First, just a note: If yu do a review, almost all whitleblowers are against Republicans and, so, probably originate from the Dems/DNC. As a rule, the only time there are whistleblowers against Democrats, is when dems whant to destroy other Dems. And, the Bidens already fit this scenario. Obama, et al, don't want Biden to run again. But this has nothing to do with the rest of this post.
My brain feels like a wet rag, squeezed and twisted very tight, to get all the water out. But this has nothing to do with the rest of this post.
So, why, when the government owns everything, does society become a psychopath?
It's because government mainly addresses blunt, black-versus-white issues, problems, needs, thinking. Like law, it does not allow much for subtleties, anywhere. No finesse. No ease of expense. No energy sense. No operational rationality. It is not the higher brain of society. Government is mainly the ego, trying to regulate the id - the limbic, reptilian, fight/flight part of the brain, with all its irrational desires, and all its irrational fears.
So, government that tries to take over management will inevitably reduce everything to these sorts of primitive common denominators - just like the brain of the psychopath, which rationalises the drives of the id. So, the rest of society tends to go along with this, and reduces itself down to lower and lower standards, or common denominators, until its all about antagonism and chaos within society.
When government actually OWNS everything, then rationality similarly leaves the system. Economic and thermodynamic rationality. If you have a bag of coal in West Virginia, set at $10 - and government says that a bag of coal in Nome, Alaska, shall also cost $10 - because of fair, ethical, planned, "equitable," outcomes, then the thermodynamics, or expense, of transporting, acquiring and using one bag versus the other bag goes completely out the window. Whereas in a free market, the bag in WV could end up costing $1 there, and the bag in Alaska could end up costing $30 there. Right?
Rationality is completely removed, and everything - including consumers - are reduced to lower and lower common denominators, expectations, etc. - outside of reason or reality. So, everybody starts fighting with each other. Paranoia increases. And so on. Conveniently, revolutionary communism thrives on violence withn society - or at least does seek to "capitalise" on it.
People get angry because individuals are also computers, and they know sense when they see it. They get pissed when sense and injustice occur, especially in relation to their own lives, needs, wants, plans, etc. Hard to plan much in a psycho society. That's why planning occurs more and more at the top, which itself ultimately fails - and the entire artificial system collapses.
This post could also be included under, "Why communism can;t work." Another reason why communism doesn't work is because it steal motivation away from people. No incentive to get ahead. Improve. Progress. Today's progressives are, all in faxt Marxists, are all about violence and disruption instead, their heads full of impossible - and CONTROLLING - abstractions. They are nascent psychopaths. They turn concepts like "progress" into the exact opposites, in reality. Shorting the system out, eventually completely. You don;t progress by tearing everything apart.
Ends before means.
A similar course is taken when government assumes more and more debt.