Born to putter.

Jul 13, 2023 11:45

My brain is just able to keep level, function enough for puttering.  Not as good as yesterday, or other days - but better than this day.  If I keep stress, exertion, thought low, and rest, on and off, I should be able to bring it up to better health/energy levels, later today.  Don't feel/foresee any sign of any crazy relapse or migraine sneaking up on me.  I need to try to make tomorrow a big day, as well.

Have audio in background - all the people dying from "mRNA vaccines".  So, post coming eventually, and another on encroaching CBDCs.  This is not my normal listening schedule, as I am pretty much tuned out, anyway.  Normally, I listen to a replay of Red-eye Radio, in the morning, merging into Chris Plante Show, followed by Alex Jones line-up.  Give or take hour/s here or there.

So, I arranged near-future-use clothes, etc., into large chest.  Tidied away various things, in living room and bathroom.  Organising slowly.  Freezer.  Threw out large beloved pillow.  Now have enough garbage to put out, but I was too late!  It can wait.  Hope to finally start on wicks, today, and get that out of way, for more packing.  And so on.

Knowing that the other person is angry,
one who remains mindful and calm
acts for one's own best interest
and for the other's interest, too.

- Saṃyutta Nikāya 1.188

moving 2023, psychology - patience, my cfs diary (2023), moving ahead, religion - buddhism

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