130 or so.  Probably just an annual reassess, to allow for newcomers.  But it feels like workin' for the man.

I am sooo tired.  Yet cannot sleep.  Try to sleep.  Yet too tired.  Cannot do it.  No can do.  Why are you turning me off, Hal?

Doing decaf mocha, which is a big mistake.  Here's another big mistake: I am going to try to do a real post.  Another up the psycho-socio alley.  I assume.  And remember, that makes an ass out of you and me.

First, we'll start on a parallel subject: LIES.

People lie so they can get away with certain things.  Or, they lie to save certain asses.  Some may lie because they are up to some certain GOOD, at least in their minds.  All of this is very certain, isn't it?  It certainly is.  It is specific, it is targetted, it is deliberate.  That's how people lie.  They normally have to be specific, because they would become mentally ill, were they to try to keep track of the false web they'd weave, were they to lie more generally, or all of the time.

But some people cross a threshold, where they do begin to lose track of all the lies in which they are entangling their consciousnesses, and so - I guess - their solution is just to lie more and more.  Thinking deceit might cover their tracks, where reality seemed to have failed them.

People who lie all the time are no longer lying for specific, certain reasons.  They are lying even when they do not "have to" lie.  With them, it is no longer about the specific, rational LIE.  It is about the "I" - defending the Ego, in every here and now.

Similarly, there are people who are passive aggressive for certain, specific reasons.  Situation-specific.  Usually, only when seen as necessary.  However, some people seem to cross a line - perhaps feeling overwhelmed by inadequacy or shame or jealousy - and they use passive aggression indiscriminately, as if by habit and then: By habit!  These are people who are passive aggressive even when they don't "have to" be.

With them, it is no longer about being passive, and more about being ASSIVE.  Or, simply, generally aggressive, in a cowardly manner.  This habit-of-the-heart can grow into a social phenomenon, and is very common amongst conspiracies of narcissistic Flying Monkeys.

A social contagion, sometimes associated with mass psychosis, ASSIVE AGGRESSION is the behavioural and moralising foundation upon which economic and political CORRUPTION takes root and emerges.  Thus it bespeaks the downfall of empires,

A fine example being that of Nero, after setting fires, who sat and gloated, and fiddled away, as Roman civilisation burnt into the ground, where it stayed for a few hundred years.  What an ass.  Assive Aggression and Arson are comfortable bed-fellows.  And so too are bed bugs.

Welcome to Part One of what seems to be a series evolving here!

"assive aggression", 70 deadly sins - passive aggression, lies / lying / liar liars, assholes / assholery, psychology - passive aggression, history - roman / holy empire, lies - empire and lies, 70 deadly sins - lies/ lying/ deceit, s- 'assive aggression' (2023 series), ass-backward, psychology - lies / lying, jerks, idiots

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