Less probs w/ brain, cogn, wooziness, vertigo, fatigue, etc., this morning. Yesterday does prove that this supplement can do nothing to stop the fundamental nature of CFS, which is to destroy you if you take a walk, or undergo any kind of exertion or stress,, (including talking, or trying to think). Because yesterday was not just the result of trying to force myself, that morning. It was more the result of having gone to the DMV the day before, w/ all that talking, and then having to walk back - esp. force myself to walk back, some of the way home. So, there's no getting around that.
But, in between relapses and set-backs, I do feel the supplement gradually making its way into the brain-stem, and other deep, nether regions. My dog gets very thirsty, too early, because of his supplement. But, that may be helping tighten up his food. For the next while, he'll be getting a TL of one supplement per morning, and I two. Then taper down, after that, to 1/2 for him, and one for me. Then stop for a while until the next round, whenever that might seem necessary.
I haven;t found anything online yet, but I am pretty sure this supplement helps
decalcify the pineal gland, home of sleep-cycles, decision-making, and psychic insights. A major reason why people's pineals are being destroyed is that the fluoride in drinking water is to blame. And this is not true fluoride, it is a related chemical waste product from industry, being DUMPED, rationalised as a way to save our teeth. Which is BS. Here are some things understood to help decalcify the pineal...
1. Organic Blue Ice Skate Fish Oil - I do fish oil
2. MSM - Haven't done this in a while but related compounds in broccoli.
3. Raw Chocolate - Mine is sometimes boiled in the mocha and cocoa.
4. Citric Acid - Bad for CFS (ATP cycle issues)
5. Garlic - I am constantly doing garlic!
6. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar - Not lately. Recently ended doing Kombucha.
7. Oregano oil and Neem extract - Would be nice.
8. Activator X (Vitamin K1/K2) - No.
9. Boron - Just happened to star doing boron for nuclear war, also fights inflammation.
10. Melatonin - yes, but not sure how that can help decalcify - by substituting the melatonin the pineal makes?!
11. Iodine - Every day. Also believed to stop nuclear war, lol.
12. Tamarind - Nope.
13. Distilled Water - No, but alkaline water, yes. I use bicarb a lot. Which also fights parasites and cancer.
14. Nigella Sativa (the black seed) - No. Said to be amazing for lymph system.
15. Zeolite - Stopped diatomaceous earth long time ago, ?
16. Chaga Mushroom - Nope. Stopped buying mushrooms.
17. Yoga - Meditation always necessary for CFS.
Note: Strontium can replace some calcium in the body, and can also help block radioactive strontium, found in nuclear fallout.
I do feel that CFS, (and possibly China), have been trying to rapidly increase the calcification of my pineal). (mRNA injections would do the same thing).