Here come la Sun, la Sun, la Sun, la Sun, la Sun - EMERGENCY BROADCAST !!!

Jun 23, 2023 09:14

This has to be a very de-stress day, because my brain is limping along like a centipede in a three-legged race.  Apparently, I was correct about there being a solar flare, affecting both me and my dog, recently.  The video, below, was provided by btripp, everyone's alter-ego.  I have been wanting to do a post about the problems with the sun, planetary warming, and the galactic plane, since the beginning of mad time, it seems.  Because, somethin is effed up, dudes.  And this is a big reason why the military thinks it is a good reason to reduce the population - before the damn poles shift!

image Click to view

So, now we know that, at least, xrays reach us from flares, (which would be at the speed of light, possibly slightly slower, hitting Earth about 8 mins after the eruption begins).  (Luckilly no Carrington event caused by this flare, since the actual CME ionic flux, itself, never came in our direction).  And, we also see that, pretty near the center of where these rays hit the Earth were somewhere around the central Midwest USA, where live my dog and I.  And w have also seen that there was a significant, fluttering uptick in geo-electrical activity yesterday, also with a high intensity in the upper or general Midwest.  These are probably related.  Electrical results associated, probably beyond mere correlation.

Here are those two maps, again.  (I don't know where I can find an actual map which shows an actual history of changes, going back days, weeks, etc.  So, I am not sure what times these maps my now be representing to you).

This map says you should flee to upper peninsula - (HIT PLAY)
This map says to run to the Appalachians - I guess they both do - (HIT PLAY)

(Note that an LJ friend had a weird glitch occur w/ her LJ posting at the same time as Xrays hit the planet. Xrays are now to affect computer performance or operations).

(Note: There is a possibility that the reason why the More Westerly Appalachians show up dark on these pas.  Maybe not because less electrical activity, but due to failure of measuring equipment to reach and map those hills and mountains.  However, the special spot for escaping maximum EMR, cellphone and WiFi radiation is somewhere in WV and/or VA).

Questions: How are - how can Xrays be - associated with increased geo-electrical activity on land?  Anybody have any explanation, out there?  Or maybe more than Xrays hit us - maybe electricity, (prevailing ions), directly from the sun hit us.

And there is the question of: Were my dog and I affected by Xrays, or by geomagnetic increases, by BOTH, or by something else, or in addition?  I know that ions preceding thunderstorms pass through the brain, exciting serotonin, and improving mood.  (That's why you have an ionic air-cleaner called, "The Thunderstorm").

Note: I do know that majority of cosmic and solar X-rays do not reach our plant's surface, due to shielding properties of the ionosphere. And I do know that (this is because) X-rays do cause ionic changes there. Maybe the dynamic maps above are illustrating electrical fluxes more in the ionosphere than at the surface??

Changes during our coming magnetic pole shift will causes losses in the efficacy of this shield, resulting in increased cosmic (etc.) radiation hitting the planet's surface, altering DNA and RNA to some degree. Among other consequences.

OK - so, I did want to do a post, with added text and padding by yours truly, regarding how activities on the sun, on the galactic plain, and in our geomagnetic dynamics - leading to magnetic pole shifts, (which can lead to true pole shifts), are all related.  What I am going to do, instead, is just drop those links (and more) below, and urge please do spend some time investigating all this.

However, here is very good video, describing the dangers civilisation is facing, probably by the year 2030 - meaning today.  The problem with this video is that it weirdly transforms into a commercial ad for GOD, which doesn't necessarilly make a lot of sense, especially related to the main topic.  So, that happens, I think at about a third of the way into this video.  Hopefully Google/YouTube has not (yet) taken the video down.  If not - more time doing searches...  Let's see if I can find that...

image Click to view

Great.  The event 12,000 years ago, (Gothenburg), occurred at, or near, the same time as the multi-comet impact, which but the nails on the coffins of most large mega-fauna, esp. in North America.  Are these two events - the comet and some kind of pole shift - actually the same event?  Maybe.  Probably more likely that comets, meteors, volcanic activities also increased in correlation, instead, as I have postulated in the past.  So, most such events intensified as the solar system passed through the big bad cloud again, floating on the galactic plain.  Planetary temps also increase within.  More space debris would exist in regions, or relational-areas, in memory of the same sort of transitions thereabouts in the past.

