Bipolar political post.

Jul 24, 2023 06:08

A little like 1984, there are only a few basic geopolitical-financial power blocks in the world.  The foremost has been the Anglo-American axis, which includes Israel.  Then the is the Germanic one.  There is Russia/axis.  There is China.  Each one includes its own blok of elite families, financial institutions, techno companies, military and political institutions, currencies, and so on.  In contradiction to the dominant Anglo-American blok, there has arisen the BRICS alliance.

BRICS includes a lot of second and third world countries.  Biden forced Russia and China together, further embedding them into BRICS.  And now France appears to be joining BRICS, even though France is also part of the WEF conspiracy, via Macron, et al.  France reminds me of Desantis.

A little while back, Ron Desantis weirdly signed a document denouncing antisemitism almost to the point of absurdity.  Something like to criticise Israel is to criticise all Jews.  And violence to any Jew is a hate crime, sort of thing.  He partly did this because so many Jews moved down to Florida from NYC.  But, it was just too weird - I knew something else was up.

And, I am pretty sure what was up was this: In the 2024 election, a war of words is going to be breaking out over Israel.  This will probably be related to Israel's role in the WEF conspiracy, including the "COVID/vaccines" bioweapon attack.  This attack has not only been perpetrated by the Anglo-American alliance, it has been meant to somewhat depopulate the West.  Because psychos are crazy.

Hate towards Jews is going to be how they package dissent over Israel's conspiratorial involvements, which include those of Harari and Netenyahoo.  The O-Biden administration also has close connexions to Iran, which will also be attacking Israel in some way, and they will want to support Iran - meaning their camp will also be hiding on the opposite side of the 2024 debate on Israel/antisemitism.  (You see, the big power bloks always play both sides of any given political campaign season.  Most candidates have sold out some degree of their souls just to avoid being taken out completely by the power that be).

Now - Desantis is doing this thing where he says some blacks benefited from slavery, and so on - a very odd move for any politician, unless something similar to above is going on.  And, only such a script would be given to a Republican, to play out, of course.  So, we've got him a little pro-Jew, and now a little anti-black.  Looks to me like he is knowingly playing into another divide-and-conquer strategy being set up by the elites.  Again.

(There had already been reports of Desantis cozying up to NWO, deep-state players.  While his popularity nonetheless plummets.  Recall that he wasn't going to make his bid until after Trump was indicted, as a sign that they would guarantee Desantis that Trump would eventually be removed form the election process entirely - at least this was a strong rumour at that time).

So, now we have this "anti-black" thing going on with him.  And what happens completely simultaneously?!  Joe Biden announces a national monument to Emmet Till.  None of this stuff is by accident.  It is all scripted out and well funded - in the billions.

OK, here's the other part of the post.  Joe Biden dementia - on steroids!...

About the first 3 minutes of this video...

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18 more minutes, if you care to watch this one...

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About 5 mins of PAST LIES AND FLUBS -

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The question is: How could America even tolerate having such a senile and lying, corrupt old pedophile as its president?  The answer is that he was bought by China, by the WEF, by the military-industrial conspiracy, by Ukraine, by the FBI-CIA deep state - by the whole Anglo-American plan to destroy the West, that's how.  That, and ELECTIONS ARE RIGGED.  We get bullshit because these are the facts.

The Biden family is a lot like some inbred hillbilly mountain family w/ no contact with reality that basically lives on weeds, drugs and indiscriminate sexual depravity.  The ultimate in supreme white superiority.

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It doesn't matter what they say or do, at this point.  They planted the balloons.  They plated the aliens.  They planted the documents.  They planted the cocaine.  They planted the naked boobs at the White House.

It's all deliberate.

They're just biding their time, until the real shit hits the fan.

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music - 1930s, biden - joe biden, +++, music - radiohead

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