A few nice things, moving out of this place -

Jul 29, 2023 09:01

- No more sitting at laptop and suddenly a giant black ant runs along the top.
- No more flies and fruit-flies coming out of nowhere.
- No more garter snakes coming in through the front door.
- No more bare-naked, drum-like floor for dog to dance over all night long.
- No more initiating AGGRESSIVE, creepy neighbours.
- No more vandalism, microagressions, and so on, coming from out of the blue.
- No more exhausting mowing, shovelling - (?)
- Might get away from all this wifi and electrical radiation.
- No more damned airplanes and helicopters and cars and mowers and so on!
- Possibly move to a place with better air conditioning, cheaper utilities!
- Hopefully less population density of dense idiots and dogs.
- Who knows, maybe even a fence?!
- No more centipedes.  Hopefully.  And less spiders.
- Less chance of disease.
- Less you-know-what!
- And no more illness and financial disruption from moving in - moving out - moving in - moving out...

I should deeply miss the great turkey-birds, however.  And lunch at that Mexican place.  And a basement for storing food strategically.

moving 2023

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