Most, but not all of the links below, follow a planned argument, or exposition of information, and associated phenomena.  By following them in sequence, you can make your own connexions.  However, some links are extraneous to this unfolding argument, too, especially the latter one, I think?  But, there are good ones neared the end, as well.  Here they are...

(Begins with expanded info v-a-v second video (stuff) above.

Earth Disaster is Coming | The Great Impact (Video) | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary

Strange unprecedented vortex appears around the sun's pole | Space

We Might Have Finally Figured Out The Mysterious Force That Controls The Sun's Magnetic Field : ScienceAlert

Researchers find that the sun's magnetic field is ten times stronger than previously believed

New theoretical model accounts for sun's rotation and magnetic field

Model for plasma flow on the Sun reveals secrets behind sunspots and other solar phenomena -

2013: The Sun's Magnetic Field is about to Flip | NASA

The Sun's Magnetic Poles Have Flipped...Solar Max is Here! - The Sun Today with Dr. C. Alex Young

2020: Yes, a Solar Minimum Is Coming. No, It's Not Going to Mess Up The World : ScienceAlert

NASA Warn That Earth Is Soon Going To Experience A Full Pole Shift - News Punch

Video: Hidden Magnetic Portals Around Earth - YouTube

The Earth’s Core is Reversing Its Spin! Should We Worry? - YouTube

Earth's Core Didn't Stop Spinning. Here's What's Happening. - YouTube

No, Earth’s Inner Core Is Not Reversing The Direction Of Its Spin

Terrawatch: why has the Earth’s spinning inner core slowed down? | Science | The Guardian

Earth’s inner core may be reversing its rotation

Is Earth's Magnetic Field Flipping Soon? | Space

Magnetic North Pole Could Flip in March 2023 - Pole Shift - Magnetic R - Higher Freequency

Is the DOD Unprepared for Earth’s Magnetic Pole Shift? - Liberty Nation

Volcanoes and Pole Shifts: A 1997 prophecy says the world will end when cities begin to close • Soul:Ask | Unlock your mind and soul

Tectonic Plate pressure heading to West Coast? - YouTube

The Very Real Pole-Shift. |

Safe zone for when pole shift happens - LiveTray

Russian Pundit's Idea of Nuking Yellowstone Volcano Wouldn't Work

NASA | Solar Wind Strips Martian Atmosphere - YouTube

1859 Carrington-Class Solar Storm Pummeled Earth's Magnetic Field | Video - YouTube

Could Solar Storms Destroy Civilization? Solar Flares & Coronal Mass Ejections Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell 13M views 2 years ago

Galactic Superwave Risk Just Got Real - YouTube

What Milankovitch Cycles Will Do To Earth - YouTube

Video CAPTURES Miraculous Vision REVEALING God's LAST Message

Superflare Sun Event, Why Homes are Exploding, Blizzard | S0 News Mar.14.2023 - YouTube

A Powerful Solar Eruption on Far Side of Sun Still Impacted Earth

The Sun Is Suddenly Spitting ‘X-Class’ Flares At Us. Why It’s Happening ...

Severe Geomagnetic Storm: March 23-24, 2023 |

Northern lights spotted in Arizona AZFamily | Arizona News 55K views 2 days ago New

NASA Just Dropped Some BAD NEWS About The San Andreas Fault! - YouTube

Severe solar storm hits Earth, strongest in last 6 years: Report - IBTimes India

Watch Exploding Sun S1:E1 - Part One online free - Crackle

NASA Reveals The Sun Could Destroy Earth In 2025! - YouTube

Earth Disaster is Coming | ALL The Evidence - YouTube

Solar, and Earth geomagnetic, activity and unpredictability have been, and are, rising sharply.

It is possible that governments may know that this, and stress, maybe injury your graphene-oxide-infiltrated head even ore than WiFi or cellphone radiation. As this likely catastrophe unfolds, all systems will be affected, changed and harmed. We are looking at a civilisation near-extinction event, here. As foretold at Fatima. And elsewhere.

The health, mood or psychology of you, or people around you, maybe have been warped by what has just occurred from the sun.

space - solar - and see geological, geological - earth changes, space - solar flares, +++, geo/ climate - younger dryas

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