But tastefully done..

Aug 15, 2023 06:52

Not sure how I found this journal.  Looks like a Russian man posing as a very-nice looking female, posting many pics of naked females.  With Russian text.  Many of the pics are very good art.  Many of the faces are very interesting faces.  I checked out a few pics in the photo album, and lots of fantasy, and a few pics of - shall we say - I have bigger boobs than some of these girls - only in Russia.  I just found this journal interesting - all the work put into it - some of the care to present humane pics of females - lots of 'porn' too I guess - but I really wasn't much interested in that.  I've seen plenty of porn before.  This is mostly art and visual psychology. https://catrina-burana.livejournal.com/

art, sex, women's issues / rights / abuse, female persuasion

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