The Beauty That Surrounds Them

Aug 12, 2023 17:48

Despite continuing bad relapse, managed to putter along, forcing blood to flow, at least...  As always, everything interspersed with REST - even sleep!!!

- Cut ham "loaf" into strips, set in trays, salted / spiced, dehydrating now.
- Cleaned big old cutting board, set in sun - decided I will keep.
- LJ post?  Slept!
- Listened to WORT reggae
- Received, sorted-away Walmart order.  Exhausting!
- Wrote email to brother.
- Washed dog bed.  Quite a nice dog bed!
- Bleached old mouse traps, and vinegared 3 old dog bowls - soaking.
- Sorted through dog boxes.  Some goes to CL person, some keeps, some thrown out.  All washed.
- Decided even dog meds will go into survival med kit.  Need to put 3 dif ear mite liquids into one sprayer or such.
- Pulled Persian rug out from under couch, coffee table, etc.  Must wash somehow.
- Listened to George Harrison.
- Various other minor sorting / puttering.
- Decided no bath for today.
- Missed dog!!!!
- Made popcorn - this time in pot with oil, and had amazing results - plus "butter" and seasoning actually worked out well, this time.
- Had one Guinness stout with popcorn!
- Readied papers-to-sort next to me, to do now.

This was the only strategy of which I was capable, today.  Low-energy but physical.  Puttering.  Notice how the "official" paperwork had to be saved for later in the day.  Now the question is, will I be able to accomplish anything via internet today/tomorrow?  There are things or twos, yes.  But storage locker will probably need to wait until Monday.  Nice to have tedious, menial things out of the way, before then.  See how ti works?  Every little bit helps.

I am going to post something from WORT reggae for yas soon, I believe.  At least by tomorrow.  I also promised Canned Heat I'd sell some of its organic bling.

Was this too much? Was all of this too much? For me to take????

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music - b - beatles, my day, my cfs diary (2023), everything is connected

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