Jun 12, 2023 21:00

I must be concerned about the devastating effects of climate change, because I have had a significant community, for years, on LJ, called, w_a_r_m_i_n_g.  So, I am no redneck spring chicken, or even a robot chicken, and not yet even a broiled chicken.  I don't really run around screaming that the chris sky is falling, I am not everywhere everywhere, and you cannot eat me from a bucket.  I only want to find out the truth and do what is right.  I am not necessarilly nice, I am GOOD.

Nevertheless, although I have been concerned about global warming for years, I do understand that a change in the position of our solar system within the galaxy is increasing warming for all of our planets, (which occurs at regular intervals).  This does mean that the silly human race, who likes to get more crazy whenever it heats up, is not also contributing to global warming, through industry, farting and bad jokes.  Only fundamentalists think there is only ONE cause of anything.

More importantly, I do see that - AS IS THE NATURE OF NARCOPATHS - the cause of anti-climate-change activism, and environmental concern, is being hijacked by a massive cabal - conspiracy - of globalist elites, who want to control you so much that they will only be happy when they see you cremated and scattered over NYC.  And, even after that, they will continued to be tortured by their bad dreams, featuring you and me, that they will feel COMPULSED to burn the planet down until nothing is left of it but expired and lost visions of apocalypse.  They have been trying to hijack every other cause, with the intention of controlling you out of your, and their, existence.  Thing of some good cause, and they are hijacking it.  LGBT.  Green cities.  Animal rights.  Feminism.  Privacy.  Internet.  Government.  Money.  Blood cells.

They create create and fear, so that you run to them, abandoning your own control and power, like socked horses running back into the very barn that is on fire. These people do not give one shit about the environment - they are deliberately destroying it.

There is a concerted RAID UPON HUMANITY occurring, and we need to muster against it, WITHOUT SHAME OR AMBIVALENCE.  Or LIES and SELF-Deceptions and DENIAL.  We seriously need to empower each other, and each other's humanity, because BRASS TACKS IS NOW.

30 Tons of Explosive Chemical Disappears From Freight Train - The Messenger

CANADIAN FIRE FALSE FLAG! - They're Prepping Us For CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS! - What's IN The Smoke?

A Dream, 2020, by the one they call Mad...

...there was a dream about being out in the woods, which were full of wild hogs.  Big ones.  People had to jump 15 feet into the trees to get away from them.  At other times, they seemed to just want to run about on their own, not harming anyone.

However, one Winnie-the-Pooh-type person or bear jumped out of the way of a wild hog and became lodged in a large crevice in the bark of a tree-trunk.  Somehow, he managed to catch fire.  There was a voice-obver, telling of the event.  Including the voice of the Pooh on fire - so I knew he would survive.

But how could that be possible?  He was so engulfed that his charcoal body was merging with the tree.  it was awful.  But then his body fell out of the tree, and lay on the ground.  You could see most of his fur and skin had been burnt away.  But he had not felt pain, because he had been unconscious all the time.  And apparently, he would improve over time.  Just, how?!

I don't know why I had this dream.  At around 2:am, I went to my LJ, and saw a post by an LJ friend.  It was the 25th anniversary of her mother being lost in a fire.  She, herself, had been burnt on 85% of her body.  So, there another one of my dreams.  Pretty sad.  I remember the story of a little boy who kept saying that he was a woman in a former life.  He said he was a woman who wished she was a man, and she had died in a fire.  She died, jumping out a window. So, now she was a little boy, in a way.  These sorts of things happen.

The parents checked news records and found the story was true.

All Of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted In Flames

Climate Lockdowns Are Here But What Caused The Fires? Press For Truth Delves “Into The Fire”

Start listening to Canadian, CHRIS SKY, at about 50 mins into the Alex Jones Show...
chris sky for change . com

Arson Driven Wildfires Being Used As Catalyst For Canadian FEMA

I discuss specific wildfires, (California, Australia), and wildfires and in general, in w_a_r_m_i_n_g.  The fires in California and Australia were preceded by bad underbush management.  I also discuss forest fires, and related heatwaves, in this journal.  If you need to know more about the conspiracy behind the deliberate setting of fires, look up, "What is the WEF," and also the military and corporate conspiracy behind the release of the COVID / injection bioweaons and related.

"Artificial Feudalism."

sky - chris sky, cities - toronto ontario canada, countries - canada, +++

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