Aug 05, 2023 19:44

Walking my dog right before a meal was exactly the wrong thing to do.  And I figure that Busybody Narcissist took so long, walking my dog, because she probably fed him a hamburger or something.  Containing carbs - processed wheat grain.  More exactly wrong.  Then, following this up, expanding stomach more, with water - more wrong.  All life-threatening moves, because, well, such people have the minds of three-year olds, and whatever they do must be right, since they are the ones doing it.

Bloat has always been the main threat. And this follows gas build-up, becoming gastric distress. Where does the gas come from? Bad bacteria proliferates, because peristalsis - stalls, sis. Why does that happen? Because of previous stress, exertion, or other shocks or difficulties. Why does exertion or stress cause systems like peristalsis to stall-out - as is what happens in CFS? Microclotting. Cells try to work harder, clotting gets worse and clogs everything up. So, you get opposite responses of what would normally occur, when a body revs up to be active, or to react to catecholamines, to produce ATP, to regenerate cells, and even just to heal - or to remember. Instead, you get everything coming to a virtual halt. Which is why bad bacteria increases, which why gas increases.

When gas builds up abnormally in a dog's stomach, the stomach expands. When it expands, it often wants to twist on the ligament it hangs by. If you expand the size of the dog's stomach, with more gas, more food, more wrongful food, more liquid, or more AIR, then the stomach can twist dangerously. Gastric distress now becomes a life-threatening possibility. Because the stomach twists so much, blood circulation is cut off, food in the stomach rots, more gas is created, and the stomach lining begins to die. Pretty soon after this - which is called BLOAT - the dog will probably die. I'd say, a 95% chance of it, if the stomach lining is already dying.

OK, so I have briefly made connexions between the spectre of BLOAT, and microclotting - which is also a feature of CFS, and of post-injection, "long-COVID". I can also let you know, that there has long been a suspected link between certain conditions found in the pets of people who have CFS/FMS - and likely, GWS, and other fatigue illnesses.

Post exertional fatigue syndromes - shell-shock, aka, soldier's heart, have been around for ages. Possibly triggered by toxins, viruses, and/or shocks.

However, it is very possible that many, or most, cases of CFS, today, may have been triggered by vaccines, possibly containing adjuvants, (which overload viral stress), including graphene oxide. Alongside G.O., some form of lipid-nano-particle / spike protein could have existed. And, as we know from scientific studies, these micro-molecules can (and do) shed from one person to another. So, a dog who licks everything, as an excellent chance of contracting vaccine-caused CFS from its master, or whomever.

Except that the resultant, or corollary condition, displayed in the pet, does not express identical symptoms as expressed in human beings. In humans - more fatigue. In dogs - more gastric distress and threat of bloat. Also, increased possibility of heat exhaustion. Now, in the case of the last three dogs I have 'owned', all three of them showed the same sort of illness - the same range of symptoms. All fundamentally caused by issues created by MICROCLOTTING.

In post-injection, "long-COVID", microclots form from artificial ingredients, like G.O., hydogels, venoms, and metals like tin. Calcium encourages this formation - and growth in size - as does electrical or wifi radiation. We definitely see that G.O. self-organises and expands when exposed to such radiation. All facts. Hydrogels and lipids make the cell-cutting spike proteins, apparently protected inside microclots, attractive to oil membranes on cells in the body - so that especially means neurons. But, the spike protein per se tends to be attracted to the ACE2 receptor and to endothelial cells. That's what it was designed to do, as a bioweapon.

Now, I invite you to leave this page and go reread the post, " MICROCLOTTING - IN POST-JAB ("LONG COVID") - AND IN CFS." Which can found amongst more posts mentioning microclotting via this SEARCH. This time, when you read it, keep in mind that this post is, (between the lines), also talking about pet illnesses probably related to CFS masters, (and, we shall find one day, to post-injection "long-COVID" masters).

I should be sending this here post off to a vet or two. And possibly to the nice officer at Animal Services. Because these are beyond hypotheses. These are cutting-edge ideas, so to speak, and should be funded for research. CFS / pet studies have had funding retracted, as have so many studies of the research looking into deleterious effects of certain :vaccines." And, we know that there has indeed been pharm-med conspiracies going on, in the lucrative vaccine industrial complex, which have been, at the very least, protected by some parts of our military and intelligence agencies. But that's not what this post is about. This post is about MICROCLOTTING AS ONE POSSIBLE EXPLANATION FOR GASTRIC DISTRESS IN DOGS. Or something like that.

No one knows what actually provokes bloat, but here, I am giving one possible avenue for study. I think microclotting is an extremely important new issue in medicine, and it very well could play a role in some animal pathologies, because, why wouldn't it?

All right, so back to my dog...

I have been keeping a very close eye on my dog, and running a programme, preventing from spiralling towards bloat. For whatever reason - which could include stress from this move, or which could include not enough Opramazole, which could include interference from busybodies, which include the increasing humidity and heat - WHICH COULD INCLUDE GROWING "BLOOD-COLTS" due to stress or electro radiation - my dog's health now demands too many factors for control to be realistically sustainable, especially in the face of this stressful, upcoming move.

I feel he would not well endure the move. I feel that if I let someone else take care of him, they would fail at keeping him out of gastric distress. I feel that the time has come to let him go. During his fast-approaching visit to the vet, I will most probably seek euthanasia for him, after giving him a nice meal, and so on.

For whatever reason, I will not have the capacity to take close care of him during the upcoming time of upheavals. So, I will be attempting to make these last few days as healthy and loving as I can for him. We may share related illnesses, and I may have better understanding of why he gets disoriented, uncoordinated, foggy-minded, or etc., at times... And, we may both similarly be made ill during increased solar CMEs... His heart races after exertion, in an untoward fashion, as does mine.

I may understand him and love him more than anyone... But, the best thing to do, now, for him but also for me, is to send him off. We have been together well over a decade. And this is very sad.

OK, now, I have not even done a side-by-side comparison of symptom manifestations often shared between my dog's illness and my own CFS. But, let's make that a little addendum post later, because it's important. Any one wanting to follow up and this can just let me know, or follow my upcoming writings, esp at anti_viral. Thank you for your time. Please be sure to reread that MICROCLOTTING post, but, this time, with pets also in mind.

He is now enjoying some well-deserved sleep. In recent months, he has yelped and whimpered in his sleep, as if sensing an inevitable fate. So painful to hear. But, he has been taking many opportunities to lie out front, in the grass, just to watch the neighbourhood go by. This is somewhat palliative for him. And heart-wrenching for me.

Seeing him cogent, settled down, curious, at ease, something like happy. In these, his last days.

Well, I can say that I tried very hard. And I really did everything for him. He has been the centre of my life, for many years. He is a unique and special and spiritual being, just as worthy of respect and honour as is any human being. He is also an animal, and there has been all that to deal with, too.

Just to note: Virtually all symptoms displayed by him have had to do with his gastric distress, including getting backed-up or painfully constipated. When he walked around oddly, that was mainly gastric distress. I know this because of the inseparable correlation to gastric noises and eventually farts, and so on, involved. I also know this because #2 and #3 dumps always bring final relief of the latest symptoms. Even much of the seeming senility usually had to do with being distracted by the pain. But, there were other associated symptoms, as mentioned above.

As advised by the vet, etc., I gave him three anti-gas meds, prebiotics, probiotics, roughage, pumpkin, digestive enzymes, sometimes benadryl, low carbs, and so on. In addition to all else involved in his regimen. I have witnessed how these remedies did in fact work - how they could reduce the distress, and how this displayed as a reduction in particular symptoms. But - if stress, or such, keeps coming in, and microcloting keeps happening or even expanding, then, eventually, these remedies can and do fail.

Chronic Fatigue syndrome is well known to be an immune system disorder, in which most measures on immune activity go sky-high. Most cytokines rise to bizarrely high levels, in this illness. Clearly, these, and immunoglobulins, agitate the brain severely, as they likely to to other systems. So, microclotting is not the only thing going on. However, I suspect that the two problems do occur simultaneously. I so certain that this may be so, that only question I would have would be, "Why?"

Well, it just could be that general deprivation of oxygen, or some other factors, might also trigger a wide-scale immune overactivation - against viruses no longer present in the blood. It may be that microclots contain some protein memory of these past viruses. It may be the other way around: Maybe immune over-activation triggers the microclotting. It would be interesting to research whether post-jab "long-COVID" also exhibits a similar immune over-activation. I suspect that it most probably does. What would be more interesting to study would be whether the illnesses found in many pets of owners, (or etc.), who have CFS, (or etc.), do also significantly exhibit immune hyper-activation. Not sure if such studies have ever been funded through. But, this - plus microclotting - would be the clincher.

CFS hyperactivation of the immune system. What does that remind you of? A vaccine adjuvant?

Sustained, permanently-installed hyperactivation of the immune system. What does that remind you of? The Spike Protein!

aka, lipid-nano, containing mRNA, associated with destructive cellular actions of expansive Graphene Oxide - and associated with what else????


Just a thought.

my dogs - king, ++, health - cfs - 1

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